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Why hasn't Rand hooked back up with Perrin and Mat


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true. but did it give him direction or just a need to get to rand? I can't remember. Either way, it should give him the incentive to get moving.


It seems to me, each time they have this awareness of each other, they try to suppress it almost instantly. When the time is right, (or the pattern is ready, whatever) I think Rand will realize how to actually control this ability at will. Or else this is just another RAFO we may never get a clear answer on. Either way, it has given us some funny scenes in the books!


Well, ya they try to surpress it. Mat is on about to go into battle. He can't afford to waste time seeing Rand and Min going at it. Likewise Perrin is busy organizing Faile's rescue, you think he care to watch Mat playing Snakes and Foxes.


BTW: When Perrin went looking for Rand he just knew he needed to find Rand. Before he got to White Bridge and Heard Rand was in Caemlyn he thought he would have to go to Tear.

  • 4 months later...

All of them are recruiting as they travel. Rand has the 3 girls out gathering people in Andor, The Tower , and Malkier. Rand has the Aiel, The sea folk, and the black tower. Perrin is carting a gaggle of queens around with him, plus the wolves Morgause can bring her two boys around when the time is right, Mat has the REd Hand , the seanchan , and is going to work on Moraine next. they won't come together until TG at which time we will find out for sure who is and isn't the good guys


Well, at the moment arent all three of them in altara right now and probably not even all that far from one a nother? i think the pattern will just force them to all run into each other, or something wild like that.











"Kneel to the Lord Dragon Reborn, or you will be knealt. "


If Rand meets up with Perrin Morgause's cover is blown, Rand would see that elyane knows and she tries to step down. More Disunity just before TG

Although I would like to see flynn have a try at fixing all the crippled sisters I don't think they will come together until each of the 3 has found and consolidated their individual power base. Then the whole can become greater than the sum of the parts and TG will begin


Elayne won't step down if/when she meets up with Morgase again. That would leave Andor without a queen, which would lead to another war of succession. Caemlyn has just been through a siege. Elayne won't put it through another one, certainly.


Not to mention that because Morgase officially abdicated, even if just to herself, when she meets Elayne again (if that occurs) she will be the first to tell Elayne not to try to step down in her favor. Morgase will end up married to Tallanvor, or dead, but not as Queen.


As for the swirling colors ... Mat suppresses them because he doesn't like anything wierd in his head. Perrin suppressed them because he didn't want any distractions from Faile. But Rand does not always suppress them, in fact in Knife of Dreams he concentrates on them and sees Mat and Perrin both. I figure its an advanced form of the ta'veren tugging they've all experienced before, and that in order to set up all the things that have to happen at the Last Battle, Rand will use the phenomenon to be able to collect Mat and Perrin and those with them in short order.


You are right, of course, but my basic point was the 3 of them can gather the forces of light faster than any one of them could and I don't think they have any reason to gather until that is done. The colors are a form of commuication that are still developing, by the time TG comes they will probably be able to converse openly. If you add to that the long range communication devices Avienda has just identified they ought to have pretty good control of their forces. Sorry just a stray thought that popped into my head



this will be in about 200pages


any corrections/additions?


I think you missed a couple hundred more pages of political intrigue, colorful descriptions of settings, and the introduction of 3 new plotlines involving some minor characters. Don't forget a chapter where the girls (Nynaeve, Elayne, Egwene, Min, Birgitte, and Avienda) get back together for one last cat fight and "burn all men!" assemblies. Of course, they'll need to fight with one another and then complain about how stupid it is that all men fight with one another and of course Nynaeve will comment about how she never fights but mutters about the bad behavior of the rest of them (while pulling her braid).


Ok... I got off track...


Nicely put, Xeonicus. Anyway, I don't think Rand, Perrin or Mat will try to get together. Come on, three ta'veren within such close proximity will force them to meet somehow. Besides, TG will get them together, they may need to get together before that, but they currently have more important things to do than chit chat, or let their wives talk about them behind their backs.


Another thing we must consider is that those guys don't know how much time they have left. They know that TG is coming soon, but they do not know that it is in one book's time. They may think they may have a few more books' time before they need to get together, so they won't be in any rush to meet.


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