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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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It didn't take long for Loki to say that he though Naeann was Mafia. As they began voting Nae shouted her innocence, and accused Loki of lying, even of being Mafia, but no one was listening.


So she was strung up and left dangling till she died. Thinking that night would soon be here, the others began to settle down for the night, except three of them. Before anything could be said or done, Jelly, Tayol and Loki pulled knives and slit the throats of DPR, Eclipse and Demi. After they have died. They banged on the door, shouting that the traitors had been found and disposed off. Shortly the doors opened and the three traitors walked out to freedom.



Naeann, Innocent Bulletproof dead

DPR, innocent healer dead

Eclispe, innocent assasin dead

Demi, innocent bomb dead




Run down


Day 1 No lynch, Evils win an extra Kill


Night 1 DPR heals himself

       Mafia chose to kill DPR, and use the other kill to convert Loki to

       the Mafia team (they could do this only once throughout the game)


Night 2 Eclispe kills LotD

       Mafia target Naeann (who was bulletproof)

       DPR savves Loki


night 3 DPR saves himself

       Mafia kill Blig Blog


Night 4 Eclipse kills Vemy

       Mafia kill Korin

       DPR saves himself





great game all


us converting Loki day one really opened this game up for us, but you put up a good fight


*drinks to his dead comrade LOTD*


well dang, no wonder I couldn't make heads or tails of this game


Good job to naeann though, I think outta all us innocents she was the closest to unraveling this mystery (her and who else voted loki day 1? we tried lynching them?)



Son of a $!&@#!


So there were 3 original mafia, and they recruited our finder on night 1? ......Then there were 4 mafia (including 1 now mafia finder) against 10 other players. Wow. I thought I was doing good -  :P


1. Loki was loooooovvvvvviiiiiing this role. And played it to the hilt. *Sweeps off pirate hat and bows again*

2. Talya was Laughing her a$$ off.  ;D

3. And I thought we had the whole thing wrapped up. Just goes to show you....


I will say this as a consolation for our innocent team: The chances of Talya including a recruiter role in the game, then having them choose the finder on the first night are so remote that it's not even worth considering. I would feel bad about being so loud, but our strategy would have won most games.  Once the finder was turned, we were dead.


But that's why we love mafia.  8)


Thanks to the Mod for another wonderful game. Thanks to all of the players. You guys rock.  And for those of you not playing on the OG board, you should drop by!





Eclipse did awesome - nice shot on LoTD!  The evil team did a good job laying low. Excpet for Jelly. She was obviously evil - I kept saying it......;)


Baaa blindly following someone with extremely flawed posts like little sheep!  *is ashamed of DPR* :P  We didnt have a shot in hell even if you had believed me.


oh and where is the real finder then nae, if its not me?


and why would i reveal myself today by geting you lynched for being evil


and i know why mine says, i could quote it for you if it werent against the rules


and i believe it was the game where i was the actual finder, and dpr carried on your claim when you had to leave


and if you were actually innocent, you would let your self be lynched to prove it. your fighting it is just proving that you are quilty





I had to go to work so i couldnt respond to this before end game... i said i did not lie about any role i have ever had.. that very game you reffered to i WAS a finder... i was an evil finder who had to view a player a night til i found our overlord (which was barm)I clearly stated that in my post before you said this.  I dont know if it was more of you trying to get me killed or you really werent paying attention to what i was saying.  But I wasn't kidding when I said I've never false  claimed.  That was just stretching what my evil finder role was for.




I ran the numbers up and down  - The first post clearly stated that there was a finder. Then I considered the possibility of a silent finder, or a timid finder, or a player that was inactive. But everyone posted and no mod would set a game up where the finder could not reveal or counter claim. I'll admit that I never looked at a recruited finder after night one - and that's where the game was lost. But, no one else brough it up either, and that mi amigos is when it matters.  Talking smack after the game is great, but you gotta point this stuff out during the game!


Also, Nae, where were the extremely flawed posts? I thought they played it very well, and my points were all based on percentages.





