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The Dark One is Touching this world too...


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Because of the amount of traffic that DM is getting right now because of the book release (both on and off the forums), the server is currently on a schedule to restart every 15 minutes of so. This helps throttle down the traffic on the boards and give it a chance to catch up.  So if you are having trouble accessing the boards in the mornings or early afternoon U.S. time, it is likely that you caught it during a reset.  Wait a couple of minutes then try again.  If you are trying to get on in the evening U.S. time, there might just be WAY too much traffic even with the server resets, and you'll get error messages like "SMF could not connect to the database".  This might take longer to clear up but thankfully it will all calm down in a month or so.


Hope this helps.



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everything she said, really


  That makes sense.  But I still like the idea of trying to rustle up some Ajah to strengthen the wards.  Why *innocent look* would it be an org builder, perchance?


  Just a mischevious thought, you know.

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Translation for those less tech-savvy than the others...


Jason has had to start rotating the shifts of the rats who run the server on those big spinning wheels. The number of people visiting DM these days exhausts them every 15 minutes and he has to change them out for the next shift of rats to make sure we can have 14 of every 15 minutes with enough power for you to enjoy the addiction you so willingly plug in to.


*smiles* See? easy.

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