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What are you playing?


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This is similar to the 'What are you watching?' Thread.

Escentially if your playing a game on the 360, ps3, wii(who plays that thing anymore?) or the PC, you can reply with the name of the game, and what you thought about it. You don't need to do a 'full review', but if you want to, go ahead. ;)


Fallout 3

I got this for the pc, Via Direct2Drive, Its probably got a 10-20 hour main-quest storyline, and its very similar to how Oblivion played. Except replace Elves with Super Mutants, and fairytale-land, with a post apocalpytic world.

The game isn't BAD, but it isn't Pure Awesome either. The first time you play it, its going to be awesome, if only because of the shere amount of exploding awesomeness. But after you finish the game, you'll be stuck with a lack of things to do, or any real 'motiviation' to do other things. Hopefully the modding scene will make this game replayable, like Modding made Morrowind replayable.


If you don't have a PC, I'd say rent it for the consoles, It'll be cheaper then buying it, and you'll get more of a return, specially if you get one of those 5 day ones, and play through it all within those 5 days...


Left 4 Dead

Awesome game, Strictly co-op, and while you can play offline, your better off playing it online.

The Versus mode is probably the greatest part about the game.

Best of all, You can play like a maniac for a week, then stop playing, and pick it up again like nothing ever happened, making it a great purchase as you will get many hours of play in the time you own it. ;)


Far Cry 2.

When you think of Far Cry, you think of insane graphics (before crysis came out) and you also think of some kind of mutant werewolf things...

Far Cry 2, has almost no relation to Far Cry, none of the characters remain the same, and there are hardly any refrences to Far Cry at all. Hell, I almost have to wonder if the two games are in completely different universes! (Kinda like how FF1 is unrelated to FF3.)


That said, this game is a true FPS, the character graphics are a little sub-par, but the environments are pretty damned good... And then theres the explosions... DEAR GOD the explosions are awesome. All I need to say is, it feels like they put half of there budget into the explosions!

The plot of the story is basically you are like a merc, thrown into an imaginary african country, right before a 'war' is about to rage between two parties. (aka, they are fighting but they aren't full-blown war.. yet...)

Your mission is to locate the Jackel, and capture or kill him. (He's the guy supplying weapons to both sides, profiting from the war).

I've put I don't know how many hours into this game, as its Kinda like GTA: Africa. You know, minus the whole RPG thing, and a severe lack of pimps, civilians, and only 1 woman in the entire game...


I'd rent it if your on the consoles, PC? I dunno... I'd wait for the price to drop before buying it, as you can't rent pc games...


Dead Space

Its interesting, bloody, tons of 'shocker' scenes that might scare the lesser of us (tenshin).

I've yet to beat it, even though I basically already konw the ending...

I plan to beat it, I just have 'better' things to do. ;)


Mirrors Edge

This basically says it all.


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Fallout 3

Just finished playing this masterpiece as a very very good character (very good saint o_o) so now I'm on my second playthrough being quite the asshole. I absolutely love this game.


Fifa 09

This is quite possibly the best soccer sim I've ever played, which is somewhat logical since the last one I played was fifa 99 o_o Anyhoo, it's addicting, especially the be a pro mode where you craft your own player, put him on some backwater team and look upon him as he rises both in stats and in fame, moving on to bigger, better teams. Quite awesome.


Mirror's edge

Just finished this, which I found to be pretty good. A tad short though <.< Enjoying time trials as of now.


Prince of Persia Quite literally playing it right now. It looks gorgeous, has wonderufl movies and is pretty good overall, I enjoy the platforming, although reviews have warned me it won't get much harder than it is now (not very : p)


Max Payne Since my computer sucks, all the pc games I get are old ones, but hey, this is so damn enjoyable I really don't mind. For a game that revolves entirely of shooting people in slow motion, you'd think it'd get old fast, but no, this remains awesome from first kill to last (I hope)


Gears of War Having just bought a 360 I figured it was time to play all the exclusives that passed me by in the past, so I picked up this and a whole lot of others, but this one comes first. But yeah, it's pretty amazing, I daresay, far better than the ps3 cpunterpart resistance.



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I've been playing Madden NFL 09 with my roommate. I suck at American football! I keep throwing interception after interception. I think I average at 4-5 per game. Cover 3 keeps destroying my pass game. It's so freaking frustrating when you have a turnover. If you play Fifa and lose the ball, you just go and get it back, but when you lose it in Madden you have to wait and wait and let your defense do their job. I just get mad and call an all out blitz which makes me lose lots of yardage.

The game however is good. There's (naturally) a bit few teams to choose from. I like to choose a bad team and make 'em good, and in Fifa you have many many teams to choose from. I chose the New York Bretts for my franchise. I didn't know that Jet Favre wasn't playing for the Bretts in the game. I hate Chad Pennington. HE SUCKS!

I hired way too expensive coaches and free agents so I was only allowed to sign my second draft pick. Stupid cap.

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Fallout 3 - I have played as far as getting out of the vault.  So far not terribly impressed or drawn in.  I might keep playing down the road.


Gears of War 2 - I play this almost every night.  I am getting good enough to even beat the kids. 


Prince of Persia - It is waiting for me at Gamestop and will be the next game I pick up.


COD WOW -  Eventually I plan to suffer through the campaign.

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i love the civ games as a whole and think that they all have good and bad points. the only complaint i have about this one is how you can have a city with a pop os 2 and have it garisond with 12 tanks and it will still revolt and you lose all your troops.  i do like how you get points for culture and i relly like the way they have trade set up it this one though.




this one was a real surprise to me. i thought it would suck but wanted somthing new to waste time on so i paid the 9 bucks for it.  turns out its a relly good game.  it is a WWII RTS with a relly high amount of detail, both in the units you get and the graphics.  so far im about 3/4 of the way thrugh the german campain and have enjoyed some surprisingly chalenging, but not insurmountible, battles. if you are into historical RTS i would recumend this big time.


Cossacks 2:the nepolianic wars


speeking of historical RTS.... this game is visualy stunning.  the game play is a lot better then the first one, although it remains a little complex.  if you like AOE then you will like this, if you like AOE3 you probly wont.  there is a lot of micro maneging. you have to micro manege you economy, your troops, even your buildings to some extent.  i would give it a 4, but agian not relly for a begginner to the RTS type of game

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Final fantasy x-chews up so much time but still an excellent game


I think I've spent nearly 3-400 hours on this game, going through it a few times at least


It's pretty much my favorite game of all time, as it was the first game in which I got emotionally attached to the characters and understood just how games can, in fact, convey real emotions and complex stories. !!!

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Ah, good times :D


Downloaded Halo: Combat evolved off xbox live and so far it's been okay, I guess. Outdated graphics don't bother me, but I've never had a particular love for sci-fi shooters. But it's okay! Also Dead Rising in which I haven't gotten very far, but looking forward to future zombie-dismemberment.

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