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Who will live/die in TOM and AMOL (spoilers, just to be safe)


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I tried searching for a topic like this, and couldn't find it, so if one does exist, just ignore this.


The title pretty much says it all.  Who do you think/hope/expect to die in the last two books?


As much as I want her to, I don't expect Elayne to die, since Aviendha says that she will have sister-wives, as in, more than one.


However, out of the 3 really loyal Asha'man (Flinn, Narishma, and Logain), I only expect one to survive.  If someone else does, only one can be M'Hael, and how will that be decided?  My money's on Narishma surviving (he will "follow after", whatever that means, after all)


I always hope that Gawyn will be brutally killed.  He hasn't been right in the head since Mat fought him.  Maybe he took to hard of a blow to the head...

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I could go for a dead Elayne as well.  Toss in a dead Egwene and a dead Faile, along with a living Moiraine, and it might be the best book in the series.


I'm sure may of the AS will be dying, though maybe not too many around Rand as much as the ones dealing with the BT, unless Rand goes to help in the fight.  But, I will make the guess that Alanna will finally bite the dust.  Really, it'd be about time, and just Rand's luck.


Out of the guys?  I don't know if Gawyn will be killed by Rand, but that would sure as heck let Rand know the amyrlin's anger, lol.  Lan will probably not die until the last book if he is going to, which leaves Black Tower guys and Mat's group in the "important" arcs.


So... Noal might die, but that's not very important. Thom probably won't. Olver? I could see it.  As much as I don't want to, I'd have to agree that one/some of the loyal asha'man will die.  Narishma seems important, and Logain will know glory, so unless Logain finds his glory and dies, poor Flinn will be going down.  I hope not. He's probably my favorite of the bunch.


Perrin's bunch?  No idea.  Doesn't seem likely that Galad or Perrin would, but maybe Elyas or some of the Two Rivers men could kick the bucket.


And the Aiel?  Where are the darkfriend wise ones and clan chiefs?  something big should go down.  Maybe Rhuarc.  That'd suck.


Bad guys? Don't care. Lots of them, hopefully :)


Really, I'd like to see the deaths start to "pile up." They've been a bit too sparse for 12 books of the world coming close to an end for my liking.


i have a hunch that Noal wont be coming out of the ToG alive


I too think Noal is going to be toast. He's expressed remorse about things from his/Jain's past (I think he's actually Jain Farstrider) and I'm hoping then that maybe he'll do something in the ToG that will involve him dying to help the others escape - and maybe a deathbed reveal of who he really was. Could make for a nice little redemption scene.


I'm also running a poll on this topic on my blog right now, and Cadsuane is second only to Taim at the moment for number of people who think she'll die. I'm not sure if this is because people actually think she's going to die, or if it's just because they don't like her. I personally think she will die though, just because it would be good writing since it would have this way of having her redeemed in Rand's eyes (if she goes out cool) and also because I see no future for her after the story is over - it just seems likely from a literary standpoint.


Interestingly, every single character I've listed in that poll (which can be found here http://telaranrhiod-awheeloftimeblog.blogspot.com/) has gotten at least one vote - Mat and Tuon included, and I thought it was pretty clear they'll make it just because of the talk of outrigger novels.


I'm willing to bet Slayer is going to be dead before the end of the series. Correct me if I'm wrong, but his current mission is to track down Fain, right? And since Fain seems like he's going to play a huge role in the finale, I don't see Slayer succeeding at all. And the possibility of Perrin getting the killing blow on him is also there as well.


All the main guys's girls will probably survive TG, as well as all the girls' lovers.


From a literary standpoint, that is both the safe, and cowardly way to go. An author should challenge their readers. Just because a character is towards the forefront of the story doesn't mean they should be safe. If all of the main characters come out alive I'll be dissapointed. I don't want to see any of them gone, don't get me wrong. The idea of everyone coming out though.... breaks the bounds of my ability to suspend belief.


All the main guys's girls will probably survive TG, as well as all the girls' lovers.


I can actually agree with this statement, but not if you think all of the main characters will survive. Their significant others might, but not all of them will.


Perrin's struggle to remain who he is while understanding and being resigned to his responsibility to Rand would have a fitting tragic end with his death. Bashere will probably die before the end too.


Perrin's struggle to remain who he is while understanding and being resigned to his responsibility to Rand would have a fitting tragic end with his death. Bashere will probably die before the end too.

Yes I can believe that for Perrin. and even moreso for Bashere and perhaps Bryne.




All the main guys's girls will probably survive TG, as well as all the girls' lovers.


From a literary standpoint, that is both the safe, and cowardly way to go. An author should challenge their readers. Just because a character is towards the forefront of the story doesn't mean they should be safe. If all of the main characters come out alive I'll be dissapointed. I don't want to see any of them gone, don't get me wrong. The idea of everyone coming out though.... breaks the bounds of my ability to suspend belief.

I agree. It's also kind of a plot issue. All 3 boys will ba safe and sound at TG and should be instrumental for the DO's downfall. (else I WILL be disapointed). If they survive TG, it's not unreasonable to think their lovers also will, with the possible exception of Perrin.

As for Nyneave, it's hard to say. Lan has set himself on a deadly course for the past 20 years. He more than most deserves a happy ending.


I'm willing to bet Slayer is going to be dead before the end of the series. Correct me if I'm wrong, but his current mission is to track down Fain, right? And since Fain seems like he's going to play a huge role in the finale, I don't see Slayer succeeding at all. And the possibility of Perrin getting the killing blow on him is also there as well.


