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March Check In...Well I Swear!!....


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Since we are talking about Irish days this month...one of the things I think of about the Irish is thier gift of language and use of words and the colorful way they have a turn of phrase! So for check in this  month....post two of your favorite expressions!  Remember we are PG-13 and the word filter...you may need to use an asterick or "clean" version in your choices!!


:) You may not believe this..but I tend to have a rather colorful language at times..and in fact have spent the last many years, developing the good habit of NOT swearing with every other word!!  LOL!  And having spent quite a bit of time working with children...this was more than neccessary!!  So these two tend to pop out quite often..


God Bless America and all the Ships at Sea!!

and even more often..


Judas Priest!  or Judas F**king Priest!



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Hahaha... yeah, Spongebob.  William watches a loooot of that.


I umm say fek a lot for the big bad one.  And bish and beeotch for the B one.  I like to call my one friend a c***goblin (think rooster).  A**hat is a good one... and a**clown.  Okay, I'm done for now... hahaha...

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My language has gotten really bad over the last six months or so. I really need to quit swearing, though, before one of my kids says something bad in front of the wrong person.


However, one of my favored not-swearing phrases is "Rats, mice, and guinea pigs"

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Not much swearing going on around here, to be honest.  Things are generally pretty good, lol.  Occasionally, if the puppy has misbehaved, there will be a loud utterance of "damn dog!  Not again!"  "Oh, crap is a familiar one too. :D  (Usually related to something that to dog or cats have done.)

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Checking in...I'll start trying to make more regular appearances...keep your fingers crossed, but don't hold your breath... ;D ::)




For some reason, I've started using "son of a b*tch" lately. My kids learned "what the hell" and "dammit" from both my husband and I.


And when I remember to clean it up, I use "poop!" a lot. My hubby's favorite is "bloody hell."

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*huggles, pounces, bounces and huggles more*


FAE!!  *GRINS*  It's sooo good to see you here!!  How are you?  DiD you get your mail?  OH I've missed you sweets!!


Ok everyone else?  Where aer you?  Do I need to send out the Posse?  Hmmm?

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umm... I'm watching my mouth before I have to watch my mouth, but I tend to say frak a lot (thanks to BattleStar Gallactica). At school, I tend to say "excuse me" and "I'm waiting" WAY more than I want to, but my kids just won't shut up! Now, if I could just tell them to shut up... *laughs and sighs*

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*is sometimes here*


I'm not always here, but maybe you'll see me more come summer...


I like saying "booger" and "crap."  I dunno what else, I have numerous interesting substitutions for bad words....lol.

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