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What do YOU want to happen?

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He's speaking of her dark attitude when dealing with Siuan and Faolain in KoD. Beyond that there is not much evidence at all--the general feeling that either Lelaine or Romanda must be a darkfriend from back in the day, added to the sudden darkness of Lelaine in KoD which just preceeds our favourite darkfriends amongst the rebels being uprooted AND the revelation that Romanda is definately not a darkfriend....


All of its very much conjecture, though i too think Lelaine is a darkfriend.

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I cling to the belief that Lelaine is not Black, but she did have something of a thing already in LoC. When Nynaeve, by happenstance as it was, and 'by happenstance' Lelaine suspected, bumped into where Lelaine was showing off Logain, she appeared on the point of doing the same as she did to Faolain to her. Of course, that might not be so, and Faolain is Blue so Lelaine has a perfect right to punish her.


Some things I want to see...


Rand dying.


Malkiers last stand at Tarwins Gap, against a massive army of trollocs. With Lan and most of the Malkieri dying, so there will be a stop at all this nonsense talk about digging up Malkier from the grave.


Nynaeve, with Lan dead, becoming a wandering Aes Sedai in the same style as Cadsuane.


Fain vs Slayer, with Fain killing Slayer. A showdown where both of them shows all the little tricks they have up their sleeves.


Fain pulling a Gollum by killing SH just as SH is about to slice Rand into Kebab. And Rand toasting Fain immidiatly afterwards.


Tuon learning to channel.


Confirmation that Lelaine is not black, just powerhungry.


I'd like to see...


Cadsuane dying.

Nynaeve dying... slowly.

Morgase dying.

Elaida dying.

Mat pwning.

Rand living, and defeating the DO.

Fain then killing Rand and in turn being sealed away to gain power and be the DO for the next cycle.

Bela admitting the OP flows from her, and that it's really just a mixture of grass, oats, and carrots.



Wow... you have a bit of a thing about wanting strong women to die... a bit worriesome.


I agree with pretty much all of Maj's comments except for the one about Rand dying--not out of any sort of desire that our hero live, but because i think ultimately whatever happens to Rand will be anticlimatic. *shrug*.


Oh and Lelaine. Didn't see that one.


I really want to see Tuon deal with channeling and the secrets of sul'dam once it gets out.


I am looking foward to the tower Aes Sedai finally realizing that Eqwene is their true leader.  I don't know how it is all going to work out, but I have seen some great ideas of her taking charge when the tower is attacked.  I can't wait to see her put Elaida in her place!

  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to see faile die, purely coz i dislike her. I could never get my head around that character and its affected the way i see perrin a bit too. The three main guys, ie rand, matt and perrin would be good candidates to give themselves to the light, permanently.

They have played their parts and sacrificing themselves for the hope of a better world is definately something that appeals to me. Nynaeve and Lan too if I had my way. They are all great characters and its in their nature to give for the sake of others and each other.

Otherwise, a happy ending to this saga would just be pure dribble and definately beneath the scope of these stories. I know that there will be plenty of fans who'd like to see Rand and his harem sail away into the sunset in their little rowboat to live happy families ever after, but frankly, that would just be stiff. Bring on the death and destruction and leave us with the hope that there is something worth dying for, and also living for.

I could see Egwene rebuilding the new tower with male and female aes sedai. that'd be nice too.

But most of all I can see faile's head on a pike and ravens pecking at her eyes. Oh, sweet serenity!


I'd like to see:


The Reds dealing with Warders

Egwene kicking Elaida's backside all the way to the Blight, then taking over with Tarna Fair (sp ?) still as Keeper.

Galad spanking Berelain till she cant sit.

The Wise Ones and the Sea Folk put in their place.

Tuon accepting she can Channel, and start to learn how.

Perin realizing that he's the next worse thing to a Darkfriend, and stop his nonsense.

The White and Black Towers combining, as they were always meant to be.

*sigh* ... many more books.


Gah, how could I forget one of the moments I'm looking forward to the most, Egwene and Elaida. Elaida has quite a surprise coming there *giggles*


Aes sedai(and asha´man too I supose) getting somehow getting forced to learn that they don´t have a god given right to rule everybody just cause they can channel, but rather just a larger capacity for helping.


