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Hey Lame-os.


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Just thought I'd drop by to let you know how lame you are.


Especially FDM, epically lame. Yes, this is what you get!!!


And Barm - but that amount of lameness is just so obvious that its almost not worth mentioning.


And there's loads of you other people here that are well ... lame.

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I need something to work off of. I mean really, there's gotta be SOMETHING to make it worth the effort. And right now, if my "effort" was a .... actually, these forums are supposed to be PG right, because y'all are just little kiddies? Nevermind then!

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Nyn is lame too. Mostly because she won't do what I'm telling her do to. She probably won't do this because she's attracted to me and my curvalicious self and what I'm telling he to do would mean that she wouldn't get to hang around me as much. YES NYN I WANT TO GET RID OF YOU!

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With the people I put up here, you should be a lot more terrified of me coming to visit you than the other way around.


Actually, I was in Ottawa for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago, it was fun.

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No, she means lama. You're a lama! We're all lamas.





Did you mean llama? Or a Tibetan religious leader?


Cuz what ever you meant ... FAIL.



Zashara smells. I often wonder if she shaved her head if people would think she were a little boy.


Wait... are we suppose to be targeting SG? 


Apparently in your epic failness you missed some key attribute, aside from my hair, that identify me as a woman. You however always notice Barm. I'm beginning to wonder if Yveva being your "wife" is just a front and you paid her to say that. It would explain a lot of things, just like the revelation about your and Barm's dysfunctional family.

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