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Outrigger Novels: Could somebody tell me what was said about them at JordanCon?

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I posted a link in the JordanCon thread where someone asked for transcripts - it's a rundown of everything that happened. Basically, TOR said they would be open to publishing them and Harriet and Brandon were a little skittish about it.


At the risk of tooting my own horn, it is exactly what I (and a number of other people) thought it would be, based on RJ's blog comments from some time back.


This is from Leigh Butler's blog report on Tor.com.


Of particular interest was the revelation from Tom that the “outrigger novels” that Jordan had long ago planned to do would have been a trilogy about the Seanchan, with Mat and Tuon going back to her homeland to deal with the fallout there.




So, the mess in Seanchan will take a minimum of 5-10 years to clean up, and will not be done before Tarmon Gai'don.


I just hope sales for the AMOL trilogy are good enough to convince Harriet that the Mat and Tuon trilogy would be a good idea. In all honesty it's one of the plot lines in the story that I have a deep connection to and want to see finished off.



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I remember hearing something about a novel concerning Tam's story and how Moiraine and Lan found Rand aswell, was this just hogwash?


I can see why Brandon and Harriet would be skiddish, though.


I don't think there were many, if any, notes left behind for the outriggers, so if Brandon were to take it on, it'd largely be a world of his own creation.  Wheel of Time books take a lot of time to write, because there's so much pre-existing information you're accountable to.  Just look at Brandon's schedule for the past year.  I'm sure the outrigger novels would be a little shorter than most WoT offerings, but they're stilla heavy investment of time and resources for the author and editors.


Also, I'm sure Brandon wants to continue writing his own books.  As much of an honor it is to help complete the series, I'm sure he'd like to continue writing his own way.  He has already planned for himself a ten-book series, which I'm sure he'd like to start dedicating more time to.


But, if he captures the spirit of Robert Jordan well, and if the novels aren't too demanding, then I fully support some expansions of the world.  More than the Outriggers, though, I'd like the prequels finished.


Indeed--these books would not be RJ's, they would be Brandon's. I don't have a problem with Brandon's creative flair--but im not sure I'm comfortable with that.


I can't say if i want him to right those novels, the 2 other prequels and the 3 outriggers, until i got to read GS, SW, and aMoL (or TG).


If Sanderson can capture the magic of the WoT world well enought, i belive that fans and, specially, Harriet can will feel good to let him add his "touch" in the world.


I like the WoT world alot and it will be said to read the final book. So if BS can carry the legacy of RJ with the due quality, i would let him right those novels acordin' to his creativity.





I can't say if i want him to right those novels, the 2 other prequels and the 3 outriggers, until i got to read GS, SW, and aMoL (or TG).


If Sanderson can capture the magic of the WoT world well enought, i belive that fans and, specially, Harriet can will feel good to let him add his "touch" in the world.


I like the WoT world alot and it will be said to read the final book. So if BS can carry the legacy of RJ with the due quality, i would let him right those novels acordin' to his creativity.





Is it just me or does "BS" seem like an unfortunate abreviation?  ;D


Well Brandon said in the interview he did on the podcast here some time ago. That he thought one of the most important books left to be written was the prequel novel that involved Tam. He said following Tams story, his journey out of Emonds Field all the way to the slopes of Dragonmount he thought was one that needed to be told. So may be we might get that if nothing else.





Darth_Andreastarwars1.gif    anim-ring.gif    The_Wheel_of_Time__Stamp_by_Seiken_.gif


Well Brandon said in the interview he did on the podcast here some time ago. That he thought one of the most important books left to be written was the prequel novel that involved Tam. He said following Tams story, his journey out of Emonds Field all the way to the slopes of Dragonmount he thought was one that needed to be told. So may be we might get that if nothing else.


Of all the unfinished WOT books that is the one I want the most.  As to whether this book or any of the other unfinished books should be published, to me that depends on what kind of notes were left.







After AMOL where BS is using Jordans notes and even partially written segments, everything else will have to be only in the name of the author who wrote it. Basically, AMOL is capable of being a duel-authored book because BS will be holding to RJ's outlines and such but once BS goes beyond that it is all him.


I just hope they don't try to say anthing else about it. At best they can say, "based off of..." but that way the reader can decide if he wants to read some other authors view or not. I am truly hoping BS keeps to Jordans work as much as possible while finishing AMOL and splitting it up into three books...well like it nor not, that is very Jordanesk.


