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Greetings From Ireland


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The wife and I are currently in Northern Ireland. I am slightly drunk at some hole in the wall pub in Bellfast, killing a day before we hit the ferry to Scotland and then fly back home on the 19th. Will be back to full activity then. Just didn't want you guys to think I forgot about you all! Will post pics when I am home again.

Good thing my Blackberry gets service here lol


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Well, I have no real way of knowing what blood runs in my veins for sure, because my dad is not my biological father, and we know nothing about THAT guy's heritage.  Also, my mother doesn't know for sure who her father is, and her mother (my grandmother) doesn't know anything about her real parents either.


Kind of messed up, really.


An upside-down example of my "family tree" biologically:




  Mom  --  Biological Father

    |                          |

Grandma  --  ?          ?





Needless to say, I have no idea where my family's from.  I'd guess Europe, though. :P

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Look at how quick Nyn pops up when Vanion posts...


You're just jealous. :P  *eyes Meesha*  Well, it's the best comeback I could think of this late at night... and erm.... drunk yet again  >.>  Did I mention I love England's whisky prices? ;D


Anyways, I posted here cause I was... unsober... and thought it would be amusing for some reason I can't remember right now. So there.


Talya, I'm in Woking at the moment. Taking a train tomorrow to meet up with Kara :)





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Yeah, he is :)  You'll prolly find him around the White Tower, in the warders. Ren'shai, I believe. Best to PM him, though. He's bad at posting in DM :P


I don't recall you, though. Are you using the same handle you did back then?






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Yesh, yes I am. I was an Ashie then too. Hmm...lets see who I rp'd with mostest. Eldrie, Estermis, Mandi Sedai, Sidonia Reyhan..she had a green sedai too but don't remember her name. It was a long------time ago...she had abunch of bloody taco bell dogs...chiuha..nah can't spell it. Oh yeah..I had a Warder too named Elisan and I was trained by Faeryl. Yep




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