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Are There Any Characters That You Couldn't Stand Early But Now Like a Whole Lot?

The Fisher King

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For me, early on, Aviehnda and Egwene and (*Gasp*) Mat are three examples of characters that really grated on my nerves quite badly early on.


Now I have great affection for all 3. Egwene's arc in TGS blew me away.

I also greatly enjoyed the rare Avi Pov we got in TGS.


I think I was one of the rare blokes that liked Nynaeve from Day One but my deep esteem for her has done nothing but grow. I LOVE that woman lol!!!


I fall in and out of love with Elayne all the time. I wonder if we are supposed to because of the character's (or its probably just mine lol!) immaturity? Times I am sooo proud of her and other times I want to throttle her.


Rodel Ilturade and Davram Bashere I warmed up pretty quickly to but Davram has been pretty stagnant lately and Rodel is the new IT Guy.


So, I guess with Pedron gone (RIP), we have 4 of The Old Great Captains but with Mat we have 5 again anyway. I liked Pedron alot.


I liked Dyelin from get go and I liked Darlin alot from get go as well.


What is that one lady's name that Darlin likes that makes Rand think about Moiraine?


Anyway, sorry...Im talking now about characters that Ive always liked when Im really interested in characters we did not like early on and then came to gradually like more later on.


Cenn Buie may be another example of this for me. Gotta love Cenn LOL!!!




Ive also liked Nynaeve from day one, she makes me laugh all the way through her dvelopment but shes not over-the-top, yet she manages to stay true to herself the entire way through. Shes my second favorite female in Wheel of Time.


Moiraine, I didnt like at first. She felt like the bad guy a bit when I first read the books, up until she started going out of her way to make Rand trust her. Thats when I changed my mind, and I like how we got to see exactly how determined she was when we learned that she knew the future etc. So yeah, wasnt keen at first, now she is my favorite female Wheel of Timer.


What is that one lady's name that Darlin likes that makes Rand think about Moiraine?


Is it Caterine? Pretty sure it begins with C. I know who you mean though, she calls Rand her cousin as part of his disguise but Im pretty sure they really are related. IIRC thats where he finds out who his mum was.


Yeah, I think you nailed it!!! Caterine Damodred, Moiraine Sedai's sister, who Darlin seemed to like quite a bit for a time and who seemed to always make Al Thor think about Moir.



Nynaeve is just sooo full of heart. I fell early for her...I think it was in the chapter where they all get back togoether (the first time of many lol) after Winternight. Was it in Baelron that this happened? Nynaeve tracking them all down to protect her fellow Emond's Fielder's and also her instant desire to try to Heal and take care of Mat...all that just made me love her right then and there on the spot.



Drekka, I also found Moiraine Sedai a bit...off...early on and, like you, warmed up to her pretty quickly after that. For me, she did not give off an 'Evil' Vibe though...but she DID come off as very very Cold to me early on.





No I didnt think she was evil, just that she was controlling them for her own paranoia about Ta'veren being used by the bad guys, but she dispelled that early enough. Lan was always awesome.


Cadsuanes another one. At first I really wanted Rand to put her in her place, then I liked how they interact for ages, but then... meh.


I just can NOT make up my mind about how I feel about Cadusane sedai in TGS.

I DO know that I loved every single bit of Cadusane Pre-TGS. One of My Faves.

In TGS, I think I love her AND hate her lol!!!





Early on, I didn't like Mat because of how much he whined (and becaseu he was a jerk to Rand in tGH), but now he's one of my favorites.


I liked Moraine from the get-go, New Spring made me love her more.


I too, am on and off with Elayne.


Min was another who I hated early on, now though she's a lot more tolerable, I still don't like her much though.


I didn't really like Suian until she got stilled.


I'm in the same boat as Drekka regarding Cadsuane


Caroline Damodred, Moiraine's cousin wouldn't be related by blood to Rand but through Tigraine's marriage to Galad's father.


I actually didn't like Lanfear in the original incarnation just because of how foolish she was especially considering her experience, she belongs on Moridin's leash.


