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Banned Books Mafia - Entities Win! Congrats Meesh, Seryanne and Rose!


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Pete, I'm hurt. Voting for me right off? Am I getting a reputation?


I'm posting in pink in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month.


As for books - Just bought the new Dan Brown. I have next weekend (not this weekend) to myself since my son is going to Disney World with my mom, so I needed something to read. Too bad the new WoT book isn't out next weekend. That would be classic.

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Poor old Breast Cancer Awareness Month (shame, Myst, shaame! Although I guess you didn't read it with all the icky pink!)(off topic - there are a few related threads in the Gray Ajah if anyone wants to stop by!!) Clearly anyone who doesn't like Breast Cancer Awareness is terribly suspicious! (j/k :D)


I'm curious as to how this is all going to come together, but I hope it doesn't go TOO fast! :D


Torrie, I like your (Terribly Suspicious) under-the-radar black. Just like the mafia :P


Also, I do think jumping straight in with a vote is kinda sketchy. If there were a lynching pete on teh first day (is this some kind of trend?) bandwagon, I could see my way towards jumping on it. Lol :D


Am I doing this right? :D

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First of all, voting first is the least of what makes Dragonsworn suspicious.


Second of all, I have just finished So Long and Thanks For All the Fish by Douglas Adams.  Funny stuff.  Not as funny as Life, the Universe and Everything, but funny nevertheless.

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Vote Count:


mnwhiterose (2): Dsworn, Myst


7 votes for a majority.


Deadline: Oct. 11 8:30 pm CST




I'm finishing up book 11 of the Wheel of Time for my reread. Good timing! ;D I'd forgotten most of the book actually, which is funny because it was the last WoT book I read before the reread. I just picked up a book I heard mentioned on Writing Excuses and I'm hoping it helps me. Fiction-wise I'm going to do a reread of The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss ;D

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First of all, voting first is the least of what makes Dragonsworn suspicious.

So, what's the *most* of what makes Dragon suspicious?


I'm still working on The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.  I like it so far. ;D  That's the only book I'm trying to read; I have schoolwork to do otherwise.  Which reminds me that I have to read more from my photography book, and my astronomy books.  Wooo! :P

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I say [glow=red,2,300]MN [/glow] too!!! the use of pink should be an instant kill offense!


*basks in the glory that is teal*

I'm voting [glow=red,2,300]Myst[/glow] for using my favorite color without my permission.


Just kidding. [glow=red,2,300]Unvote[/glow]


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[glow=red,2,300]LilyElizabeth[/glow], you have to unvote by using the green glow. Don't you know that [glow=green,2,300](unvote) LilyElizabeth[/glow]? Don't you read? This is a literary maffia game. If you can't read, raise your hand and a read will be provided to you. But not in pink. For that is a color only the maffia would choose.


I've finished re-reading the last three books of WoT and have then jumped to book 1 again. It's amazing how many things you forget over time, like I totally forget that Perrin and Elgee and Elyas were running from ravens after visiting the Tinkers.


And for the record, I applaud Brest Cancer Awareness. I just don't think that it should be defiled with that horrible color. *nods*



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Guest dragonsworn1991

My vote was mainly a joke, but she is in no danger of being lynched. So it will stay there for now.


Also you guys will be seing less of me for a little while my grandmother just passed away.

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