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Favorite Actress Versus Round 1 (Battle 12, Page 14)


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i dont know who the other actress is even, and have never seen her work but berry can go to the dark one.  she is my LEAST favorite actress of all time.  she cant act, and is about as hot as a dead fish.  i was upset in 007 when she turned out to be the good girl and the hot blond thebad girl. 

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Juliette Binoche, a few examples of movies she was great in:


Paris, je t'aime


Les Enfants du siècle

The English Patient

Troix Couleurs: Rouge

Troix Couleurs: Bleu

Wuthering Heights

The Unbearable Lightness Of being



Berry, a few examples of movies she was good in:



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she was only allright in x-men.  if it had to rely on her to carry it would have totaly bombed.  it took the awsome acting of Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen to relly make the movie, and as for good looking actresses in it pretty much every other female in there was better looking then she was

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Berry barely did anything in the first two X-Men movies.  The third I thought she did a good job in (when she finally had a decent role)


I thought she was great in Boomerang and in Swordfish as well.  Though in I think she should leave her clothes on.  She looks sexier that way.  Kinda sad though =(.


She was also in Bulworth which is another fun movie.

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Kathy Bates Wins, because

A) She has in more movies

B) She's a better actress

C) She had a nude shot in that one movie like 2 years ago.

wait... that shouldn't be a reason to win.. (that last one) but hey what has Carrie Fisher been in?

Star Wars and......?

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