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I've read the "how", now I'd like to know the "what"...


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What is this organization for?  I don't quite understand it.  Is it RP, some sort of "fan club", or perhaps a simple sort of charity?  Or maybe its a sort of social thing...  I'm just not certain.


its more of a socail thing, atleast from what i've seen.


just a commuity of sorts, and a place to hang out and chill and make friends :)


The White Tower Organization is not for RP (there is another area of the site especially for RP of all kinds!), but you might come across some light RP on our boards here and there (usually in ceremonial posts like raisings and bondings).  For the most part, we are a social community, and each ajah and discipline focuses on different things.  If you would like to learn more, you should join and check us out more in depth!  We have a lot of boards you cannot see until you are a member (and admittedly, our public board is full of Kathana tribute threads right now!).




There's no real set specific thing this Org is about.  Certain themes emerge sometimes in the assorted ajahs.. such as the Blue's and Harry Potter, but we mostly just hang out and have fun.  Occasionally an ajah will hold an event that anyone can participate in ... such as Banned book month currently going on.  Some ajahs are more silly like the Yellows and some like the serious discussions like the Whites... but there's a place for everyone.


What is this organization for?  I don't quite understand it.  Is it RP, some sort of "fan club", or perhaps a simple sort of charity?  Or maybe its a sort of social thing...  I'm just not certain.


Heh. I love your question. I'm assuming the fan club comment was because of the Kathana posts. It was just an event we had for a few weeks to honor our retired Amyrlin. Claireducky is our new Amyrlin  =)  Listen to her, she speaks words of wisdom  *grins*  And she bribes with cookies. So I've heard, at least.


You should definitely join the org and check out the other boards. Both the different ajahs and of course the Warders and their disciplines. It is very much social based. And as Nae said, there's a variety of threads and topics to find. Whatever suits your taste.


Hope you enjoy DM to the fullest :) 


Oh, and if you have any more questions feel free to PM me.






this is indeed a fanclub. At least, that's part of the grand scheme. A club of fans. White fans, red fans, floor fans, ceiling fans, fans for winter and fans for summer. All kinds of fancy fans and the more mundain fans. It started out with fannies, but then kinda' grew and matured into fans. Sometimes the Blues will give a demonstration of the Sa'sahra Fan Dance and other times the Reds will demonstrate the million-and-one ways to use a fan in social interractions. Much like the ..... well, fans in the books in Saldea are used.


It's a fan-tastic place, where no sane mind stays uncorrupted. *nods serenely*




Moggy, I was just thinking the same thing . . .  ;D


*glomps Myst*


Now I'm even more confused.  I assume men can't actually belong to the white tower, except as warders?  If so, I'm afraid to put my photo up in my profile in case you lot acts as the Aes Sedai in the books themselves.  I've been told I have a smile much like Galad's....illegal.



I took a look at the other orgs...I think this is where I'd like to be..but I need the warder thing explained I think.



Ok, followed the instructions in the top sticky...but I'm still not sure how you can be a warder without an Aes Sedai...  I think hiding is in order.  *hides*


Well, the WT doesn't follow the books exactly (well, most ORGs don't, as we have some fiesty females in the Band!) and as a result, there are male Aes Sedai here, as well as female Warders (well, there is one in the books, so not really a deviation).


As for the Warder explanation, everything is virtually the same as being a Novice - except you are under the control of the Warders. If you have any specific questions, I will do my best to answer them, but us Warders are a quiet bunch.


I understand what you mean by your last edit, but we don't have a specific rank/title for unbonded members within the Guild. So everyone is lumped together as a Warder.


Sounds good.  Though, I do have to ask what bonding entails...is it just a fun roleplay thing to do..or is it a bit more...real?  I've noticed, at least I think, that a few Aes Sedai here have bonded their real husbands.


Bonding is mainly a way of emphasising your friendship (between Aes Sedai and Warder). As is Souvra Bonding, but that seems to be between Aes Sedai only.


I bonded my Aes Sedai after getting to know Northie, and then we took it to the next level and have been going out with each other for nearly 5 years now. But that was after I got to know her really well and it was our decision. The bonding of real husbands might be more from the RP world - somewhere I don't visit. Off the top of my head, I don't actually know any on the ORG side who have bonded their husbands, so I can only assume that is a RP thing between their characters.


ugh, that's soooooooooooooo unfair! Not that the Blues won't jump on you, but we Reds want a jumping chance too. Come to think of it, we don't really need an excuse like you being able to see the private boards to do any jumping.


*jumps on the newbie* Hi there ;)


Seriously though, the Ajahs here are both similar and very different from the ones in the books. Since this is a community (based on people in the real world and not the WoT world), there are some major differences with the books. For one thing, us reds are not the manhating pregnant dogs that the reds in the books are made to look like. While we share a common fierceness in our dedication to a variety of values and beliefs, we don't believe men are the source of all evil and should be eliminated at first sight. (not saying anything about second sight, though).


