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Any novices or Accepted need help with raising reqs?  Anyone up for some political intrigue?  New Ajah Heads want to have a political pow-wow (in the books, they all know one another, we've never really considered how)? 


I've also got two characters that I want to get raised on up!  Dulcinea, a Green Accepted, and Iriana a Brown Aspirant, who only needs her Ajah req and Oaths RP.  So, any Browns interested?


Any other ideas from y'all?


We need to get off our butts and get active again! :D

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I think that Owen is planning to do something with ter'angreals soon, and I was going to sit in on it... I'm still slack on ideas, but you know I'd love to RP with you again :)


I'll try to see if I can shake the brain gerbil into spitting out an idea, but if you come up with something instead, I'm around on MSN, or a PM always works :)

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143 views and only 3 replies!  Lurkers!  :o


I'd love to RP with each of you!


Those of you with Accepted, what raising reqs do you need to work on? 


Eqwina and Raeyn, I want to RP with both of y'all using Iriana.  I originally intended for her to go Brown, but the more I think on it, the more I think that she could easily fit into the Yellow also.  She is a mute, so naturally, Brown seemed a good fit because of all the work arounds she's had to figure out in order to do classes & such, as well as find a way for her to swear the three Oaths (PM me for details on how we'll work that one out :D)!  But I can see her choosing Yellow if I give her a Healing Talent.  Because in the Yellow it wouldn't matter that she can't speak, she just needs to be able to Heal well.  So, yeah, I need some Brown and Yellow RP lovin'!


Dulcinea, my other Accepted, is RPed entirely in the main plotline.  I need some ideas for stuff to do with her as an Accepted, because I'm getting ready to go ahead and raise her. :)

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Yep, I know that song & dance.  I just finished up a busy patch at work, myself. 


Unfortunately, I don't have a Warder character to help ya out with, but I do know that at least one of the trainee reqs deals with an Aes Sedai.  When you get to it, hit me up and I'll help you out. :)

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Shendare- I have a warders character if you want to begin your RP. Thera is the MoT so she is a great person to get you started. No pressure, no rush!


I am up for pretty much anything as I said before. I have not been on MSN much, I had a really nasty run in with some asbestos and I have sick for about a week. :p I do check the boards everyday though, so start tossing ideas my way :)

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This works perfectly - Momsy is a Red, and my new MoN character is a Red.  Muirenn, would you like a bit of RP where you "offer me the job" ? It would be a good opening for me to start my RP'ing here *makes puppy eyes*

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That'd be great Elgee!  I have a similar RP already written up for my Keeper, whenever she's chosen. :D  I'm waiting to figure out with Jayde exactly where we are in terms of what Annais did with the Tower, and the decision to be made as to what happened to her. 


So, no novices or Accepted (or even Aes Sedai!) want to go to the spa for High Chasaline? :(

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