Mat commanding a huge ass battle, don´t matter if its vs seanchan or trollocks, but I want it to be HUGE!


Gawyn to meet Morgase, just to realize what an idiot he´s been.


Ellorien to never show up in the book.


Elaida to realize that while taking order from Alviarin she let the DO control the tower for a few months.


Rand using Choedan cal(wrong spelling? hmm, oh well, to tired to check;)) vs the DO.


Tuon and the rest of the seanchan to realize that theyr version of the prophesies are way wrong, and that theyr social patterns(da covale, damane etc) was set up by Ishy was back (yeah, I know, I might be wrong on the damane part but still)


And some more, but thattll do for now






I hope Gawyn dies, he jumped to a conclusion based on an unreliable source and has sworn to kill the one hope that mankind has based on that incorrect information.


Yes a grizzly end for this character would be sweet, sweet joy.


Gah, how could I forget one of the moments I'm looking forward to the most, Egwene and Elaida. Elaida has quite a surprise coming there *giggles*

Yes, the Egwene Vs. Elaida Superbowl will be sweet, sweet saidar love.

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if I want this to happen, but I think that Avi ends up with Rand's children because Elayne and Min die at TG.  Actually, I take that back - partially.  I really, really want the "relationship" b/w Rand and Elayne to end up on a midden heap; it offends.  I don't wish ill will on Min, but I think she's seen her own death through the auras and doesn't realise it, yet.


Things I would like to see are: 


Rand and Tam meeting up again, and Tam imparting some much needed words of wisdom about what it means to be a man.


Cadsuane slapping Rand, and saying something about manners, and then Rand says something along the lines of, "You can teach me manners when you develop some yourself."  And then he knocks the Aes Sedai agelessness right off her face.


Morgase meets Rand again, and ends up apologizing for all the nasty things she thought about him. Once she realizes that hey, he SAVED Andor from a FORSAKEN that she happened to be....., you know.


Elayne tries to do something about the Manetheran issue, and Perrin tells her to shove it.  I can picture it, a Andoran army facing a Two Rivers ( Manetheran) Army.  "Manetheran drop your weapons.."  A spear flies out of the darkness and kills an Andoran herald.  "ANDOR, COME AND GET THEM."     

(ok,ok, I watch way too many movies.......)



Gawyn gets the crap kicked out of him by someone, preferably another farmer with a quarterstaff.



Galad actually joins up with the good guys, finds out he is Rands half brother, and.... I have not thought much farther with Galad.


Tuon learns some humility, accepts an alliance with Rand, and her and Mat...you know. 8) 


Egwene dies.

Elaida dies.

Nynaeve dies...Lan finally had enough.

Elayne has the babies...then dies.  EVERYONE finally had enough.


Rand wins at TG, but he finds away to survive.


The DO uses a counter stroke and Saidar is tainted...

Ashaman hunt down and still every female channeler.








Gawyn gets the crap kicked out of him by someone, preferably another farmer with a quarterstaff.



That already happened once :P I'd much rather that he meet Morgase and Elayne. This is what I'd enjoy see happen :


*Gawyn arrives someplace convenient for this to happen*


Gawyn - "OMG Elayne!"

Elayne - "Hai Gawyn, guess what, I'm queen!"

G - "OMG yay... wait a minute, you're preggers"

E - "Oh yea, me and Rand - no Gawyn sto-"

*Gawyn disapears in a blur of bloodthirsty craziness*

*Elayne employs some of her favourite curses*


~ ~ ~ ~


*Gawyn kicks in some doors, on general principals*

Rand - "Hey Gawyn, long time no see, would you mind going easy on the doors?"

Gawyn - "You killed my mother!"

R - "I am your mother!"

Morgase - "I don't like your tone Gawyn"

*Gawyn's entire world collapses around him*

R - "Fraid we can't heal an exploded brain Morgase, sorry 'bout that"

*A gatweay opens and Dr. Flinn shows up because as much as I'd like Gawyn out of the picture, Egwene is already a pain in the rear without her getting all emo over Gawyn's death*

Dr. Flinn - "I got here as soon as I could... mmm... his brain seems to have exploded within his skull... interesting... not to worry, soon have that fixed"

*Dr. Flinn employs some complicated One Power stuff and Gawyn gets up looking alittle shocked*

G - "Rand, I don't want to kill you any more!"