Basically now that RJ has passed the series is fairly much over for me. I am looking forward to seeing how it will end and I will be happy since its based on RJ's notes and such but after that I won't continue following Randland. The creator has died and anyone else who contributes just isn't the same. I am sure BS is a good writer and all but he isn't RJ and never will be. Anyways, just my thoughts.


Well Brandon said in the interview he did on the podcast here some time ago. That he thought one of the most important books left to be written was the prequel novel that involved Tam. He said following Tams story, his journey out of Emonds Field all the way to the slopes of Dragonmount he thought was one that needed to be told. So may be we might get that if nothing else.





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Moreover Jordan must have written tons of backstory for Tam and Moraine in his notes that BS can use to write the prequels.


I really want to read those two books.


I think that Brandon Sanderson is going to do a good job finishing the series, I just finished the first mistborn book and loved it and I also loved warbreaker.


I would not be outraged or angry if he did the outrigger novels. I'm sure he would make them interesting and probably a good read.




I don't think he, or anyone, should write them. Wheel of time is RJs world and with so little detail about the outrigger novels it would be Brandon Sanderson writing a book in the wheel of time setting, which as much as that might interest me, just wouldn't be the same.


I'm sure he would feel like he's stepping on RJ's toes. It would also be a bad idea because the outrigger novels in general would never have been as good as the Wheel of Time main story. Even with RJ writing it I'm sure some people would think it would have been better to stop after AMoL and write something in the distant past or future of the setting. With another author writing the story those complaints would increase greatly.


Plus, I like wheel of time it's a wonderful story and a wonderful world and there are lots of things I'm that might not be completely addressed in the main series (more info about seanchan, the song the tinkers look for, the isle of madmen, the amayar) but that's part of the mystery of the setting.


Part of what makes fantasy great is variance. Brandon Sanderson's worlds are different and I think his time would be better spent writing his own works. I love WoT i know WoT, but would i prefer a square peg round hole wrap up trilogy over something new and innovative by Brandon Sanderson? no i wouldn't.


I suppose what it really comes down to is that Tor knows I will buy the outrigger books, just like I bought Dune 7 and 8. And while i'm sure I would by new novels by Brandon Sanderson, some other WoT fans may not.


I think Brandon Sanderson realizes this based off of what he has said in interviews and blogs, however i'm sure Tor will apply pressure and I'm sure he would love another chance to write in a fantasy world he loves (RJs).


Anyway, I'm thinking there will probably be no outriggers unless Tor has the rights to simpley hire on another author if BS doesn't want to do it... in which case if they are going to exist no matter what i hope BS is the one to write them.


wow... I feel very much like an Ogier I think I rambled for far too long and said very little in the end




Another thought just quick, why not use the info from the outrigger novels / post Tarmon Gaidon to write a Wheel of Time pen and paper RP (not d20 based like the last). That way some of the info about the state of the world is out there, people can enjoy the setting ect.



Other authors telling other stories in the same setting wouldn't be awful, and people wouldn't have to read them.  I never would have found the Wheel of Time series if I hadn't become a fan of RJ through his Conan novels, which are more enjoyable than REH's stories for me.  And all the Dragonlance spinoffs may not be on a level with Legends and Chronicles, but some of them are fun to read.  I'd read the outrigger novels, just always keeping in mind that because of the difference in authors everything has to be taken with a grain of salt.


I'm actually OK with the idea of other writers telling stories in the World of the Wheel, as long as it doesn't become the free for all of book of the month franchises like Star Wars.


Besides, nothing anyone writes or doesn't write can do any damage to RJ's legacy.  He wrote what he wrote, and it was amazing.  No one can take that away.  So, if some other writer gets permission to do something with the outriggers, whether it is Brandon or someone else, take it for what it will be: another writer attempting to tell a story in RJ's world.  If it's good, celebrate it, and if it sucks, then don't buy it.


Anyway, I'm thinking there will probably be no outriggers unless Tor has the rights to simpley hire on another author if BS doesn't want to do it... in which case if they are going to exist no matter what i hope BS is the one to write them.


As the Administratrex of RJ's Estate Harriet would be the legal owner of the Wheel of Time rights. Any decision to write further books would have to seek her approval. Moreover, it was she not TOR who choose Sanderson to finish AMOL. Thus, it would also be up to her as to who would write the outriggers. Likely, if they were to be written it's more then likely that it would be Sanderson to right them as all three (Harriet Tor and Sanderson) would have an interest in seeing that he write them.