Just Loki's.... pulling straws to try to retaliate what i was saying... I did point them out but heck... Loki is a Mafia king... I saw them because I knew He was lying.  *shrugs*  I'm simply saying we intermediate/newbie players need to stop blindly following people like you and Loki and Kivam because we end up like this... You know exactly what to say in these games to get people to believe you no matter what.  I kid you not.. I asked Talya if my role was actually evil and I just missed something.  That's when I unvoted myself because she assured me I really was innocent.  He was so assured with not caring to flat out say I was mafia because he knew my lynch was end game anyways. 


I haven't read back to the days before yet to see if anything would have clued me in if I had been looking... I meant only the posts where he voted for me and those following and like i said... I did point them out.  Wouldn't have mattered.. the only two on at that time were Loki and Jelly and they weren't about to change their votes.


Ha ha, I should've gone with my gut, not listened to Loki, and assassinated Tayol on night two. That would've revealed that Loki was lying.


Yeah, I blame DPR for this loss too. If he didn't finger the finder on the first day, then the Mafia wouldn't have been able to convert him :P


Just kidding man, that's all luck of the draw.  Since this was only my second game, I had no idea that a conversion was a possibility.  I have to say, something didn't sit right about Loki and DPR consistently being wrong, but you had to believe he was the finder because no one contested him, but I didn't fully trust DPR until he made the Healer claim.


And I appreciate the compliments guys!



Here are a couple of intersting observations:


Nae, you were check-mated as soon as Loki named you mafia. There was nothing that you, or anybody, could do. There has never been an innocent about to go down that did not say "I'm innocent!". And there has never been a mafia that has not done the same thing. Trying for that last minute miracle can occasionaly work on the first day, but never at the endgame. 


Eclipse, your instincts were dead on. And if you had taken Tayol out, we would have won. And every time a play like that goes down you will kick yourself! Until the next game, when you totally follow your instincts, even though the rest of your team does not see it, and you do something that loses the game for them. Then you kick yourself, and they kick you too. But, always let those instincts have a voice. And then try to find ways to follow them that won't throw the advantage to the other team.


There are lots of experienced players on DM, and Nae is right about them making compelling arguments for one point or another. But, you can usually tell if the argument is bogus or not by looking at the reasoning behind it. In our case, through the luck of the draw, Loki wound up as our lynch on day one.  This had two effects: the first was that he was instantly chosen to be recruited. The second was that it allowed for an unusuall amount of interaction between the players and the evil team would have been dead if they had not brought Loki on.


But, as far as logic goes, you can't argue with his play. You never take out an uncontested finder, and anyone who argues that is either mafia or they have not played many games. Loki played the role very smart by waiting to reveal names - seemingly waiting for the "tipping point" when the innocents could not lose, and choosing Tayol as the evil he would name innocent. Tay had a couple of guilt worthy posts, but lookedmuch more innocnet that TMD, and he was innocent, providing some nice cover.


Anyway, it was a great play by Loki and it deserved the win. And the only way for the innocents to feel better about it is to play again and get revenge ;D



it was just gorgeous having you all follow me like that, you were geting ready to bandwagon  tayol the second day and i just voted TMD and you all changed.. but when lotd went a figured that tay might be next, but he was the godfather so my story should have held even if he had been night killed ...

you almost seemed to catch one when i revealed lotd right after he had been nked by eclipse, hats off to naeann on that, and sorry i didnt realise you actually had been the finder, .. i actually would have liked to nk you on go for korin but i didnt want us try try our luck on you only having more bulletproofyness


and yes i enjoyed this role so much, i love being evil, and lol dpr, i viewed you on night one, you seemed to be agreeing with me on everything


Eclipse, this is what I got


TAYOL – As a godfather you are head of the traitors. The first time you are viewed you will come up as innocent. The second time you will come up as traitor. Your team members are Jelly and Lord of the Dawn. As Godfather you will send in the night action. Should you die it will be passed to one of the others. Only once during the game you can choose to forgo your night kill and recruit one person to your cause. This is a generic role for the whole team. You can talk to the members of your team outside the game thread


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