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Empy Awards!!!!

Far Dareis Mai

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Nominations for the 2009 Empy Awards are now open.


A few things to remember:


These awards are for the time span [glow=red,2,300]Jan. 1 2009 - Dec. 31st 2009[/glow].  So please only nominate members active during that timespan (i.e. a person who joined in 2010 is not eligible for awards until NEXT year's ceremony).


You may only use the nomination form once, so please think about your choices before hitting Submit, because you don't get a do-over!  Attempting to stuff the ballot box with multiple uses is also frowned upon.


You do not have to fill out every box on the nomination form, so don't feel obligated to pick somebody for every category if you don't know who to pick.


Nominations are only open until Feb. 20th (11 days from today), so get crackin, and don't wait til the last minute.


Please use the person's HANDLE at DM  (so "far dareis mai" instead of "FDM" or "Far", or "that evil biznatch who bugs people") and not any other way you refer to them.


The people with the most nominations will be selected as finalists for the award category they are nominated in.  After that will follow a period of voting for the winner.  Only a few people for each category will become finalists, so make your nomination count!


I think that about covers it, if you are ready to start nominating, go here:




Go, go, go, go, go!



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we're going on the honor system here folks. :P


Honor system?  In Shayol Ghul?  Are you mad?!  Ok, don't answer that....you DID tell me last night to DIAF, lol.  ;D


Oh I agree completely Verbal. You are absolutely correct - that would indeed be madness, surely as mad as telling someone to DIAF!

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Nae: I did give everyone points, as Nyn said, she gave me a list last year, though it was like...awhile after the Empy's so that's probably why you don't recall it.


Krak: Yes, you get points.


Ashaman: All street cred belongs to me! *rawrs*


Lily: You get points, unless you nominated ed. Then you lose points. ;)  :-*




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