J-Rad...Mat, I must agree, tended to grate on the nerves most of the first two books...I always sorta looked at Book 3 as ''Mat's Debut'' - at least the Mat that I feel like is the ''real'' Mat that I now know and love, rascal that he is lol.


Siuan...You know what? I always liked her stories about her uncle lol. :)


KK...Lanfear in her first book (Book 2) as ''Seline'' was a bit too much of a Halima or Berealain-Type (not that theres anything wrong with THAT, trust me lol!!!)...But, in Book 3, I really did enjoy the sorta subtle form of BAD-A$$ERY it took to just sorta stroll though The White Tower unnoticed whenever she wanted lol.


That was another fine example of what they like to call around here ***TOTAL-OWNAGE*** LOL.


I am not impressed by Cyndane.





Mat was annoying during the first few books.  So was Egwene, but then again, I still don't like her very much.


Nynaeve is the prime example, for me, of a character I didn't like for quite a while-all the way up to Lord of Chaos, maybe beyond-but I've really come to appreciate her.  She's one of my favorites in the entire series now, a truly well-developed one.  She manages to be complicated and simple at the same time, and that says everything you need to know.


I especially enjoy the point of view Nynaeve has given us later on in the series in relation to the little boy she helped raise.  It was great to see her reaction to Rand professing his love to three women and their responses not to mention when she finally realized how dangerous he actually was.  That moment when she notices Lan and Rand sizing each other up, ready to do whatever needs to be done regardless of personal friendships or feelings is reason enough to get some bits from her point of view. 


Egwene and Mat. Nuff said.


Lol, but seriously, I definitely agree, Egwene and Mat are much cooler now that Egwene doesn't b!tch about basically everything, and Mat doesn't whine all the time. And Galad, actually. He is so much more interesting now that his character has some depth besides the "he always does the right thing" bit. He seems much more human and reachable, if that makes sense.


I can't decide how I feel about Gawyn, because his character switches so much. In the first book all we really saw was the protective older brother and trying-to-be-obedient son. Then he turns out to be a crazy guy who believes anything the general populace decides to spread around that day (even though, since he grew up in a political house, you'd think he would know better). And then the woman he loves tells him directly that Rand did not kill his mother and he just thinks she's being controlled (which I feel like he should also know better). And then the last book boosted my opinion of him a little. So I'm not really sure about him. Any helpful incites anyone?


On the other hand, I used to like Perrin, and now I really hate reading anything that has anything do with him. Him and Faile, who is crazy, just throwing that out there... I also liked Aviendha better when she was first introduced, now she's become too whiny. I'm hoping that stops after TGS (which I'm guessing it will for reasons I can not say without spoilers :-P ), so I can start liking her again.


And I just generally hate Elayne all-around. I liked her in the first book, and then maybe the beginning of the fourth, but my love for her ended there. Now I hate her about as much as everyone else hated Egwene in the beginning.




Good points about Gawyn, his responses to situations and interactions with some other characters don't seem to fit with the attributes of his original character.  For instance in Eye of the World he seemed to understand the idea of having Elaida around but he certainly didn't seem to like her or approve of her outlook on the world.  Then during the Tower split he sides with her rebelling against the teachers he respected so much.  He continues this type of behavior with Gareth Bryne later on but turning against a respected teacher and mentor doesn't seem to fit with Sword Prince of Andor we originally saw. 


Elayne and the others possibly being in danger could be one fair explanation but how many times does he have to be reminded that most of their problems come from them being foolish enough to think women who can channel are untouchable.  But Gawyn is also noble, maybe he thinks any problems surrounding his sister must have been caused by a person of lesser social status.  Although I have to mention I have never got the impression that Gawyn is your average, nose in the air noble.


I guess Gawyn should have been practicing on how to be insightful rather than how to use a sword.



Hm, Mat took a few books for me to like. :)

Gawyn seemed like such a good guy up until he went crazy. I really did like his character. Now-- as Kaptain said-- he just seems.... off balance with how he is supposed to be.

