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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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LotD is pretty new to this as well.  AFAIK, this is only his second game, mine as well.  With 14 people, I wouldn't put it passed Talya to have assigned more than 3 mafia.  4 v 10 sounds like pretty even odds to me.

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Nope. It's not a mod thing, there are accepted rules, etc., and Talya knows exactly how to mod a most excellent game. ;D


I did not realize that so many players here were relatively new. If I come across a bit strong, it's all based on passed games, techniques, ploys, plots withing plots, etc. Don't mind me.


Here's a nice wiki link to kind of explain where a lot of comments/plays are coming from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafiascum


There's more of course. Check out mafiascum.net for games, etc. And if anyone has any questions, pm Talya, she knows this like the back of her hand.


And, don't be strangers to the Organized Games board! We need some new blood in the games and you get to see all of the mafia freaks in full effect!


Ah, ok, since I've only been in one, there were a few curveballs thrown in the last one that I wasn't expecting.  I thought that was the norm to keep things interesting.


Glad to see you're so experienced, but doesn't laying out your experience and being so outspoken make you a prime target for the first mafia kill?



It does. And I die often. But there are benefits to the technique as well, and if I live those will play out.  And I have a few tricks up my sleeve. ;) I'll probably still get killed, but it's glorious when it works out...



Not exactly - the goal is to get your team as close to winning as you can. Sometimes you live to see it, and sometimes you don't. The trick is to get your information across to the peope that need it. If you are mafia, you deceive, lie and do anything you can to hide. If you are innocent, you try to clear as much smoke and confusion away as possible.


I see, makes sense.  It's so much easier to lie than to root out the truth. Especially because you have to convince 11 other people that you're right while fighting off 3 others who will say anything to get people to mistrust you, lol.  I'm starting to like this game.


Last time I was mafia and the innocents got lucky and killed the other two mafioso's the first two nights.  I managed not to get killed until I hit the landmine (character whose death also causes the death of the last person to vote for them). The only one who suspected me I was able to kill before they had a chance to finger me. :) But this not knowing anything is tough.


You are doing fine and MOST people who play are more than happy to help how they can.  Take any advice at face value though because if they are mafia they will only "help" so much.  Dpr is an excellent person to look to for how to play well.  Loki also has mad skillz yo.  Then, of course, Kivam, Barm, Vemy, Talya, Alys, FDM... :P


while I am normally not to be trusted I usually don't even false advice to new players straight out...


the false advice makes me look suspicious and the reverse, being very helpful, recently won me a game while I was mafia.



I think that game playing mechanics and general knowledge are usually considered hallowed ground and that most if not all players are happy to share stuff like that with newer players. And aside from being in really bad taste, it would be very difficult to spread "bad" information as long as their are other experienced players around to counter it.  So, the general stuff should be pretty safe. What you have to look out for are techniques being used.


Vemy is talking about a sweet little play a couple of games back where instead of trying to influence and mislead the game, he simply took the higher road as an innocent might, thereby casting doubt on others who were overly emo about their points. They got lynched and he won. He is always an excellent person to ask any questions of. And in addition to being modest, Naeann is as skilled a player as an of the rest of us and is also an excellent resource. Loki does, of course, possess mad skillz.


All of the knowledge is much appreciated, and I'm sure you use the word 'mad' in the 'mad scientist' sense when referring to Loki ;)


I thank ye kindly Mr. Wes... I'm not quite to the talent those I listed are at though.  I indend to learn all I can from them though.


Yes indeed,  very good Eclipse, for picking up why I used "mad" in association with Loki. :)


As the day turns to night, darkness stretches throughout the room. In the night you hear things. Whispering movement, but you lie there not wishing to draw attention to yourself. As the first light appears through the window, you all look around wondering what had occured in the night, you weren't the only one to hear the noises. You check everyone. There has been no deaths, everyone is still alive.


It is now day get lynching.


Oh and I made a mistake there are only 13 of you, (damn not having that number 8!!!)


So 13 players it takes 7 to lynch.



Oh and I made a mistake there are only 13 of you, (damn not having that number 8!!!)


So 13 players it takes 7 to lynch.




Technically, Loki should've been lynched then... Good thing you didn't notice that before!


Ok, So I'm still looking at the list of people who voted for Loki and didn't change their vote...


*eyes [glow=green,2,300]Tayol[/glow] again*


Technically, Loki should've been lynched then... Good thing you didn't notice that before!




Of course technically I'm the Mod so if I say 8 to lynch thats what it was anyway....*nods*




Tayol (1): eclipse


With 13 players it takes 7 to lynch.


Of course if anyone wishes to take this issue up, I'm always partial to a little Modkilling....icon_twisted.gif


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