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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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Because anyone could say they are innocent.  No one will believe me until the finder views me or I die.  Do what you want. :)




Did.. did the finder just opt to view an inactive player for information without me constantly hassling them that its a good idea?


I feel like a parent realizing their child's all grown up T_T *happy tears*


well I am innocent, but yeah, keep on keeping on. least this way you won't waste a lynch on me^^


Dae (6): DPR, Loki, Tayol, Eclipse, Nae, Jelly

Nae (1): Dae


It doesn't take long for the votes come in and soon a majority has been reached. Dae is taken and hanged byt the neck until dead.


Dae the roleless innocent has been lynched.


It is now night, please send me your night actions.



Ah yes, who to heal? Who to protect?


Loki? Should I preserve the finder? He can keep finding, cutting our time in half by discovering who is who.


Eclipse? Should I preserve the assassin? He can cut our time in half, killing at night.


Myself? I could just save my own skin and keep the mafia from sweet revenge!


Hmmmmmmm.......who will it be?  8)





If you run the numbers, it works out to an innocent win any way you slice it.  I'm assuming that everyone has seen this, which would account for why everyone denies that they are mafia without giving any gret reasons for it.  Other than that, everyone on the mafia list has been quiet. Well, except for your post above. Narrowing down the choices of who might be healed only helps the mafiato choose, not me. Leaving them with no information would be better, hoping that they choose the person that I have protected and they lose their kill again. Which would be awfully sympish, trying to communicate with the mafia and all.


I think you should protect Loki or Eclipse, DPR.... but you shouldn't post whatever you decide to do.


Loki might not get to tell us who he viewed in his goodbye rant and Eclipse can kill whatever mafia is left unknow after tonight.


I'm not a mafia. :'(


Again night descends on the room. You lie there listening to people moving around, wondering if someone will be coming for you tonight. But as the light creeps in you find yourself still alive. Looking around you see Two bodies, One obviously his neck broken and the other lying in a pool of blood, his throat cut.


Vemy and Lorin two roleless innocents are dead.


7 left it takes 4 to lynch


ok last night i decided to view [glow=red,2,300]naeann[/glow]


um though, wasnt crow in the suspect list? um thats worrying me, either we have really dumb or given up mafia out there or there is a factor we're not seeing, maybe a godfather? the two deaths more or less confirm eclicpse, and naean should confirm me, if any more was needed, so that leaves dpr, whos story makes sence up to now, jelly with a bullet proof claim, demi and tayol.


either nae is the last evil, which i find unlikely then there will be one other proably a godfather

so if i review either tay or demii think that will be our best chance, and eclicpe can have a try on jelly so see if her claim can be supported and basically anyone else the remaining mafia trys to kill will just help us to find them



1. Loki viewed Naeann last night and she is mafia. That makes today's vote easy: [glow=red,2,300]Naeann[/glow]


2. Eclipse came through on assassinating Vemy and the mafia chose to kill Korin rather than risk one of the players that might be healed.  This is fine (unless you are them, of course) because it continues to narrow the field for us. As it stands, the board looks like this:




1. Jelly

2. Nae


The innocents still alive are:


3. Loki - finder

4. eclipse - assassin

5. Tayol - found innocent

6. Demi - found innocnet

7. Me - healer


When we lynch Nae, we will be down to 6 players with 1 probable mafia, Jelly, who evidently is truly eeeeeevvvvil. yeah.


Let's confirm Nae as mafia with a lynch, then move forward with a strategy. If there are any surprises out there, which is entirely possible, then we don't want to waste any night actions.


Well wont you all be rather shocked when the coroner report comes out then.  Flipping idiots.


I'll help you out cause I anxiously await your stupified reaction posts when you read that I'm innocent.




Know what.. nvm [glow=red,2,300]UNVOTE[/glow]


[glow=red,2,300]Loki[/glow]... you know why? He never said I was evil.. He said he viewed me.



ok last night i decided to view [glow=red,2,300]naeann[/glow]


um though, wasnt crow in the suspect list? um thats worrying me, either we have really dumb or given up mafia out there or there is a factor we're not seeing, maybe a godfather? the two deaths more or less confirm eclicpse, and naean should confirm me, if any more was needed, so that leaves dpr, whos story makes sence up to now, jelly with a bullet proof claim, demi and tayol.


either nae is the last evil, which i find unlikely then there will be one other proably a godfather

so if i review either tay or demii think that will be our best chance, and eclicpe can have a try on jelly so see if her claim can be supported and basically anyone else the remaining mafia trys to kill will just help us to find them


I'M NOT EVIL... like Jelly I had a bulletproof role and on night two I was targeted which kept me safe but ended the role.  I'll confirm something for you Loki... you are full of crap. :)


Jelly I apologize.. to you.. Do you think I'd be so stupid to volunteer myself for viewing if I was mafia?  I came up innocent I assure you.  IF he is the finder.. I came up innocent when He viewed me.  Which means he is a lying liar who lies in accusing me of being mafia.  He could possibly be assuming a Godfather role but that is a FAR FAR stretch my friend.  He literally NEVER ONCE in the post said I was absolutely mafia.  To save his hide when I come up innocent and you all try to turn on him.


its just last ditch mafia attempt at sympathy, nothing personal




edit: and hun why else would i vote you if i have viewed you


and sorry one, why didnt you say you had a bullet proof earlier, yesterday, or even ..you know when you voted yourself


1) voting yourself, thats a mafia thing

2) your voting an uncontested finder

3) your role claim ..just seems a bit of the cuff


and nae you are absolutly mafia. happy now




and i pretty much thought you would do something like this, you have a perchant for claiming roles.


and me full of crap? hey dont shoot the messenger, i got my information from talya :-*


Loki.. I don't think I have EVER claimed a role I didn't have.  Tell me where I did?  I really did have that role in Dsage's game.  I was an evil finder.  So try again babe.


You might be mistaking me for my bonded, Vemynal.


Because I reread your post and I saw flaws. ;)  (as to why I changed my mind) I'm voting an uncontested finder because I disagree with what he claims he viewed.  I know what my PM says and it DOESNT say mafia. 



I'm very happy now, Loki.  It will make it so much funner when everyone else finds out you lied.


oh and where is the real finder then nae, if its not me?


and why would i reveal myself today by geting you lynched for being evil


and i know why mine says, i could quote it for you if it werent against the rules


and i believe it was the game where i was the actual finder, and dpr carried on your claim when you had to leave


and if you were actually innocent, you would let your self be lynched to prove it. your fighting it is just proving that you are quilty




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