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Blue/Red Event: RIDDLE ME THIS!


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Welcome to the Red and Blue Riddle me This contest!


This is how it will work:


I will put up the riddles, with the name of the person who contributed them. Everyone except that person may PRIVATE MESSAGE (that's PM  ;D) me their answers. At the end of the competition, the person with the most correct answers will win a signature proudly proclaiming them as the winner of the Riddle me This competition.


Now remember: do NOT post your answers here! PM them to me, please. And for the interest of competition, no googling the answers  ;)


Entries close on Friday the 26th of June, the winner to be announced on Saturday the 27th of June.


Good luck and may the best riddler win  ;D


One more note: you don't have to be a riddler or a poet to join in the fun - you can also submit signatures for the winners of those 2 competitions to use!


And here are your 13 Riddles:





1) What is red, round and has a hole in its bottom?




2) What goes around the world but stays in a corner?


3) I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?


4) I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?


5) I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?


6) I never was, am always to be,

No one ever saw me, nor ever will,

And yet I am the confidence of all

To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.

What am I?


7) Pronounced as one letter,

And written with three,

Two letters there are,

And two only in me.

I'm double, I'm single,

I'm black, blue, and gray,

I'm read from both ends,

And the same either way.

What am I?


8) From the beginning of eternity

To the end of time and space

To the beginning of every end

And the end of every place.

What am I?





9. The maker makes it but doesn't use it.  The buyer buys it but doesn't need it.  The user uses it but doesn't know it.  What is it?


10. Two fathers and two sons go fishing.  They catch three fish and divide them equally without cutting up the fish.  How is this possible?





11. What is the difference between a cat and a complex sentence?


12. Why do people go to bed?


13.There was a round green house.

Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?



PM me your answers!  :D


right, so how do I know which part to use? I tried both, still all seems like jibberish to me. I'm just dumb, I guess. *pouts*


And the first person has sent me their answers  ;D


Keep 'em coming, people!


Thank you to all those who have sent in answers - this is going well!


One favour I would like to ask, though - please don't send me one answer at a time, if at all possible. It's going to be quite a job wading through all my PMs to get ALL the answers from one person, that way.


*Snuggles all*



Results are in, we're just waiting to announce them all more or less at the same time  ;D


*claps* Yay! I was wondering if after the results were announced, the answers will be given out? There are a few I'd like to know for sure, they had me so puzzled!


Yes I want to know the answers too - I could only figure one out  :-[ But, never fear, I have my foot poised and ready to kick myself when the answers are finally revealed. :P


LOL Kara, just let me know up front! I don't want to go OUCH! at work and have my boss give me the 'she's at it again' look.




lol, I doubt you will as it's not one that is usually said in english and it might be local, so don't sweat it. No one got that one, so that's more my fault than any of yours.  :-*


lol, I doubt you will as it's not one that is usually said in english and it might be local, so don't sweat it. No one got that one, so that's more my fault than any of yours.  :-*


Hey, I liked my answer


So did I  ;D


Tell you what, Kivam - I'll give you a snugglebite for that answer.  ;)


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