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DMPSW WT Usergroup Signup & Updates

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Post here if:


1 - You have a WT character and can only see this Board. (There are at least 4 boards that all members should be able to see.)


2 - You are not on our Member List. ( HERE You will find the Member list and Character list according to the previous Roll Call. What I need you to post are Character Ranks, Any Changes that need to be made, OP Requests (if any), And anything else that is missing.)


3 - Age Updates (HERE is a list of all current and inactive characters and their ages.)



I will be going through the Former Sticky and updating that. :) If you have already posted on there you will be added by the end of the night.




White Tower Division Leader

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Ahem.  My score levels are 2 lower than what I was given.



Strength: 27, Skill: 33

Air: 7 (7)

Water: 4 (4)

Earth: 4 (4)

Fire: 6 (7)

Spirit: 5 (5)



Strength: 28, Skill: 33

Air: 4 (4)

Water: 7 (7)

Earth: 6 (7)

Fire: 4 (4)

Spirit: 6 (6)



Strength: 27, Skill: 28

Air: 5 (5)

Water: 5 (5)

Earth: 5 (5)

Fire: 5 (5)

Spirit: 6 (6)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MoonLily

It was suggested I post here to be added to the usergroup... so here I post!


Merilaine Candwin soon to be novice



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Guest Arie Ronshor

Thank You MoonLily! I added you to the usergroup already so you should see the Novice quarters. and the White Tower Lounge.


I'll add/fix the member page either tonight or tomorrow.. (depends how my Charmed Season DVD's call my name or not.. :D)

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Updated to here Except OP scores..


Please post people. If not I will start removing people from the Usergroup who are not on this list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arani I just noticed this, your OP scores are two lower than what you were given because you had a higher number in one of your elements. If you have a high number in one of your elements it costs you in overall strength, I went through your scores one by one and adjusted them based on what you gave me. http://dmwhitetower.arie-designs.net/?page_id=16

You can read here and learn more about the system.

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Ahhh that's what happened, you sent me three different OP score breakdowns. This is the second one:

Part 5

Visen: Strength = 27, Skill = 33, Air = Fire = 7, Spirit = 5, Water = 4, Earth = 2


Neres: Strength = 27, Skill = 29, Spirit = Air = 6, Water = Fire = Earth = 5

Naremi: Strength = 28, Skill = 33, Water = Earth = 7, Spirit = 5, Air = 3, Fire = 2


As you can see there were numbers missing and so where there were numbers missing I figured you wanted the number 7 or whichever one it was for both those elements. I just found the third one and it reads much easier, I will fix those scores on the website as soon as it gets switched over from the old server. Thanks for pointing that out hun, I appreciate it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*snuggles* Hi there sweetie!! Go ahead and write a novice bio, check out the stickys on here for rules and such. You can send the bio is DMWTBIOS@gmail.com and it will get approved. I am going to go add you to the userground right now. I am so glad you are joining us hun!!

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  • 1 month later...

Speaking of, do Warders count towards the three characters?


Just checking.




On a sidenote, i'm not listed on the site...




Jerinia Zaralyn (Novice)


Skill: 33

Strength: 28


Air: 8 (8 pts)

Earth: 2 (2 pts)

Fire: 8 (12 pts)

Spirit: 4 (4 pts)

Water: 2 (2 pts)


Total: 28 pts.


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You weren't, I pmed you about it long ago but the PM may have been lost on the old DM. I believe I have her bio somewhere. Yup you can keep Eadon and have two other ones. I love it. Jeh sweetie, that's because Elgee can't seem to update the OP scores and I have been to tired to do all that stuff. WT Division website work is next on my list. Also it's three characters per division. So you can have three warders, three aes sedai, three children of the light, etc. Eadon I am going to go add you to the appropriate boards. *Hugs* Hope you come back and stay with us. Love your writing.

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