Tathel's comments are pretty much in line with what Brandon, Harriet and Tom D. of Tor said at JordanCon - he (Tom) is keen on getting the additional books (I think he may even have stated that he already had a contract for more books signed years ago by R.J.), Harriet says it's too soon to say - they are just focused on finishing the Wheel of Time first, and Brandon said he really wants to write his own books, which is why he became an author to begin with. It was obvious he was trying to be respectful and, also, he didn't just want to come right out and tell his publisher he didn't have an interest (which is not exactly true as you'll see further down), but what he did say is they don't have much (maybe not ANY) material to go on for the Outrigger stories, he doesn't want to do something akin to the Star Wars books (which he alluded to, in fact) and that the ONLY reason he felt right about finishing WoT was the fact that there WAS so much material to work from and in fact the ending had been completely written/documented. He said he felt strongly that it would be most respectful to RJ's legacy not to muddy the world he created with lesser stories written just to make more money for those involved.


HOWEVER, he didn't shut the door completely, perhaps because Tom was sitting there (speculation on my part). He did say, if Harriet and Tor decided to move ahead, that he would consider being involved in some way, providing they think he is the right choice - again, to avoid that whole Star-Wars-author-du-jour scenario. And also because he DOES love Robert Jordan's world, feels he is more familiar with it than most authors and willing to treat it with greater respect. I'm not doing his comments justice, but to me it seemed plain that a) he's really working as hard as he can and wants to get WoT done for all of us as, and b) much like R.J., he's really looking forward to working on something else again! He loves WoT, but working as he has been has got to be wearying. He worked pretty much all weekend at JordanCon, whenever he wasn't occupied with panels and workshops.


In the end, he said, it's really too early to say what will happen to the Outrigger stories and we'll all just have to wait and see what Harriet and Tom decide.


Note that a future WoT Encyclopedia was mentioned as a potential project a couple of times. That is something R.J. had mentioned in 2005 at DragonCon and even back then he said he planned to let Harriet do all of that, while he worked on other stories (not in WoT - he had mentioned a story based in feudal Japan?). So, providing she's up to it, there wouldn't appear to be any issue with delivering the Encyclopedia once WoT is complete.


Oh, and on another note, I believe it was Brandon that said there was a slightly greater chance the prequels might get finished, simply because they have a bit more material, but again the final answer was, "Wait and See." Almost a RAFO there, Mr. Sanderson?  ;D


I can't wait til the videos from JordanCon get posted - I think the panels filmed at JordanCon will shed some light on some of the questions everyone on DM has been asking.


It states in the news comment that this was revealed at JordanCon, yet its not actually stated anywhere.


Can anyone provide this information?


At the risk of tooting RAW's horn, I shall quote this post of his:

This is from Leigh Butler's blog report on Tor.com.


Of particular interest was the revelation from Tom that the “outrigger novels” that Jordan had long ago planned to do would have been a trilogy about the Seanchan, with Mat and Tuon going back to her homeland to deal with the fallout there.




Mmm, i found that, and another comment to the same effect, yet the news statement speaks of something being 'revealed'--we knew about it being based on Mat and the Seanchan ten years after the current books from RJ's blog a long time ago.


I can't find what new thing was revealed.

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That was pretty much it. My impression is that there isn't much more than an outline for those novels, and that's all there is to share on that.


Ah, I see.


Kath, you may want to suggest to Jason that he add an addendum to the news story to that effect (that it was the same information from the blogs--no need to post spoilers). I went through the responses and i noted the same confusion several times.


On the subject--if thats the case i don't really think its right to publish the outriggers. aMoL was RJ'd vision, and well documented... this would by Brandon's vision, based on no more than a single sentence by RJ.


I like Brandon's work, but i don't know that that's right. For either person. After that would mean Brandon had published more books in RJ's worlds than his own....



Mmm, i found that, and another comment to the same effect, yet the news statement speaks of something being 'revealed'--we knew about it being based on Mat and the Seanchan ten years after the current books from RJ's blog a long time ago.


I can't find what new thing was revealed.

IIRC, what the blog said was that he was planning something involving Mat and Tuon 5 to 10 years after TG, but without confirming that this was actually about the reconquest. This just confirmed what we'd already guessed.


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