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Best TV Show of 2008 Versus! Round 3 (Page 11)


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Gunna have to say Dexter.

Lets put it this way.

True Blood novel > True Blood series.

Dexter Novel < Dexter Series.


From what I have heard, the true blood series bastardized the novel. And the Dexter Novel sucks.

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The dexter novels are excellent, except they have a tendency to rhyming dexters name with other D words which got annoying, also the dark passenger is explored more thoroughly in the novels


The problem with the dexter novels is that the dark passenger goes waaaaaaaay to far left field.. If that makes any sense. Instead of being a novel about a psychopath, that considers his 'hunger' to be much akin to a 'split personality', the novels pretty much state that the 'dark passenger' 'IS' an entity, controlling dexters 'thirst for blood', escentially taking any and all responsibility away from dexter, and thus, alot less interesting imo. At least in the show, he takes 'responsibility' for his actions, he isn't 'blaming' the dark passenger, he simply accepts what he is. The novels copout what makes dexter so great!


The only way I can compare, is with AA, AA is a good program for alchoholics, it works. But it only works by convincing the people who are alchohlics, that it wasn't there fault, because there psychis are to fragile to contemplate that yes, it is there fault, and the last thing you want to do iwth someone trying to 'heal' from alchohlism is to shatter there psychi or there confidance anymore then it is. Hence why it works.


I can't remember what show it was, but there was this guy who's been sober for 'years', and every time he traveled he'd stop at an AA meeting not because he believed in the process but because he wanted to show them why it was flawed. (Plus I think the guy got his kicks off of insulting people and destroying them.. This may have been that cop chasing house now that I think about it! )

Basically what that '3rd' dexter novel did was set up for dexter to be 'healed', which kinda ruins the fun that is dexter.

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I think it does introduce an interesting aspect of cody and astor and a greater depth to the relationships and characters


The only other analogy I can give of the series vs the novels, is this.


Your having a conversation with a friend, a funny one at that, goes on for hours. Then out of nowhere he tosses out something extremely racist. Everything afterword just kinda loses its 'zing'. :P


Anyways, dexter won right? right?!

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