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Wonderful, now you just need to become a second time poster, and a third time poster, and a fourth time poster, and a fifth time poster, and a sixth time poster, and a seventh time poster, and so on...


Anyways, I'm your friendly neighborhood library, if you have questions about this website, I'm the guy to ask.

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Welcome to Dm Dhoas,


As Barmy says he is the font of all knowledge and you should drink from him often...I do *snugglebites Barmy* ;D


Well why don't you pop in to the Wolfkin we area fun loving Org who love anything to do with Nature. So if you have some lovely photos we would love you to share them. We are also the home of TQ an Chilli, and would give you the warmest welcome you could ever want... ;)


I also recommend the Band..the Music and travel Org. With rediments, brawls, brews, jousting and of course our own Org game.


If you want your own snugglebite you will have to join the White Tower and visit the Red Ajah...we's love to meet you :D


HAve though wherever you go and have a Happy Christmas. ;D

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Roll up Roll up Free Booze For All!!! Oh, and Canapes ;D


*Demon finished setting up the tables full of said free booze... Guinfantry of course!... And a plateful of Canapes*


Hello, hello, hello!!! Allow me to extend a hearty greeting to the Newbie!! From all at the Band of The Red Hand! And in particular the Infantry regiment. Why am I here, I hear you ask?


As the New Year approaches I invite you, if you are interested in a challenge, to join The Band of the Red Hand, *CoughInfantrycough* As my fellow Banders have already given some information, I shall just pin this poster to Talyas back so that you can read it...




Larger Image


If you have any further questions about The Band and the Infantry, or any other of the regiments, feel free to ask to your heart's content, and myself or any other member will be more than happy to oblige...


In the meantime, help yourself to a Guinny... Not to mention one of my delicious Canapes!!


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Welcome to DM, Dhaos! 


A lurker? those are the interesting ones for sure. Many people are known to have lurked for months (some even years) before actually coming through the front door. Good thing you decided to do that ;)


Hope you visit all boards on DM. Especially the community Yellows and the RP Children of the Light *wink*


I hope you enjoy yourself  ;D





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Hi, everyone.  Thanks for the warm welcome!


I'll be sure to browse all of your Org pages (somehow I feel like it's electives day all over again).


Hope everyone had a merry christmas, and that the new year finds you well!


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Welcome to DM!


Do make a beeline to the Band of the Red Hand ORG, the home of music and travel at DM. We offer something for everyone, so you'll be at home amongst us as soon as you join! You'll never be bored by what the Band has to offer! So come on by and enjoy the delights of the ORG, starting with a mug of Battle Brew!


But whatever you do at DM, have fun! :) But do join the Band of the Red Hand ORG! ;)

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What's with everyone suddenly coming out the clos... errr ... stopping lurking ?


Well, it's a good thing, whatever the reason  ;D


*cuts one leg off every table DS set up*


*looks all innocent*


So what kind of thing interests you, Dhaos ?


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