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Star Trek Movie!


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Saw this trailer in theaters when i went to see Quantum of Solace


Now I'm no star trek fan- I think i saw it on tv like once or twice and really coudnt care


But literally, after this trailer played there was a complete hush throughout the audience of the theater and my exact words were-


"I think i just became a trekie"

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More Star Trek? HELLS YEAH! I was so amazingly excited when I sawa this trailer on youtube yesterday! And yes, that guy is scottie...I freakin love scottie ^^ and of course, it's J.J. Abrams, so I'm excited for that too! He has some great shows under his belt, and I'm kinda addicted to Fringe right now, too.  Definitely pumped for this!

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"I think i just became a trekie"


No you didn't. This isn't Star Trek.




It's not Star Trek. Abrams doesn't get what made Star Trek work. It's not the mini skirts or the action. It was the characters and the thought provoking social commentary.  I was all on board the rebooted Enterprise until I saw an Abrams interview where he said he had never been a fan of Star Trek because it was too intellectual for him and that his vision was much more akin to the space opera of Star Wars. 


Trek is SMART. I mean sure, it was cheesy sometimes (aliens with faces painted black and white representing racism? WTF?) but for it's time, it was ground breaking.  When Rodenberry was steering the ship, it was all about exploring social topics such as racism, sexism and war.  He had a vision of humanity putting aside it's differences and uniting in the peaceful pursuit of knowledge. After Rodenberry died and Berman and Braga took over the franchise, it sank into a morass of T&A and explosions, with nothing to differentiate it from any of the other craptastic sci fi series out there. Voyager and Enterprise failed to deliver the promise. They tossed us scraps (Look! A lady captain!) and expected us to overlook the producers inability to overcome their own prejudices (Quick! Name all the gay characters in Trek!).  So now we're getting this shiny, souped up Trek, that completely ignores established cannon and helmed by a guy who doesn't get what made Trek great in the first place.


So while I'll be there opening day for this, because I am Star Trek's bitch, this isn't Star Trek. Star Trek doesn't require you to turn your brain off.

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In reply to what you were saying Kathana, I think that if we just give this movie a chance we might like it. I have watched Star Trek for a long time, but I've always liked Next Generation better than the original, but I still enjoyed the original. I think that the trailer was made to appeal to all audiences, who knows, maybe there will be some of the interesting and thought provoking scenes in this movie that made the show a success. In any case I am looking forward to it.

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Thought provoking? Probably not, but we can only hope.


I'm going to watch it when it comes out, and I may not be all hyped up about it... Mostly cause.... THEY BE SO YOUNG! And, the trailer I saw, it looked like it should have been a Micheal Bay movie...


Now, the orignal trailer, that was awesome, this new one... not so much imo...


+ Did I mention that I have to seriously question the canon of this? I mean, even though Enterprise was pretty horrible canon wise... This one seems to have taken it to a whole new level...


Motorcycles... On Earth... in the 23rd century? Pulease! :P

Hell, even in Enterprise I'm pretty sure they had 'upgraded' there vehichles well beyond something like that and have long since lost need to use 'fossil fuels'... And Enterprise was only what... 60 years after Cockran?

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Maybe you're right Death. If you are then all we can hope from this movie is a cheap remake of Star Wars minus sweet force powers and lightsaber duels. Did you guys see the version of the trailer that had Kirk as a kid? I saw it before Quantum of Solace played, now that was a dumb part, I don't like how they seem to be trying to reveal Kirks past. I don't know how well that will go lol.

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I have been a Trekkie since we waited weekly for each episode when I was a kid..


I am going to go see this, I do not know if I have an opinion on it right now as I find if I go to a movie with no preconceptions I either enjoy the movie or hate the movie based solely on what i watched.


I noticed in the preview it looked like guy who plays Sylar was playing Spock or did I see wrong?


MY wife is the same way, we dressed up for the movies when they came out. She even had her own communicator badge and phaser i got her but i think the grandkids found them. When i was on the road i would tease her about having picard and kirk posters on the ceiling when I came home..

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Kathana, I'd just like to point out that Roddenberry was involved in ST1 and that was hardly a work of profound deepness. 


I'm not going to argue that the whole IP devolved into a popcorn serial, because it did, and rather strongly there at the end of TNG and about halfway through DS9.

There was a certain amount of this in TOS though it was significantly less, and was balanced by the 'meat' of the plot lines.


I haven't heard much about the new ST film other than the trailers.  I'm hoping to come at it with fresh eyes so I won't be woefully disappointed like I was with the prequel SW films.  As long as it isn't another ST5 I'll at least be content. ;)

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I squeed in the theater at the trailer, I"m so excited!


I was never a fan of the original, the constant beeping on the ship annoyed me too much, and yes I couldn't get past the special effects :P (feel free to argue with me about all this, I'll watch the original series through before I see this new movie but I still won't like it much despite whatever you say :P)


My favorite was Voyager, and I loved TNG, haven't seen much of DS9 but I plan on seeing more of it once I get Netflix again \o/


<3 Simon Pegg <3 Sylar Me= excited \o/

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I squeed in the theater at the trailer, I"m so excited!


I was never a fan of the original, the constant beeping on the ship annoyed me too much, and yes I couldn't get past the special effects :P (feel free to argue with me about all this, I'll watch the original series through before I see this new movie but I still won't like it much despite whatever you say :P)


My favorite was Voyager, and I loved TNG, haven't seen much of DS9 but I plan on seeing more of it once I get Netflix again \o/


<3 Simon Pegg <3 Sylar Me= excited \o/


Ditto on that first part Lia, if I served on the bridge of the original Enterprise I would go insane. I actually didn't like Voyager when I first saw it but it kinda grew on me and now I like it. But ya Picard rules lol. Seriously though, I wouldn't watch DS9 if I were you, the actors aren't very good and neither are the stories.

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