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Who killed Sahra Covenry?


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It was a Black obviously, but who? and why?


If the BA wanted to know about Min, they could have snatched her at any time while presenting the rumor that she snuck out.




It was a Black obviously, but who? and why?


If the BA wanted to know about Min, they could have snatched her at any time while presenting the rumor that she snuck out.




I have no proof at all, just what i beleive.  Alvarian was the one, why I think so?  The Cabbage, I mean Elidia talked to her about what she thought was going on.  Next Thing we know, poor Sarha and her keeper were dead.


I'm sorry, I forgot who Sahra Covenry is???


When Min goes to Tar Valon, on the orders of Moraine.  When she gets taken to see the Amyrlin, Sara is the novice who takes her. Siuan thinks she may have heard to much, and calls her a flighty girl with her head in the clouds. She also thinks Gawyn is dreamy.  Later, she is the one who is killed by the OP.


I've read that section very carefully in the past, to try and puzzle this out for sure, because I was entertaining the possibility that Leane might be a DF, (an idea that I've subsequently answered for myself.) while there is no definative answer, I think I can give you a good one.  Sahra arrives to take Min to Siuan, and in the text, IIRC, they only meet Gawyn enroute.  Making it a gtrand total of 5 people who know that Sahra was sent to bring Min to Siuan.  Those people being; Sahra, Min, Leane, Siuan, and Gawyn.  Now after Sahra drops Min off, she is questioned by Elaida, who can be added to this list.Immeadiately after Elaida questions Sahra, she starts up a conversation with Alviarin on the topic of Siuan hiding things, the same topic that she had just questioned Sahra about.  Since we know that the mystery Aes Sedai, knew that Sahra had brought Min to Siuan, the only people who are likely to have known, are those listed above.


Since Min and Galad are obviously not Aes Sedai they can be elimminated as suspects right off the bat.  As can Siuan, because Sahra would have adressed her as Mother, and Siuan would not have refered to herself in the third person.  Elaida, seems to be a bad candidate as well, as she thought to herself, moments after concluding her interogation of Sahra in the WT, that she had already forgotten Sahra's name.  At the very least this indicates that to Elaida's mind, Sahra was not signifigant.  Sahra asks, if the mystery Aes Sedai had come to take her back.  The title given, the tone of the question, and the subject of that uestion lead me to believe that she is not adressing Leane, as I can't see a novice, asking the keeper of the chronicles, if she has come to personally take a novice back to the tower?  This leaves Alviarin as the prime suspect to my mind, with Leane as the next most likely.


Alviarin: the killer had mud on her dress. How many Aes Sedai have we seen that aren't careful dirt on their clothes (excepting your absent-minded browns)?


I don't recall if Sahra was killed with the power. If so that does eliminate Elaida...but does this seem the type of thing Elaida would do personally?


Power or not, Elaida wouldn't actually *kill* someone with the power, she could get all she wanted from a novice ith just a glare for a start, she may be possessed of delusions of grandeur but she isn't a psychopath.


Well thought out cloglord.

I always thought it was Alviarin doing Mesaana's bidding.

No real proof, just remember that being the impression I had when I read it.


It's interesting that all three Aes Sedai who had petition duty where Min arrived were killed during the coup(, or was it just the same day but perhaps different that the coup day). When Min arrived it seemed half the Aes Sedai in the Tower were going to die, but actually it doesn't appear that all that many Aes Sedai fought each other, that not very many died. To me it seems like an exaggeration by the Black Ajah to snatch those three because of Min, especially since they didn't touch Faolain, but there's a further coincidence for you.


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