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For those of you who don't know, I was in a car accident on Monday that totaled my car. It also means my back is killing me. It's hard for me to sit still for any length of time and that makes posting difficult, too. I'll try to stop in as much as I can, but I can't make too many promises.


For those RP's I have open, keep your eye on them. I'll try to hit one each time I login because I don't want ya'll to get irritated waiting on me!


Here's hoping I get good drugs at the ER tomorrow and can sit up longer than I'm able to do right now!


LORSYPOO!!!! *snuggles* I HOPE YOU'RE OK!!!!! Oh gawd... it sounds quite serious...


Much positive thoughts and prayers to you, love. I'd do naughty things to you but I think they might not be good for your back.


*snuggles more*


Holy crap  :o


Lor, I'm so sorry about what happened! Hope you're going to be ok, hon *hugs very very gently*


Just toss me a PM if there's anything you want me to do, ok?


Thanks, ya'll! The Dr. said I had a Muscle Strain, but nothing horribly scary. Just mostly painful. That massage must've worked, Kara! *grins* where were you when I needed that this week? *pokes*


I've got lots of good news!


1- I did get really good drugs at the ER. So good in fact that I slept for most of last week. LOL


2- I have been drug free for 3 DAYS! Go me! I did a lot of walking today and so it's tensing up a bit, but that's ok! I'm not taking any more meds!


3- I tried to update everything this week and if you've posted since I have, I will be back tomorrow evening for my usual nightly round of creative blah-blah. *grins*


4- *eyes Boopsie and grins* c'mere you...


Ummm... the Green Sedai has summoned me. I must go to her like an obedient lil Novice that I am.







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