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Carry on like this and I'll have to send for the Ghostbusters


When there's something strange... In you neighbourhood.. WHO YOU GONNA CALL!?


Okay, But, I'm really really confused. Can someone give me a list of who's alive? The only ones i'm certain of is me and Roka o_o

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I'm not lying, I protected myself this night, and I'm somewhat surprised that no one made a pass at me.


Well, Roka's on my good side now, for some reason, I don't know, callit a hunch, but he damn well knows how to speak for himself. Kara, I haven't seen all that activity from your corner, and you question me. I VOTE KARA


And if I'm wrong, well heck. I made it pretty far, and being eaten by Roka must have it's positive sides.


The three stand for what seems like ages staring at each other, knowing one of them is evil. Demi eventually accuses Kara and Roka looks on, thinks for a few moments then agrees. Quickly they both grab her, Demi stabbing her first, then Roka takes the knife and stabs too, just to make sure she is dead. She falls to the floor, dead! For a few moments not a sound is heard, then suddenly a rumble of laughter begins and as Demi looks a Roka quizzically, he realises his mistake as the knife is raised and falls heavily in his neck. He doesn't last long and soon his body joins Kara's on the floor. Roka wipes off the knife in their clothes, the looks towards the door, that has now slowly began to move. It isn't too long before it is open and Roka walks from the toomb, his Amulet now at full power, as he begins to form his plans for taking over tha world!


Kara Innocent is dead

Demi the Healer is dead.


THe MAFIA Wins...


I'll work out points later!


I think I could handle Demi singlehandedly thank you very much, no need to kill. Let's go with... I kicked him in the nuts and then, later on when in full amulet power, payed for his artificial-nuts surgery  :D


Ghosts again! *high 5's*


So, are there like 4 winners this time? Tay, elgee, me and nyn? Kind of like in the LOTR, the ring bearers go off to the distant shores with the elves, Frodo, Bilbo, Sam.


With the force I drove those nuts up his spine, he would have been clinically dead long enough for the tomb to open up, silly tomb *nods*


Oh you bastards!


And remind me not to protect you next time, eh Roka old chap?


Bah, we would've won if you'd all listened to me at the start!



This game would have been over an entire phase back if nyn wouldn't have struck lucky with the thief amulet *nods*


;D I tried to kill you too by voting for you when everyone else was voting for Demi. Too bad it didn't work. :P


When Kara decided to bring him back from the dead, I honestly thought that the innocents had totally lost, then Nyn wanted to steal anything Elgee had, which of course killed Elgee, and they had chosen to kill Nyn...lol...I was thinking that Demi would come striaght in and vote roka again on the last day...but it didn't happen.


This game would have been over an entire phase back if nyn wouldn't have struck lucky with the thief amulet *nods*


This coming from the guy who struck lucky by stealing his from Tayol...


If you think about it, with only 5 people left, the chance of nyn getting an amulet was alot better than yours on the first night with everyone left. Though Demi should've been protecting me that night since he was the healer and I was the finder.


Well I didn't expect Demi to go for Roka again after he was revived. Obviously Kara was the one who resurrected him, so why would she save him to kill him the next day? See the game is always lost when you don't kill Roka...


When Demi Pm'd me one his night actions (which was Roka), he actually said that if Roka isn't targeted again he will know he was the mafia, then he voted for him and I thought he would stick that assumption again, but if Elgee the Mafia was dead, and Kara did resurrect him, it she couldn't have been mafia, if she was the mafia would have won the day before with 3 against 2. As she resurrected someone Demi thought to be Mafia, and then Elgee died, I would have thought he would stick to his guns!


I would ust like to say thanks to all of you, from the BT and not, for playing, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. And now I can relax and not get anymore pm's from Roka, cross exaiming everything...lol


yah, I figured out it was Kara that saved me, that's why I didn't vote for her until Demi did. Still don't know why she did it, but I do know she's one awesome chick for doing it! *gives Kara a rose*


*gives Demi a burek for healing him twice* If that doesn't make you feel better, you are inconsolable *nods*


As for the rest of you mob guys, I'm thinking, we split points, hopefully lots and lots of points *nod nod nod*


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