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Everyone votes randomly so a random kill is almost the same, the difference is the victim doesn't get to claim anything before hand. A stagnant game is good for mafia. So random accusations...





Today is Thursday Meesh.

Not friday.

Omg.....I just saw that the deadline is at like 3 in the morning. weird.



Every single time....  I'm doing results now, but I want to ask everyone to tell me if using the deadline countdown timer, linked in every single mod vote-count, is pointless or if you found it helpful.  I mean, it helps me, but if that's all, I'll link to it somewhere else and won't bother with it here if no one uses it.


The countdown timer tells you how long you have till the deadline, regardless of what your time zone is.  Just FYI.  It's not really that difficult to click on and check.


I found it helpful and looked at it a few times. But I looked like two times early on. Then when you posted that one, I was like "wth?"


I just didn't realize the deadline said 3AM.


Sick of all the deaths and terror, people in one small town finally snap.  They figure they must have a Dead thing among them, hiding somehow, because none of their night watches or defenses keep people from being killed in the night.  Either that, or someone they know is helping the Dead.


They decide, then, that they will try and figure out who’s Dead, or who’s helping the Dead, every day until they correctly fix the problem, since the Abhorsen is off somewhere else helping other people with their problem.


They all gather in the morning, and some chuckle because it is a sunny day; if there is a Dead thing in the village they will have no chance of finding it among the people outside.  But they continue on, arguing over who has been acting suspiciously, or who could be hiding a Dead thing.  One person seems openly scornful of the whole hunt, and the townsfolk grow rather suspicious until they are almost all positive that they should get rid of him.  But then he claims to be someone rather important, stopping by on his way back to Belisaere, and people reluctantly turn their attentions elsewhere.


However, night is fast approaching and the villagers are desperate for something to happen.  They can’t decide who is more suspicious, and so they resort to drawing straws to see who they will rid themselves of.

A small, albino man draws the shortest straw, and as the townspeople advance upon him with clubs and wooden stakes and other homemade weapons, he hisses at them and tries to dart away.


But there are too many people in the town for him to escape, and they back him into a corner and club him mercilessly, driving stakes through his limbs and hacking away at him, until there is not much left of him.

But to their horror, as they watch, he turns from a man to a small white cat, lying there with a collar clearly covered with Charter marks.  They stand there staring in frustration until someone comes and takes him away to bury him.


No one sees him suddenly yowl and scratch at the poor farmer who tried to bury him, but he takes off through the woods, and is never seen again in the village.


Pale Merlot, Mogget, a vanilla citizen of the Old Kingdom, has been randomly modkilled since no majority was reached.


It is now Night 1.  You have until Sunday, January 31st at 11:30 AM Central time to submit your Night actions to me via PM.




Yeah, just so you know, when I do death scenes like that, all actual official results will be stated after the scene, as above, and the scene is just for fun, though I try to make it follow along the flow of voting, if it's a lynch scene.  But yeah, I don't do my death scenes for info's sake, they're just for flavor and fun. :)




That's because when the deadline rolled around, no majority was standing.  As I said earlier, all votes and unvotes are counted up to the deadline; you only had 5 votes on you by the time the deadline came, and no one else had that many, much less MORE, so I had to randomly modkill someone.


Random as in Random.org random. :D


It already likes mafia enough to spare them a random kill day 1, how much more do you want it to like them? :D




Mogget was vanilla? Ok, Ed I'm more willing to believe the prince could be a vanilla role. Not necessarily that you are innocent, but we will see what night brings.


hi I am still playing people im just going to be away for the weekend and monday so if night ends before then consider this a short LOA but i should be back in time to vote and stuff so dont worry

Ill be back...


Well. That sucks. I don't think I realized when the deadline was LOL. But I love the countdown timer! I just...didn't realize it was there. Cuz I'm an idiot :D


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