Corki, El Chief de la Band, is quite right. Both genders can choose either path in this Org. In fact, we the Reds are very proud of our Red Brothers and I know for a fact all other Ajahs are equally as bouncy about theirs. Female warders are rare, but that only makes them more valuable and special :D


Bonding is a very personal thing for the most part. And the reason for bonding or what a bond means is also very personal. For some it is a more playfull thing while others take their bondings extremely serious and yet others do indeed only bond their real life partner. Some never bond at all. One thing we all agree on though, is that bonding should never be done as a goal onto itself, but either as a confirmation of an already existing and deep friendship or in a mutually agreed atmosphere (which in itself takes the two people to know each other at least well enough to be able to come to that mutual understanding).


Whichever path you choose, my advise is not to rush things. Take your time checking out the boards, the ajahs and the disciplines once you have access and focuss on settling in and getting a feel for the general atmosphere first. Visit as many places as possible and find out where you feel most comfortable. With people being so diverse and different it's only natural that different people will have different needs in order to feel comfy somewhere. This doesn't mean the other places are crap. It just means you're following the road that serves 'you' best.


Not sure if all this makes any sense, but there you have it. Serious Myst ;)


Aww serious Myst is adorable *snugglenibbles*


And I want to jump on the newbie too *jumps welcomingly on Ticondrius*


Welcome to the WT. I'm sure that whatever path you decide to follow, you will be happy here.


*snugglenibbles Myst once more for luck*


Well, for a Red to welcome me...what a strange experience.  ;D


I understand about what you mean with the bonding, and I also understand that the Ajahs here are not quite the same as what we know from the books.  My statement above was to suggest my mindset, note the greens are missing too.


As for being Aes Sedai or Warder, I don't need super powers to be special.  Besides, the idea of "my life for hers", that I keep seeing on the warder signatures, appeals to me.


It is somewhat odd, having been a DM "member" for so long, and only now getting into the community as a known entity.  I think I first remember coming here when I was looking for info on book 8 or 9's release, and found RJ's Blog.  I followed his blog religiously, and eventually got around to reading the rest of the site...so as I said in my introductory post up in the New Members forum, I tend to know a lot more about the community here than you'd expect a 10-20 postcount noob to know.


However, I'd always just somewhat ignored the organizations because they didn't make much sense to me.  I suppose you have to be an active participant to understand..so that's why I decided to choose one and enjoy it, whatever it was I found there.  :)


Well, for a Red to welcome me...what a strange experience.   ;D


Everything to do with the Reds is a strange experience. That is why we love them so. Once you're properly signed up, and able to visit the Org boards, you'll get a feel for each of the Ajahs DM personalities (they can be similar or wildly different to the books, as you've already figured out) but I think the Reds are the most different.


I will say that there's no need to get hung up on Bonding for a while. See how things go, make a few friends, take your ease, and if you find that special someone, it'll just happen naturally :D


Dang, I sound like an agony aunt!


Welcome, Ticondrius!


Myst speaks wisely! *pokes Myst* 


I, too, encourage you to take your time and get to know the people, the disciplines and the Ajahs.  You have found a wonderful group on people here on the community side of DM and we all look forward to getting to know you better.  Once you have access to the various boards, please do go visit all the disciplines and Ajahs!  You'll also, at that time, get access to the dorms where the newbies can hang out and get to know each other better - both Warder aspies and Aes Sedai aspies.


Aside from that, just participate and have fun!




that actually makes a lot of sence, Ticondrius (how can we shorten your name? Tic? Ticon?). I introduced the book series to a friend of mine, but I myself wasn't the type to go searching the net for more info. He was though and he found DM. He pointed me this way but it all looked like a bunch of weirdo's to me. I mean... honestly..... grown people pretending to be old people with young faces with magical powers or superhuman fighting skills pretending to be serious trying to come across as real? Eh, yeah..... NOT for me, and I told my friend that too. He didn't 'join' the site though, just used it as an information source. He read the threads concerning the books, but that was it. After months and months I got bored so I took leave of my senses and decided to come see what the weirdo's were up to. One of them got hold of me on msn, dragged me over to the Band's boards and within a week I became one of them weirdo's myself and have been for 3 years now. lol So yeah, it is really strange if you look at it rationally. But I guess that can be said from any online community.


I once was a member of a gaming community which was also weird, but very addictive and strangely compelling. That friend of mine that brought me here? I had met him on that gaming community. He never joined this site though, even to this day. He's stayed clear of it because he's much more into the gaming thing and spends his time on that. But he still comes here from time to time to check up on the book series.


And it seems you have me as your mentor. I don't know whether that is good fortune or a curse...


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