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Welcome Krugster!!


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So Krug, Welcome to the White Tower. As you can see there's some stuff over there to your left. To your right there would be some more stuff.  Just basically lots of stuff here. 


So here's what you really need to know. You're the newest of the new, so it's your job to fetch me Orange Juice when I'm thirsty. Which coincidentally, I currently am.  Oh, and I place Jhae in charge of you, to keep you out from underfoot as I whip this place back into some semblance of shape. You will obey her as you would me. *eyes his right hand* Now, I don't see any orange juice in this hand, hmmmmm what about Mr. Lefty *checks his other hand* Nope. Something's amiss. But what could it possibly be.





Patient with the newbies.

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Guest malone_tymes

welcome Krug.


Do not worry, Bob is not that harmful, unless you attempt to beat him up.



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Oooo oooo, I get to be in charge of a Warder!  *jumps up and down*


Errr...  *returns to Aes Sedai calm*  Allright, Krugs, you better get that Orange Juice, or I'll get out the Smutty Onions...  *smiles*






(Ohh yeah, thanks Kathana... those onions are gonna work out nicely...)


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