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WoT Chess Set


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K=Rand  Q= Min B= Avhi and Elayne Kn=Perrin & Mat R=Logain and Egwene P=Maiden's of the spear




K =Moridin Q= Lanfear  B= Moghi & Balthamel Kn= Demandred and Semhirage  R= Graendal & Messana P=Trollocs


Could have 5 sets of pieces


Black as above


One set with Rand/Elayne as k/Q, Avi and Min as Bishops, Nynave and Bashere as knights, Logain and Narishma as Rooks and Ashamen as Pawns.


One with Egwene as King and Gawayn as Queen (LOL),  Suian and Leanne as Bishops, Moraine ans Nynave as Knights (as they can ride well, and Siuan and Leanne as Rooks with accepted as Pawns


Add one with Perrin King, Faile Queen, Morgaise and Talanvor Bishops, Tam and Berelain Knights, Loial and Gual Rooks and 2 rivers longbowmen as pawns.


And one with MAtt as king, Tuon Queen, Talmanes and Nalesean as Knights, Aludra and a Damane as Bishops, Kadere and Vannin or Thom as rooks and either the ever victorious army with their Bug helmets or Redarms as Pawns.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Dreadlord

Taim should be in there as well


have any of you ever seen a four way chess set? then you can have the dark, the light, seanschan and.....well i dont know anyone else...everyone else lol who cares. what im REALLY interested in, is Stones. does anyone else think that its basically the game othello? i would like to know how to play snakes and foxes too. what kind of rules would always prevent you from winning without cheating?


Would Rand have one hand or two?



-King: Rand al'Thor

-Queen: Cadsuane Melaihdrin

-Bishop: Nynaeve al'Maera, Alivia

-Rook: Egwene al'Vere, Logain Ablar

-Knight: Aviendha, Elayne Trakand

-Pawns: Jahar Narishma, Elza Penfell, Min Farshaw, Damer Flinn, Verin Mathwin, Allana Mosvani, Kiruna Nachiman, Bera Harkin


The positions in the white are based more on role and importance rather than standing. Rand is obviously the most important person to the Light, so he is the King. Cadsuane is always by his side to support him and protect him, so she has the position of the queen. Bishops were always the ones to protect the royalty, assigned to the sides of the queen and king in a chess board, so Nynaeve and Alivia, both hellbent on protecting Rand from harm, take up these spots. Egwene al'Vere and Logain Ablar are the leaders of the Salidar Aes Sedai and non-Darkfriend Asha'man, so they display the straightforward strength and stability of the rooks. The knights are represented by Elayne and Aviendha, important pieces that can jump around the board to aid other pieces or cause harm to the enemy from unexpected angles (fixing the weather, securing Caemlyn and taking care of the Black Ajah there etc). Pawns are some prominent Dragonsword Aes Sedai along with Elza and Min, both important parts of Rand's standing forces.



-King: Moridin

-Queen: Graendal

-Bishop: Aran'gar, Semirhage

-Rook: Demandred, Mesaana

-Knight: Mazrim Taim, Slayer

-Pawns: Padan Fain, Jaichim Carridin, Mili Skane, Suroth Sabelle Meldarath, Moghedien, Cyndane, Elaida a'Roihan, Alviarin Freidhen


Some of the positions are based on strength, some on way of acting, some on rank and standing. Cyndane and Moghedien are pawns, for example, because they have no real freedom, bound by Moridin and his mindtraps. Taim and Slayer are like knights in a sense, sneaking around, not where you expect them. Demandred and Mesaana have solid positions of authority in the Tower and wherever Demandred is, acting safely from there, somehow like rooks - always a threat, but rarely rushing in the front lines. Aran'gar and Semirhage deploy underhanded tactics that remind one of the bishops' way of sliding across the field. Graendal and Moridin have the strongest standing amongst the female and male Forsaken right now, Moridin being the most important "piece", so they have the positions of queen and king.


Oooh, good question.


I'm sure we're in for much arguing over the merits of one character or another but if it was MY set, and I could choose, I would have;



King: Rand al'Thor

Queen: Egwene al'Vere(as Amyrlin she will be pretty much the most powerful woman in the world)

Bishops: Thom Merrilin, Mat Cauthon

Knights: Logain Ablar, Jahar Narishma

Rooks: Perrin Aybara, al'Lan Mandragoran

Pawns: Maidens



King: Moridin

Queen: Lanfear (as Lanfear, not Cyndane)

Bishops: Fain, Moghedien

Knights: Graendal, Sammael

Rooks: Taim, Shaidar Haran

Pawns: Shadowspawn




-King: Moridin

-Queen: Graendal

-Bishop: Aran'gar, Semirhage

-Rook: Demandred, Mesaana

-Knight: Mazrim Taim, Slayer

-Pawns: Padan Fain, Jaichim Carridin, Mili Skane, Suroth Sabelle Meldarath, Moghedien, Cyndane, Elaida a'Roihan, Alviarin Freidhen






-King: Rand al'Thor

-Queen: Cadsuane Melaihdrin

-Bishop: Nynaeve al'Maera, Alivia

-Rook: Egwene al'Vere, Logain Ablar

-Knight: Aviendha, Elayne Trakand

-Pawns: Jahar Narishma, Elza Penfell, Min Farshaw, Damer Flinn, Verin Mathwin, Allana Mosvani, Kiruna Nachiman, Bera Harkin

My only problem with this set is that there is no Mat or Perrin, who are both pivotal in defeating the DO.


I also like the name stones, I actually call it stones when I teach my friends and whenever I talk about it.  Maybe instead of saying "the japanese game 'go'" or "the korean game 'baduk'" we should just start calling it stones in English. Maybe eventually it will be in the dictionary.  I think RJ would be proud of us if we did that.


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