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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)

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Because that board will continue to exist after there ARE spoilers, and this time round we'll be keeping all spoilers on the spoiler board including the prologue, so I wanted it clear from the very beginning that there were to be no spoilers on that board.


Nicola's Foretelling can be confirmed by the Dreamwalkers' Dream - the three women in a boat dream.


The Zomara(ns?) read minds, right? So the Forsaken meeting with the 2 extra chairs mean 2 new/recycled Chosen, right?

Or that Moridin is messing with the Chosen. I kinda lean to the first option.


There has been considerable discussion on the extra chairs, as well as Moridin's 'nine living people who remember Sha'rah'. I'm no expert on this topic but as I recall the main suggestion were that one of the chairs was for Osan'gar, whose fate is unknown to the Forsaken. People divide the intended occupent between Taim and Sammael.


The Great Hunt,


Chapter 3 (Friends and Enemies)


"They are coming for me, and they're coming for you. Mordeth knows more than all of you."


Rand knows who Mordeth is. How could he miss that?


Chapter 22 (Watchers)


What answer did Moiraine find?

"They are coming for me, and they're coming for you. Mordeth knows more than all of you."


Rand knows who Mordeth is. How could he miss that?


He's a scared eighteen year old kid?


Chapter 22 (Watchers)


What answer did Moiraine find?


Based on the way the scene progresses, and where we next see Moiraine, it's likely that something big will happen at Falme. The other obvious answer is that the Black Ajah are active again.


The Great Hunt,


Chapter 3 (Friends and Enemies)


"They are coming for me, and they're coming for you. Mordeth knows more than all of you."


Rand knows who Mordeth is. How could he miss that?


Chapter 22 (Watchers)


What answer did Moiraine find?


1. What context is this? Sorry but I forget Rand's thoughts on this, could you specify?


2. It has been speculated to be many things.

a) I think the most common. She learns Balefire.

b) as per Min's viewing that Moiraine is essential to Rand's victory, she found some answer related to that (yet to be revealed)

c) Learned about the Forsaken, specifically Lanfear, who is prophecised by the Myrddraal at Fal Dara. Moiraine confirmed that the Daughter of the Night was Lanfear, thus learning that the Forsaken are once again loose. \

d) Some information regarding Rand's veracity as the Dragon Reborn.

e) Anything at all regarding the Dark One and fighting him.


I may have missed other theories but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment, but I do not think (IIRC) that anything has been difinitivly proved on this subject. its jsut a RAFO or speculate.


Ahh, Luckers got it right most likely.


As for the first question, he only heard of Mordeth once, when he was terrified in Shadar Logoth. Alot has happened since then, and he is currently burdened with the fact he can channel and go mad, that he could be virtually killed (by way of gentling). Id say that the last thing he would be thinking in that situation was "Oh, I heard of Mordeth, I wonder what the connection is there."


I think it would go mroe something liek this


"Holy crap, im dead, RUN AWAY!"  :P


But yea, I think he could very easily have forgotten, he is actually living this life (of course not real, but you try to make a book as realistic as possible) He cant go back a few chapters and say, oh, hold up, i learned this before.  :P


Yea I can understand that. Moiraine has no excuse not to realize who Fain is, however.


Still TGH:


Do men feel women channeling even with ability hidden / inverted waves? Because Rand never seems to notice Selene does (I mean he does not feel the shiver/prickle, whatever), even though she must have healed him. When he does wake up to Selene searching his saddlebags, he might have felt it. But isn't it odd that's the only time he did?





Yea I can understand that. Moiraine has no excuse not to realize who Fain is, however.


Still TGS:


Do men feel women channeling even with ability hidden / inverted waves? Because Rand never seems to notice Selene does (I mean he does not feel the shiver/prickle, whatever), even though she must have healed him. When he does wake up to Selene searching his saddlebags, he might have felt it. But isn't it odd that's the only time he did?




Didnt Moiraine say that he is something worse than a Darkfriend, that the taint of SL had twisted him? So she already knew?


Plus, he said "Mordeth Knows", not "I am mordeth", so you would not naturally think that he is talking of himself. But I do not hae the book with me, so I am not 100% certain on this. Sorry that wasnt much of an answer.


As to the second question, I do not think he had enough channeling experience to know what that meant, he did not know thta Lanfear was channeling. I doubt he would comment on a shiver/prickle at that point, it wouldnt seem out of the ordinary, just a inconsequential feeling. It wouldnt be worth comment?


As to the question itself, I dont know, I do not think we have seen anyone who can invert their weaves channel around a man, or had the man confirm or deny it. So really, I am not sure.


Much help I am :P Sorry bout that, best I could answer

Do men feel women channeling even with ability hidden / inverted waves? Because Rand never seems to notice Selene does (I mean he does not feel the shiver/prickle, whatever), even though she must have healed him. When he does wake up to Selene searching his saddlebags, he might have felt it. But isn't it odd that's the only time he did?


They don't, which we learn in KoD when Nynaeve and Cadsuane hold the power and Rand feels nothing. He even thinks on it directly.


You should note that Rand shivers several times when Moiraine channels during book one, two and three, so evidently this is not something RJ thought of in book 4 and Lanfear was hiding her ability aside from that moment with the saddlebags.


TGH, Chapter 28 (New Thread in the Pattern):

Urien speaks of Verin having the 'look' of Wise Ones. We know that Wise Ones are not bound so they don't have the ageless look. Is this a mistake, or is there something else?


BTW: Verin - How could she catch the hunters (Ingtar's party) with one horse?


TGH, Chapter 28 (New Thread in the Pattern):

Urien speaks of Verin having the 'look' of Wise Ones. We know that Wise Ones are not bound so they don't have the ageless look. Is this a mistake, or is there something else?


BTW: Verin - How could she catch the hunters (Ingtar's party) with one horse?


I think Urien was referring to the slowing of the Wise Ones.


And she caught the hunters because as a single person she can move faster.  She probably also used the One Power to "rest" her horse, to save time in food preparation and other subtle time saving endeavors.


I always imagined slowing does NOT show at all. The effect is the person aging slower, but he/she just looks normal. And much younger. The Kin, the Windfinders, even the Wise Ones show that. Did I miss something?


TGH - Chapter 37 - What Might Be


The stories we hear seem to indicate that Rand's progress has direct influence over how the dark one's prison's weakening, right? Since in some stories he lives lots of YEARS more.


The arrow pointing left should indicate a horizontal movement (through the worlds) and backwards(no idea what that means) and something strange to do with time. Still, it might be a safe bet that the first world they visit is the closest and they're getting farther and farther for a while?


Any speculation on these? I mean a topic or articles or something worth reading?


quick question, in EotW why did the Myrrdraal just sit and watch rand and tam walk along, it is cause fain hadnt pointed htem out to the myrdraal yet or what?


Yeah, that's what I think. I'm not sure if Fain even knew who they were at the time (I think Moiraine said that only in the last year was he able to narrow it down to one of three kids).

Why they didn't just send tens of thousands of trollocs there three years before and killed everybody is a different question. I guess then we wouldn't have had a story.


At the time, Ishmael wanted the Dragon to serve him. He needed to know for sure which was the Dragon before he could bend his will.

Is there anyway to find a list of characters in each book?

I'm trying to find a list of new characters in The Gathering Storm, characters we didn't see in earlier books.

is there an easy way to do that?

Wotmania had a similar function when it was around.  As far as I am aware, the function was not transferred to anywhere.


Closest current option might be the chapter summaries at various sites.


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