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Where does your mind start to wander?


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I just thought of this:


Everytime I read a WoT book and come to certain parts my mind falls asleep. These parts are all connected to Morgase. Where are your snooze parts, if you have any?


Those Aes Sedai characters you get a PoV from but you cant remember who the hell she is because theres that many Aes Sedai "extras" that half of their names bring me no image or idea of which group theyre with.


I don't really have a problem with characters, but there was that section of plot whilst Nynaeve and Elayne were trying to get to Salidar that I just can't get into.


perrins chapters

On rereads I skip them sometimes I really just dont like them


I like Perrin's two rivers section.


The Faile/perrin/Aiel plotline is mega boring until the seanchan rock up and get some action going.



The parts of each book where various plot elements are re-explained. I get that it's required so the book would work as a stand-alone novel, but it sounds like what it is when reading it. Not really part of the story, just something to fill in the gaps for the new reader.


Yes. Saidin, Saidar, the Wheel, the forsaken for example.. They are all re-explained every single book, written in a way that implies the reader doesn't know about them yet. It's meant to keep the reader from being clueless if they just picked up a book from the middle of the series.


I'll add most of the Perrin sections and also the Shaido stuff. They are just idiots.


Now, for one mega powerful scene which makes me feel good when I read:

In The Great Hunt towards the end when THom has met and talked to Rand at Lord Barthanes' party and then comes back home to his room at an inn. The vengeance-scenario is just super nice. ;)


Perrin is still one of my favourite characters.  But now its more of a love/hate relationship.


He's great, his wife can die in a fire.  I wouldn't even mind Faile so much if RJ hadn't made her a .. c word.    The way he treats her in their relationship just ticks me off.


Any section that deals with WT or Andor politics.  


i second this. in all of my rereads, i just skip over these parts. i mean... heres a good summary of what elayne's life is like...


Elayne: curse rand al'thor for having sex with me! it is not my fault for seducing him. curse him for being a man! i love him! i need a bath. i am pregnant!


Elayne: dylin! go win more nobles support for the throne while i pout and have baths and complain about being pregnant. I am pregnant!


Elayne: did i mention i am pregnant!




here is a look into the life of a former salidar aes sedai


SAS: sneaky sneaky... plant seeds of rebellion and doubt.. we are so smart! elida is bad! we will only use our massive army to make them THINK we will attack them!!  we will!


[Removed. Spoilers].


everybody that is left: well that works out nicely then!



i also hate luca's circus.


Yes. Saidin, Saidar, the Wheel, the forsaken for example.. They are all re-explained every single book, written in a way that implies the reader doesn't know about them yet. It's meant to keep the reader from being clueless if they just picked up a book from the middle of the series.


Agreed. Tel'aran'rhiod, the power, the differences betweed ter'angreal, sa'angreal and all that, ta'veren, it is all explained again and again. Kind of stupid. Even if Jordan wanted to explain for new readers, whoever starts reading in the middle of a 12+ book series and expects to have everything explained to them?


Pretty much all chapters about Nynaeve and Elayne bored me to tears except when they got owned by Liandrin and Nynaeve's encounters with Moghedien.


Perrin, Fail(iur)e, and the Shaido were also incrediby boring. The fact that Jordan never even mentions the possibility of sending in an Asha'man undercover to open a gateway for Faile is really silly. Stupid.


The whole Salidar plotline also felt really dull. Blankets and pots flying around in the night while childish women try to blackmail each other? Please.


My mind never wan...oooh, something shiny.....ders from what I'm...oh, look - a squirrel. Isn't it cute?... reading or doing.


The Shaido Aiel/ Sevanna.



Also I can only here that Sevanna will marry Rand against his will and chain him up so many times before I go crazy.


Book 10. There is no physical conflict whatsoever. 0 fight scenes. Oh, Hanlon stabs someone, but there's no mortal danger for any main character. Except for weevils.


From an author's viewpoint, I understand that RJ was trying to keep the chronology together for all of his various plotlines, but in this case, it edged them all out of book 10 and into book 11, which is already better (I'm rereading all of them aloud with my wife).


Perrin when he's confused about his Berelain/Faile situation, and later some of his single-minded Faile seeking mentality.  The rescue took... forever.  Elayne in CoT.  The Elenia PoV's after she's stuck in the rebel camps outside Caemlyn.  Nyneave and Elayne slogging their way from Tanchico to Salidar (other than Birgitte related parts). 


To quote 'Book a Minute's' summary of TFOH:  "(A female character SNIFFS and thinks about her NECKLINE.)"


I do not remember whether or not I 'dosed off' during my first time though the series, but I imagine I have.

Do not remember the scenes where I have.



basically all of elaynes recent scenes have bored me to tears i was so happy she wasnt in TGS lol and also i really liked Perrin up until after his two rivers part then i dreaded coming to one of his PoV's because they just sucked donkey balls all because of bloody Faile Zarine Mandarb ("that horse over there, his name is Mandarb), lol whatever she wants to be called i really hope she gets offed in ToM or aMoL then Perrin can be interesting again


During the first read I didn't doze off until CoT where I stopped reading the series for a couple of years. The prologue was a smidge too long and also introduced someone new and I had my head full already, full of the characters that are introduced in the first nine books... ;)


I see that many of us have similar places where we go wandering during The Read. Faile/Perrin Elayne/Morgase Salidar/WT. That is interesting. Maybe it has to do with us wanting to advance in the story. Much of what happens to the mentioned WoT characters don't seem move the story onwards, at least not visibly so. Perrin wastes a lot of space going after Faile. Morgase is just waste of space. Salidar is interesting but some find it slow and pointless.


I rather like the Salidar part. Here the exiled Blues and others have "escaped" the White Tower but instantly they set about to re-create it without changing anything fundamental. Then Egwene comes along and does something radical. She has a vision and a mind to actually try to make it real. The way I would like for us RL humans to act but find that we very seldom do. "We know what we want because we want what we know" - change is hard. ;) Anyway...


Perhaps the dozing off comes after the first read of the series. I can't remember when I started to skip parts but it wasn't during my first read.


Perrin v.s. Shaido "will get my wife back" plot  ;D also i didnt like BoW too, if there wasnt any Mat, it would be too boring to read. and Elayne's "throne progress" plot was dull


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