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Moghedien is behaving oddly...


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Oooo! Canuki, what kind of spider is she?? We have three at work and I am thinking of getting one if I can get up the nerve to touch one..... I probably won't though, so I'll end up with a moon crab..


I do have a baby rat named Flower though :D

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Just out of curiosity, what is the average life expectancy of those spiders Canuk? You've had her quite awhile now.

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I shall, Eli!!! I'm sorry Loki passed away, I know what great pets rats make!!



And CANUKI!!!!! Rats are one of the sweetest pets one can get!! Flower takes naps with me on my futon for hours and when I wake up, she is still snuggled up on one of my feet! Everytime she gets out of her home while I am not in my room, she climbs up the clothes hanging in my closet and snuggles in with my sweatshirts, then pokes her little nose out when I call for her :):)

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i chose Chilean Rose because they're the cheapest and the most hardy and easiest to take care of.


female tarantulas in the wild live for like 20yrs, males live for about 10.  the male lifespan is shorter because they spend their life wandering looking for females while the ladies just stay in their burrows. 


Moggy the Second is only about 5yrs old.


and rats are still plague carriers.

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*Checks the subject of the thread*

Oh good, I'm not acting oddly... :P


Actually thats why I checked this thread XD


I'm Aracnaphobic but at the same time Taranchulas don't seem to bother me, I've even had them crawl around on my arm *once*, I may not hate them but i still don't like spiders on me, and I must say that your naming the spider moghedien is rather humoring^^.




I have an idea! moggy flipped over her house and started rocking because she was throwing a killer party!^^

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