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You? A ..*gasp* VILLIAN? (July Check-in)


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*arches an eyebrow* 


Um hmm...sweet, smiling, nice and adorable that's what we know all of us Kinster's are...well except our very own Mystiekiss..Miss Evil *winks*.  But is is possible..could it be?  That we ALL have a touch of the wicked, the not so nice, the evil stepmother, wicked witch, tyrant King or scalliwag in us?


Take the Disney Villians Quiz to see if you have a touch of the Villian lurking behind that smile!!  Follow the link:




Take the quiz and find out!!  Check in this month with your results!!  Have fun everyone!!

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oh horrors!!


You are Lady Tremaine. You're the evil stepmother little girls have nightmares about. Hooray for you, who helped kids learn to love their birth parents and do everything possible to avoid stepparents. Next time, though, be careful not to get in between a girl and her dreams.



*grumbles*  not even any magic powers....

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You are Jafar. "How many times do I have to kill you boy?" You just want to be big and powerful... Is that so much to ask? I mean, you deserve it.


Mwhahahaham ehvil powers for me!!!!!!!





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You are Captain Hook. The crusher of dreams. You are Disney's one and only funny villain. But don't discredit the evilness that is Captain Hook. You do your part in scaring little children and teaching a generation of adults to yearn for childhood again. Cuz hey, you just want to fly too.


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Apparently I had a tie!


You are part Jafar. "How many times do I have to kill you boy?" You just want to be big and powerful... Is that so much to ask? I mean, you deserve it.


You are part Ursula. You are the biggest and most powerful. Some may liken you to the business type; you drive a tough bargain, trading legs for voices. You single handedly made a whole generation distrust strangers, no matter how nice and caring they are towards "poor unfortunate souls."



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You are part Jafar. "How many times do I have to kill you boy?" You just want to be big and powerful... Is that so much to ask? I mean, you deserve it.


You are part Lady Tremaine. You're the evil stepmother little girls have nightmares about. Hooray for you, who helped kids learn to love their birth parents and do everything possible to avoid stepparents. Next time, though, be careful not to get in between a girl and her dreams.


oo I got a tie!!

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Guest nephitess

You are Jafar. "How many times do I have to kill you boy?" You just want to be big and powerful... Is that so much to ask? I mean, you deserve it.





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*smirks* Care to guess what I got??

















No? Are you sure? I'll give you a hint. Its either Maleficent, Jafar, or the Balrog.












*sigh* It was Jafar...even after taking it three times with different answers. Wish I had either maleficent or the ballrog though. that would be sweet.

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