Slayer will probably be toast, seeing as he's a bad guy and all, but I'm not so sure he'll fail. Remember, Gitara sent him (Luc) into the Blight due to a Foretelling. He'd have to do something right before being knocked off and I don't think he's done anything for the Light so far.

I could go for a dead Elayne as well.  Toss in a dead Egwene and a dead Faile, along with a living Moiraine, and it might be the best book in the series.


Yeah baby yeah!


i have a hunch that Noal wont be coming out of the ToG alive


I agree, I think Isam will show up, Noal will identify him as a Darkfriend, they fight, Isam kills Noal and flees while Mat and Thom are busy cheating snakes and foxes.


I openly admit that I would want the happy ending. I have been expecting Gawain and Egwene to have the happy ending since she saw him heading for either an early death or a long life surrounded by family at deathbed.  I realize that he could still die but I figured that as of TGS he is now on the road to the longlife ending.  I think Nynaeve and Lan will get a shot at restoring Malkier due to her trip in the rings.  I would hate for Rhuarc to die. I have been afraid he would die since early days. I can see that it is stretching things to have everyone have that happy ending. Not just the 3 ta'veran (sp?) and Egwene but Morgase and Tallanvor. Moraine and Thom. We have had a number of  2nd tier characters die or 3rd tier anyway.


All I know is that if Min dies, I'll be PISSED as hell. Egwe should die so she actually becomes a legend and so does Caddy. Moiraine should be Amerlyn with Thom as warder :D (ok, maybe too out there).


Thalmanes (sp) should live and so should Derek (sp) and become new Great Capitans replacing Bashere and Bryne.


Elayne HAS to go and Bergita should be "mother" for the children. Oh, and one more thing, Asmo needs to be resurrected :)


Or not....


i have a hunch that Noal wont be coming out of the ToG alive


I too think Noal is going to be toast. He's expressed remorse about things from his/Jain's past (I think he's actually Jain Farstrider) and I'm hoping then that maybe he'll do something in the ToG that will involve him dying to help the others escape - and maybe a deathbed reveal of who he really was. Could make for a nice little redemption scene.


Agreed on Noal, he seems to be in the series at this point for the singular purpose of redemption in getting the party in (and out) of Ghenjei.  I also think Cadsuane will not survive TG, unless she plans on living for millenia.  I think Elyas, sadly will not make it-'tis a shame, because I really like his character.


Ghoul Pool:


All these will die at least once.


Fain, Min, Rand, Taim, Birgitte, Siuan, Lan, Nynaeve, Bela, Hopper.


I'm pretty sure Fain would rock Slayer's world...not even a contest.


I don't know about that. They're both hybrids. One's Aridhol-powered. One's DO-powered. They seem evenly matched to me, though Fain certainly seems more dangerous while Slayer comes across as a buffoon. Thematically, this works as a parallel to the wound in Rand's side.


Sadly i'm pretty sure that Lan is going to bite it. Min has a viewing of Nynaeve in grief on somebody's grave, so I think that he is going to leave her pregnant with an infant child with the sword of malkier kings to rebuild the seven towers.


Other important people who dies? im pretty sure that Cadsuane, Elyas and Bashere all are going to die.


I don't think any of the Ta'veren are going to die, but if it happens I think it will be Rand. It would be a fitting end for him to realise why he should choose to sacrifice himself (as of in VoG -> "why do we fight") and then actually die, saving everybody he loves, and knowing that this is why he dies.


I'm afraid that Tam will die, but can't really se how.


I agree with Noal/Jain ending up dead/ unable to escape the ToG -> maybe facilitating Mat, Thom and Moiraines escape, giving him his redemption (as with the darkfriend shieneran (can't remember his name) in The Great Hunt)


Ghoul Pool:


All these will die at least once.


Fain, Min, Rand, Taim, Birgitte, Siuan, Lan, Nynaeve, Bela, Hopper.


If Nynaeve dies, it will tear me apart.


Bela forever.


Min, yes please. Rand yes PLEASE! But only if he comes back before the end


I'm pretty sure Fain would rock Slayer's world...not even a contest.


I don't know about that. They're both hybrids. One's Aridhol-powered. One's DO-powered. They seem evenly matched to me, though Fain certainly seems more dangerous while Slayer comes across as a buffoon. Thematically, this works as a parallel to the wound in Rand's side.


Could someone please get them to shake hands - then they might just annihilate each other  :D


Noal/Jain staying in the ToG.. Maybe he'll go off and explore Finnland, and write a book about it. A sequel to his 'Travels', maybe.



As for a happy ending being the cowards way out, I say to a certian extent but to each his or her own.  Anyway I see the end like LoTR where most everyone lives but they're changed forever.  Rand will at least temporarily die, don't ask me how, Mat will survive(minus an eye) though he may be less jovial because of his experiences.  I could see Perrin going either way; Elayne, Min, Avienda, Fortuona and Faile will all make it, as unfortunately will Egwene.  I really hope Gawyn dies horribly but unfortunately he'll probably live and his brother die.  I think Lan like Theoden will die but go out with a bang; Nyneave will like, hopefully destroy the Oath Rod and generally deflate Egwene's head.  Like the Elves, I see Loial and the Ogier leaving because it is the dominion of men.  I don't think all the bad guys will die, I believe that's one of the threads that won't be completely tied.


So, I think everyone will be satisfied.  Now the end of Deathly Hallows that was a cowards way out; all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil it.


But as a supporter of the happy ending (What is equivalent of OBHWF?) I want Galad and Berelain to survive in marital disharmony along with the other couples  ;)

I would not be surprised to see the Ogier leave for another plane (Portal Stones,Ways etc) but think that the ending is more a return to an AOL paradise prior to discovery of the DO....


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