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Ah, at the Golden Globe nomination soothes my heart


On another note, saw Before sunrise yesternight, after two recommendations (One from my mom and one from a co-worker : p). I suppose some people would see this as a chick flick, but I found it to pretty good actually. It's a very, very dialogue heavy romance movie, but that's the thing, the dialogue is pretty good and I found myself enjoying it profusely. There's no real drama to the movie, you sort of know how it'll end and you're just along for the ride, which is a pretty good one. The chemistry between the two main actors (Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy) is very good and their conversation is always interesting and fresh. Go see this now? 8,5/10

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Watching "Stupid Teenagers Must Die".  I am only 15 minutes in but, no.  Stay the hell away from this movie.  It is a mock of 80's horror movies(Seance in haunted house of dead mass murderer), with the nerdy kid, the black dude in the MJ leathers, the greaser, and the 80's Madonna look-a-like.  It looks like it was filmed on camcorder.  I'd say wait for cable at best, but I don't think it will ever get there.  ::)

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saw Before Sunset last night, after Sunrise I felt I pretty much had to. Much like the first, very very talky, but like the last time the talk remains a very strong point. The acting is spot on and the chemistry is there like never before. I expected this film to end like a classic romantic film with them getting back together again, despite some hinders that are revealed throughout the film, but then the ending came and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. In a good way!. 8,5/10.




Chinatown, very dark, very noir detective story, Nicholson acts brilliantly and not as boisterously as I've grown used to him being. An exciting story where the truth is slowly revealed, with great pacing and directing, also lovely music. The ending might disappoint some, but it packs some punch. 8/10

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Watching a French African film called Lumumba thats set in the Congo in the early 1960's.  It's about Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and his desire to see the Congo as a united, democratic nation instead of the Belgian Province it had been for a long time.  Basically it follows Lumumba from when he first comes to the Capitol city to his subsequent death 10 weeks after taking the office of the Prime Minister.


It's a good movie overall, but African directing is very different from Western directing.  A lot of emphasis is focused on dialogue and as such the movie can move slowly at points.  My biggest complaint was that the movie expected you to have a pretty thorough knowledge of this time in history before watching the movie.  The explanations in the movie are very basic, they introduce characters quickly, and it can get confusing.  Overall, however, worth watching.  I give it a 6.5/10

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Sex and the City - It was on HBO... so I dvred it. I seriously thought it was over like 10 times.  It was bad.  2 out of 5.


Cube - Not sure what to make of this movie.  It felt like I was watching Saw again, but in a Cube... where the Cube has traps... and stuff.  I think one of my netflix friends gave this a high rating... and I usually trust my netflix friends.  I was entertained, but not blown away.  Therefore this movie gets a 3 out of 5 (average rating).

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Saw Shogun Assassin last night. It was pretty kickass, yeah. American dubbed, funky music, gory sword fighting violence, vengeful one-liners (They will all pay, with rivers of blood!). What's there not to love? 8/10!

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Baby Mama


Tina Fey plays 37 year old single woman who can't have kids. She hires a surrogate (Amy Pohler), "wackiness" ensues. This was mediocre, but not as painfully awful as I expected. I did giggle a handful of times (mostly during scenes between Tina and her boss, the long-haired corporate hippie, Steve Martin), but I still wouldn't recommend it, and stopped paying even cursory attention about 3/4 through in order to chat with Barm and Claire about web and photomanip stuff (^_^). Tina Fey should have done better. 1.5/5.



Rachel Getting Married


Anne Hathaway is an addict who takes a break from her rehab center to go to her sister's wedding. Family confrontations about her disease and things that happened before her rehab ensue. This movie was very well acted, and had some incredibly intense moments between family members that left me with tears in my eyes and my heart almost pounding. It was emotional without being the usual cheesy stuff that makes me cry (*cough*thoselate90'skodakcommercials*cough*), and I give it 4.5/5.

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Paths of Glory, amazing Kubrick film about war and how horrible people can indeed be. It leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth concerning the human race, but the film itself is amazing. Quite spot on, it has some shocking moments that you won't see coming, and Kubrick really turns your expectations against you. Also, good acting and good characters. 9/10!

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I actually enjoyed Baby Mama much more than I thought.  I think my expectations were so low (like I am not going to watch it all the way through low) and it exceeded that.  Certainly not one I will watch over and over, but I did like it ok.

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Started watching a ton of NCIS episodes lately, and have Season 1 (discs 1&2) coming on Netflix.  I actually had to expand to 2 discs at a time to allow less downtime for the many discs that hold a season.

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starship troopers. Possibly the cheesiest most chilchéd sci-fi featuring an all-american (despite being from south america) team of space marines. Yet, pretty enjoyable! It's ok as an actioner, but I found it quite hilarious at times, whether intentional or not, I'm not sure. But I think it's clear the film doesn't take itself far too serious, which is why it's all the more fun. I mean, a brain-bug that sucks out people's brains? 7,5/10!

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I'm just done watching most Buffy Seasons, and me and a friend are having a Firefly/serenity easter this year! gonna be awesome.


And yesterday I watched Friday 13th, the remake. And yeah, it sucked. Its strange how the director took every single tiny little chance of showing boobies, and then showing them for a long time. Oh please, like THATS why we watch the movie, we wanna see some killing dammit!

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Danya: I just finished watching Firefly & Serenity.  Why didn't I watch these earlier?  This is one of the few series I'm going to keep, just so I can watch Captain Tightpants over and over again.  Though I do like Nathan's new series.


lmao, yhea, I really love the show, and Nathan Fillion is actually one of my favourite actors in that particular genre (the Whedongenre). I've seen both a while ago, but they can be seen over and over again imo! Nathans series hasnt gotten here yet, and I doubt it ever will, but I've heard lots of great things about it.


Hmm, maybe i'll warm up with some Doctor Horrible before my friends make it over here.....  ;D *knows it by heart*

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