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Serenity 2.... *crosses fingers*


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Serenity 2 A New Hope?

Date : October 4, 2007 Writer : Clint Morris


I love “Firefly” – so much so every time I’d see it I’d squeeze its cheeks, bring it in closer and share saliva with it. It’s a show that had the danglers to say “screw you! We’re not going anywhere!” despite the fact the network yanked it after 12 episodes. And then, just when it looked like it was done, it remerged as a full-length mother-hoppin’ movie – and by golly if it didn’t bring a lump to George Lucas’s throat.


When Alan Tudyk told me on the phone this morning that a sequel to “Serenity” – that’s the name of the “Firefly” movie for those who’ve been up at Guantamo Bay for the past couple of years – could be happening I just about dropped the phone (I didn’t though, because the last time I did that it landed in the loo. Fried itself. And as a consequence, I lost all my numbers.) Tudyk says the newly-released “Serenity : Special Edition“ DVD has been selling so hot, that there’s talk in doing another movie.


“They had to put [the new DVD] out because they’ve been selling out of the other one and so Universal’s like ‘So, let’s do another one’. And now… there’s now a chance there’s going to be another movie”.


Tudyk agrees that even if it was a direct-to-DVD movie, it’d still be worthwhile. Especially since the whole DVD sequel is a big trend.


“It really is”, says Tudyk. “Everybody in the Firefly crew – and that includes the ones who died in the movie – are excited about the prospect of doing another”.


Nathan Fillion, says Tudyk, is especially keen. “We were out a couple of weeks ago together at a party and there was a bunch of people there, and he was like ‘Oh, look we’re Browncoats”.


Great to hear Fillion’s still as crazy as ever about wearing the Tightpants again.


Tudyk says he heard from creator Joss Whedon a few weeks back – but mainly about Tudyk’s role in the new Western “3:10 to Yuma”. “He sent me an email when it first came out because at first he thought I was a different character – by the trailer”, he laughs. “He was like ‘My god! You’re playing such a bad-ass!’ That was Ben Foster, who is such a bad-ass in that movie, and is just brilliant, just brilliant, and we both have a similar look – we both have polish genes – and anyway, Joss writes back ‘Sorry, I didn’t realise you were the sympathetic funny character – how would cast you as that?’. Joss, that would be you!”.


The actor, who appears in the new Frank Oz film “Death at a Funeral”, is absolutely blown-away by the life “Firefly” has had. He’s even headed downunder next week to appear at a science fiction convention. It amazes him even more that he got to do a feature film version of his 12-episode series. “That’s wild; you don’t see that happen until years later when it becomes a campy spoof of the thing. But even then, shows like Dukes of Hazzard and Starsky and Hutch were huge hits [from the beginning, and they didn’t do movies straight away] this was something that was a hit only with a group of people and it just grew.”


Likely to happen before a “Serenity” sequel though is an “I, Robot” sequel. Tudyk visited the set of Will Smith’s latest movie “I am Legend” to talk about the movie recently, and says he’d be super excited to play Sonny the robot again.


Yep, but what about Wash? Now that there’s the shizzle.

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The Browncoats in DFW have been circulating a rumor that if the DVD sales do well there could be a chance for a sequal since before it was release.  Although most of us just chalked it up to rumor, lots of people still bought multiple copies the first week just in case.


I'm glad to hear that the buzz might actually, possibly be true and not just a rumor.  Of course, that still doesn't mean it's a go, but if the actors are talking about it, then I'm likely to think it's more of a possibility than when I thought it was churned out to generate sales.

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my mom got me "serenity" for christmass last year. she was so proud of herself and all, thought she had gotten me the be all end all of movies. only problem was i had never even heard of "fierfly".  i liked the movie and all but i still havent seen the tv show and dont relly see what all the furry is over the movie. if they do a good job on a sequel it would be cool to watch though.

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*Notices all the refrences to pants, and peeing them selves*

*Backs away, trying not to come in contact with peoples hands or pants*


Thank god Lucas didn't announce he was going to continue star wars after ep. 6.... I'd really want to get away from all the star wars nerds then!


I've yet to see the firefly tv series.... It's on my 'to do list'.

After I watch every anime ever made.... Finish off a few tv series like Sliders, watch the new ones....

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My issue is that this sounds a little too convenient. Whilst Whedon is not afraid to bring characters back from the dead, ultimately he does it only if it wont effect the realism of the show. If its going to stop the suspension of disbelief he won't do it.


And it was what? A month and half ago that he made his comment about not being personally involved in any projects for some time.

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Yeah, well, every time Firefly (the greatest television show of all time) is about to slip from public consciousness another rebirth rumor comes out.  Usually it's Joss Whedon making some kind of statement.  That this comes from Alan Tudyk gives is a little bit of legitimacy I think, even though his character is, well, dead. 



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I'm thinking more along the lines of a prequel to the movie...somewhere in the timeline between the end of the series and Serenity.


As for learning more about Shepherd Book (I actually just rewatched Serenity last night) if we're talking a prequel to the movie, we likely won't learn anything new about him, since in Serenity Mal and Book are chatting on Haven and Mal asks to hear about Book's pre-preacher days. So, apparently, Mal at least never found out Book's backstory. If we do learn about him, it will probably be a side story, or maybe a flashback Book has before Mal and crew drop him off at Haven.


Personally, I'd like to learn more about the blue-hands-group.

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Yeah, there's this whole conspiracy thing between Blue Sun and the Blue Hand Men and Shepherd Book who may or may not have been an Alliance operative at one time or possibly still was.  Jubal Early seemed to recognize him which makes me think he might have been an Alliance thug, kind of like the over-chatty operative in the movie. 


So much we never got to see.  It drives me nuts every time I re-watch the series and then flip over and watch Heroes *yawn* or Battlestar Galactica *double yawn*... 

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The reason Shepard Book left Serenity is detailed in the comic books that bridged the end of the series and the movie.


Word was a sequel was going to be made if the movie did well in the box office.  The second movie was suppose to give us insight on Booker's past.

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As for Shepherd - I felt like Shepherds response to Mal's statement in the film:


Mal: One day you're going to have to tell my how you know so much about the Alliance.

Shepherd: No I don't


...was Joss Whedon's way of saying we would never know the truth about Shepherd Book.


We also never got to see the resolution between Mal and Inara's obvious romance (though we did get Simon and Kaylee's), not to mention to story of how Zoe, who obviously couldn't stand Wash when they first met (in "Out of Gas") came to like Wash enough to marry him.



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You know, if they do end up making this movie, as long as it has Wash in a prominent role and perhaps more of Kaylee talking about things "twixt her nethers" I'll be shiny.


Yeah, yeah, yeah - BUT - gotta have Jayne, lots of Jayne, grenades, whores, and Jayne!


Jayne: Can we start getting sexed?


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From Jewewl Staite's blog on MySpace:


Okay, okay, okay:  Lets address these Serenity 2 rumors before anything else.  I have no idea what you people are talking about!  Seems to me someone (with a name that starts with A and ends in LAN) said something in an interview that was misconstrued as the sequel being greenlit, which is not the case at the moment.  I will never say it will never happen, because that's just blasphemy in my opinion, but it's not happening at the moment… no matter what you read on the internet. You know better than to believe everything you read, anyway!  (except this blog… cuz it's all true.)


I saw this in my blog subscriptions today and figured I'd pass it along for any of you who don't do the MySpace thing.  So it looks like even though Alan said it, it's Still a Rumor.  Damn.


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