R - "I don't wanna kill you either!"



*They all get balefired, then the balefirer gets balefired himself, and due to some crazy temporal mixup, this never happens, sad pandas*

The whole "Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives" Foretelling makes that quite unlikely.  In fact, I feel very comfortable saying that all three of Rand's women live through Tarmon Gaidon.


You know, I thought about that.  The thing is, it doesn't have to be the harem as the three - in fact, it makes more sense that Alivia and Nynaeve are two of the three...and then the third is Avi. 


I forget if Min saw faces of the three but Nicola's foretelling is more proof, "The lion sword, the dedicated spear and she who sees beyond.  The great battle done..."  Also I don't think there is time for Elayne's kids to be born before Tarmon Gai'don and her kids WILL be born healthy according to Min's viewing.  Now I know many people dislike Elayne but she WON'T die.  I dislike Gawyn and am unsure of Egwene but neither of them will die.

The thing is, it doesn't have to be the harem as the three - in fact, it makes more sense that Alivia and Nynaeve are two of the three...and then the third is Avi.  


That might work ... if the "three" weren't identified in the Foretelling.  To quote: "The lion sword, the dedicated spear, she who sees beyond. Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives."


The Lion Sword - Elayne, Queen of Andor, holder of the Lion Throne


The Dedicated Spear - Aviendha (Aiel means "dedicated" in the Old Tongue)


She who sees beyond - Min, who sees beyond the present into the Pattern.


Its Rand's chickies.  This also fits the whole Arthurian bit about the three women on a boat taking him to the Isle of Avalon (Tar Valon/Great Aravalon anyone?). "Elayne" in Aurthurian legend is the sister of Queen Morgause (Morgase) and Arthur's mother Ygrainne (Tigraine).  She is also, in some versions, one of the women on the boat, along with Morgan Le Fay (the sorceress and seeress best compared to Min, who had tended Arthur's wound), and the "Queen of the Wasteland" (Aiel Waste, anyone?).


The "three on the boat" are Elayne, Min, and Aviendha.


Good points. 


I still want Elayne to die.


I'm also trying to come up with some reasonable way of interpreting how Avi ends up with four kids.  The entire harem structure of [glow=red,2,300]LOVE[/glow] sickens me (and really pulls me out of the story), but even Min saw something strange in the four kids.  I hold out hope that this means Avi ends up with Elayne's kids (and maybe Min's???) after Elayne's horrific death from her arrogant assumption that nothing bad can happen to her.


Well lets see,


It's been a while since I've read many of the earlier books so my lingo may be off a bit.


I would like to see a lost Sedi legion emerge from on of those alternate worlds where time slows down (or speeds up) that is reached through the portal columns.  They would have been sent there back before the breaking to aid the Dragon in his time of need.  They would emerge before the last battle when someone accidently stumbles onto them, or maybe Moraine would learn of their existence while she is stuck in that whatever, and help to teach the lost skills to the channelers of this time.  Together they would march into the last battle in an epic struggle for all of humanity. No concern at all over who lives or dies.  I think many would die though because of the scope of the battle I have in mind.  I would like to see Mat live.  He's really grown on me and I think he is the best developed character in the story line.  He has definately had more going on than the rest, and more to deal with.  He has done quite well.

I would also like to see most of the childishness of Elayne and Egwene and some of the others go away.


Those wanting Elayne dead may get their wish, but later.  As for Avi's kids I think at least some of them are another heram members, because I think it is close to impossible to have quadruplets naturally.  Now, I am no doctor but I think I heard that somewhere.


The things I want to happen the most...


Logain blow Taim to nothingness

Egwene becoming Amyrillian and with Rand combining the two towers

Rand completing the prophecy and keeping his promise with LTT

The DO being sealed away for another 3000 years for the next cycle

Moiraine getting rescued and I really just want to see Rands face when he realizes who it is.

Faile getting blown off the face of the world by a Forsaken...and Perrin returning to his previous self of the first couple books when I actually enjoyed his character.

Matt and Tuon ruling Seanchen and head to TG


stuff like that...


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