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When you finish that, try watching a 90s series called Forever Knight. 3 seasons. ;)


Lets see.. I've seen...

Milk - okay, Not suprised seeing sean penn kiss guys.. I mean, We all saw THAT coming. :P

InkHeart - Its aight

Mallrats - Awesome

An evening with Kevin Smith - FUNNY AS HELL, and ironically sheds some light on that movie called wild wild west. ^_^


I've also seen way, WAY to many anime recently. I'm addicted!

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Saw Public Enemies, which I enjoyed mightily. I love Michael Mann, and also Bale and Depp, so this turned out quite great to me. Entertaining and dramatic and all that, some awesome action. I dislike Mann's use of video over film, but whatever, it works. 8,5/10

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I saw this movie many, many years ago, I didn't know the name of it. But it IS a VERY good movie. Also, for you cry babies out there, it is a tear jerker.



VERY artsy movie, it goes from real people to Very obvious CGI. But its not because of a poor budget. Its actually got a pretty good budget. The CGI Its self represents an idea they are expressing through out the movie. Course, it has a very conterversial subject matter. The basic plot of the movie is that the God Horus, has 7 days to live. He's basically given a 'you got 7 days to live, go make the most of it'. He has a plan, and that is to have a child. And seeing how he is a god, he does it Zeus style, whether the person wants to or not. In order to achieve his goal, he has to take over a mortal mans body. Basically theres an entire plot section about Rape. But the movie isn't saying its pro-rape. Its not saying that at all. ITs saying something completely different. By what some people have said on IMDB, they got mad at the first mention of the word in the movie, and were blinded by anything else. It is a good movie, but its also a bit contaversial in that matter. You got Mortal Guy who loves lady, Lady who returns Feelings, but The god horus wants to have a kid with her, and she resents Horus.... If you can get past contervisal matter, and see what they are trying to say, its going to be a better movie, then if you think its trying to re-affirm the 'male' 'power hungry' or whatever else. (aka, if your ultra feminist like GQ on the D&D boards, I wouldn't watch it. It'll be about as offensive as Dogma is to some christians, or Man From Earth is to the same group. :P)




My god, This is a HILARIOUS movie! I thought it was a documentary, hence why I stayed away from it, it was one of those movies on the bottom of my List. I got bored last night, and watched it on netflix's Watchnow!

Its awesome in a semi-politically-cultural sort of way.


Sukiyaki Western Django

This movie.

Is Nuts!


Japanese, WESTERN?!? Quentin Tarantino is in it.

Its also the official/unofficial? prequal to Django.



Chocolate (2009)

No, not that french artsy movie chocolat with that fancy e, and is pronounced choco-lat.

No, this is a Thai Martial arts flick.

And the main martial artist?

Her names JeeJa Yanin. 25 years old.


This chick, could kick your ass so hard, your grandparents wouldn't be able to tell there ass from there face.

She's going to be the next jacki chan, jet li, and possibly bruce lee rolled up into one!

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I saw I Love You, Man and I really enjoyed it. I just love Paul Rudd. If you need one good reason to see this movie, this is it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W3NERMKIBM&feature=related


Ditto :p


Saw Ran last night, the samurai epic by Akira Kurosawa. 2,5 hours of japansese people, betreaying their families and waging war. Some awesome stuff there, folks. 8,5/10


Also, Special, indie film from 2006 about a man who takes anti depressant drugs and starts hallucinating about having super powers. Quirky and sometimes comedic, and with a brilliant performance by the lead actor Michael Rapaport (spelling?). Anyhow, I really liked it, so go see! 8,5/10!

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Started watching the show Californication.  5 episodes in and I am loving it.  It has made me laugh hysterically multiple times each episode.  Really funny and clever writing, and I think it deals with some important issues faced by a myriad of people in today's world.  Either that or it's a funny show about sex and dysfunctional families.  You can choose.  Terrific show: 5/5



Also, the character Charlie reminds me of someone at DM....but who could it be? 

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I have driftee away from the network side since a lot of my shows i watche regularly got cancelled. I am getting into Warehouse 13 some. I like Leverage and Burn Notice so still looking for some shows to replace the oens i watched on certain days, like The Unit. If i start liking a show it gets cancelled so I am trying not to invest in them so much nowdays. Netflix instant watch is ok get to catch up on some older stuff.

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District 9.  It was absolutely incredible.  Best movie I've seen in a long time.  It took unoriginal elements and made them completely refreshing, incomparably fantastic.  Kind of like Cloverfield in that it was partly filmed documentary style with a shaky camera.  But differed at times with normal movie camera work.  It will be a fantastic movie to see in Blu-Ray high definition.


10/10 and gets the Krak stamp of approval

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