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How will Taim's Ashaman be defeated?


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I have an idea on this but I don't see how the necessary circumstances could happen. From the beginning when Rand ordered Taim to train men to channel, he also ordered the men to be trained with the sword. Several times since, the books have mentioned the fact that Taim's men disdain sword training. I wonder if an artificial stedding like environment could be created at the grounds of the BT, like Far Madding. Then Rand's men would commence to run through Taim's men with the sword. Now I haven't thought this over too much so I know it may be full of holes. So please...be gentle.


oh man, that would be awesome. Your theory made me giggle with glee. I think it will totally be other Ashaman, good ones, who wipe them out. Maybe with the help of a bunch of Aes Sedai. The red ones would enjoy it...


I think they'll be defeated the same way all the other channelers on the side of the DO. Remember that there will be more than just the Dark Asha'Man that Rand & Co. will have to deal with. I believe that we'll be seeing a channeling battle of epic proportions, the kind that makes even Dumai's Wells pale in comparison.


Either that, or Cenn Buie will reveal he is the Creator and will kill them all himself. Either way it should be fun. ;)

  \ said:
I think they'll be defeated the same way all the other channelers on the side of the DO. Remember that there will be more than just the Dark Asha'Man that Rand & Co. will have to deal with. I believe that we'll be seeing a channeling battle of epic proportions' date=' the kind that makes even Dumai's Wells pale in comparison.


Either that, or Cenn Buie will reveal he is the Creator and will kill them all himself. Either way it should be fun. ;)[/quote']


I bet you we've not seen the last of forkroot tea.



Oh certainly not. After all, she was on the ship that brought Tuon, and from KoD we know that the Seanchin are mass-producing the stuff. And then of course Perrin showed how it could be used to take out a large number of channelers.


heres a kind of stupid threoy



Logain Rand and some of the other powerful good ashaman open a giant gateway under the black tower grounds and drops them all in Dragonmount so they burn alive in the lava


won't happen but still be funny as hell



I bet you we've not seen the last of forkroot tea.



Of course, duh. That makes way more since and a lot more simple.


And Kalak...decaf....I'm just sayin'. :p


I always thought the forkroot tea was for the charge on the white tower


but I agree it would work (do we know if it works on men?)for the black tower too


I like that stedding theory, because god knows any channeling battle between 40 or so channelers, would wipe out most of the surronding countryside.


I'm going to be disappointed if it's not giant channeling battle. We haven't had a good channeling battle since LoC, and this is the finally freaking book. I pray, PRAY, that the asha'men channel each other to death.


yes, i do too, but at TG. where the bad ASM are the new dreadlords...

so seeing as mass destruction is inevitable at the last battle, i imagine that the ground where it was fought will be glass (from the heat/power) coloured with the megalitres of blood that be shed.


oh, thats a bit dark, i still like it though :twisted:


I don't think Taim and his men will be defeated, i think in fact there will be a massive battle in which lots of the light-sided asha'men get killed, and then Taim will be forced to flee. After all, the shadow has very few channelers as it is.

  • 4 weeks later...

"The Black Tower shall be rent in fire and blood"


I would love for something stupid and anti-climactic to happen like a fire burning through the tower grounds, killing the sleeping Asha'man(men?) in their sleep, and those who wake up in time to survive the fire trip over the side of their bed and get sliced open by the pointless swords they have lying next to their beds. hend the rending of the tower in fire AND blood. Plus, I am getting tired of these anti-Taim conspiracy theories; Taim is so obviously evil that he is most likely good, while Logain is obviously on Rand's side, which means that he will shortly be leading the DF attack on Rand and his supporters led by Mr. Taimandred... Seriously, though, stop hating on Taim because if you don't, you will actually be surprised when you find out he is Rand's staunchest supporter underground in the BT. Look out for that in Book 12, my main prediction Taim=good Logain=bad. Also, Logain=Nae'blis how's that for some glory?


I still think it would be implausible for Taim's Asha'men to be killed off or capture pre-TG... it'd leave the Shadow too weak. Big battle, yes. Blood and fire. Yes. But no victory, and few fatalities on Taim's side.


one of the words used in the prophesy is "rent" isnt it, and this implies that the black tower will be torn or broken if you will, maybe something like the white tower


"The Black Tower shall be rent in fire and blood, and sisters will walk it's grounds"


- or something like that...



Why does everyone belive it will happen before TG? Couldn't it be one of the battles that is TG... and sisters will walk there after TG?


Actually, the sister part is already fulfilled... nothing in the foretelling said that the sister walking the Black Tower grounds had to do it after the fight that rent the tower in blood.


I think it would be badass if Rand went in there secretly as a new recruit, possibly with Logain and just unleashed all those deathgates and the fire from his fingertips (Can't remember the name of word). Just mixin it up a bit. :P


Not gonna happen. A) There would be far better tactics then that to use (rocking up at night and shielding them before they were aware something was wrong/using forkroot in their dinner) B) If Rand or Logain has time to prepare before the confrontation then Taim and his asha'men are gonna lose, hard. The wording of the foretelling suggests a more even battle, and the Shadows need for channelers suggests that Taim and his men get out of there.


Pretty much i suspect Logain will stumble upon something, and a battle will result. Possibly it will be Pevara and her folk bonding Asha'men. It seems possible that his Aes Sedai will be involved in the battle also, because together they equeal Taim and his men in numbers. And if Pevara and the like are involved then Toveine would have reason to fight them--part of her destruction of Elaida thing.


Rand won't be there. Logain will go with his aes sedai with some wise ones and maybe even Cadsuane. Narishma will be there too with Calandor. They will take out Taim and his followers.


I like an idea I heard somewhere before...


Logain is sent back to the BT by Rand ... and sees Rand giving some crazy speech to the Asha'man.


But he has two hands.


So Logain knows its an imposter and attacks/kills him with one his new tricks, starting a battle in the BT.


There are a few ways that can pan out (one being a complete slaughter cos all people see is that he's attacked/killed the Dragon Reborn)

Or he gathers his loyal Asha'man and Aes Sedai and tells them about Rand having only one hand and that the other bloke is an imposter (a Forsaken for all they'd know) and starts a battle between the two factions...


Anyway, Logain will be alive at the end making a speech to the BT with the imposter having been killed or exposed (the viewing of Logain stepping over a puppet or a crumbling mask of Rand)



Think something along those lines is the most likely scenario.

I always thought the forkroot tea was for the charge on the white tower


but I agree it would work (do we know if it works on men?)for the black tower too


Yes it works for Men too.


Cheeck out when Perrin is verifying the details of Forkroot with the Seanchan General


Aemon, i really like that idea, and it fits for me too, because as i said, too much time to prepare and Taim will get his ass handed to him on a plate. There are too many channelers and too many angreal and sa'angreal and the like, not to mention the circles...


Thor, it seems unlikely Cads or Wise Ones will be there, that implis planning and if there were planning you can be damn sure Rand will be involved... And also, Taim and his boys won't be taken out. Which likely means no Callandor.


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