But as I re-read the series (now that I'm older and wiser, *cough*) my opinions of others are changing... I like Moiraine and Egwene less, Nynaeve and Mat a whole lot more.

And Perrin has always been my favorite  ;D.


I agree with all you guys about Gawyn.

TOO Tough to get a read on him - hes too unstable and wishy-washy.

I hate to say it, but...hes almost like...a Plot Device :(







''Treasures. Dealings. Lots of things in books.''


TOO Tough to get a read on him - hes too unstable and wishy-washy.

I hate to say it, but...hes almost like...a Plot Device :(

''Treasures. Dealings. Lots of things in books.''


GASP!  :o


I hate to say I agree... but I do... maybe RJ and Sanderson solidify his character more in the books to come? I'm hoping so. His character does improve in the latest book, I think, but I'll leave that alone so I avoid spoilers  ;D


The only character in this series I've grown to like is Moiraine.


I've never liked Egwene or Nynaeve and later when Cadsuane came on the scene her as well.  All bullys in my books.


The rest I can leave either in the hate basket or the Love basket.


Egwene. I absolutely could not stand her up until TGS. I could not stand her attitude at all.


I never liked Nynaeve either, I think she's definitely a bully, but I can somewhat tolerate her now.


Until the second half of TDR, I really did not like Mat and Egwene. Those two are now my favourite characters. I also had issues with Nynaeve, when she was so set on "getting back" at Moiraine for taking them out of Emonds Field. I think she might be one of my top 5 characters now.


I really disliked Min on her first appearance in EOTW, don't know why, but I've come to appreciate her a lot from the 2nd book, probably because of her sense of humor. Besides she's the only one who truly understands Rand and makes him forget for a while his duties and helps him stay down to earth calling him shepherder all the time LOL



Characters that I couldn't stand early on? Well, The Fisher King springs to mind.... Oh, that I now like. In that case, not him. Hmm, Mr Ares fits here. When I first met him, carving someones face to shreds with a razor blade, I thought him an evil borderline sociopath. Now I know he's an evil borderline sociopath, but I love him anyway, he's too funny to really hate, and sort of sweet when you get to know him. Oh, you meant in the series. Not really. I haven't had that dramatic a turnaround on any character. It took a while to warm to Cadsuane because I didn't get her at first, but I didn't dislike her. If I took a dislike to someone just because I didn't understand them I would hate everyone....wait a minute... I've always been a Nynaeve fan.


My first read through started over ten years ago.  I didn't like Faile, nor the relationship she and Perrin developed.


Now, I've been married myself for 5 years to a very strong woman, and I totally understand the whole storyline.  Perrin has become one of my favorite characters, and having a strong woman at his side makes perfect sense. 


When I first read about Min in Baerlon she seemed like just another annoying soldier in the war of the sexes. As I read on though my respect for her increased. During her time in Falme she didn't as much as try to free Egwene from the a'dam collar (even though she was alone with her for long times and had plenty of time to study its locking mechanism). I believe most Aes Sedai (and initiates of the White Tower) could do with a little time under the collar to soften their arrogance.

Later, as Min began mounting the Dragon, she really began to shine. She learned how to flash knives to get peoples attention without learning any combat abilities. Each time she tries to use them (Fain, Semirhage, the Maidens) she fails. When Rand lies wounded by Fain's dagger, she pushes away the only Aes Sedai who can help her, then yells at her because she isn't healing him. Also, when Rand is cleansing Saidin, Cadsuane has to get warders to restrain her from disturbing him and ruining his work.

Even though it is a great threat to Rand, Min doesn't bother to learn how the male a'dam works. She tries to kill Semirhage without knowing if it will kill Rand as well, and again, she doesn't even try to unlock the a'dam collar.

Min's only special ability is her viewings of the future. A useless ability, since events happens whether she reveals them or not.

So far, Min is the silliest character in the whole story, but that's why I like her. ;)


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