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Harry Potter (...everyone dies) *SPOILERS*

loki redfern

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*apparently there could be spoilers here if you havent read the last book/series. if you are illiterate then there arnt and all this will probably not make it to the film :P*






















ok for now i just have to say ...robbing gringots ...on a dragon..damn 8)


and serioulsly the death toll. i hate her. she killed fred :'(


i was a little confuse be the '19 years later' everones name was the same..but  there were swaped round. and harry old...scares me...does anyone recon luna and neville got it on too, they were pretty cools in book 6 i think. and theyd make such a cutsie wutsie couple. ok iv just used the words cutsie wutsie. i think this post will have to end













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How come she killed off all the fun characters? Fred was awesome and I liked Snape and Bellatrix and Dumbledore and Tonks and Sirius and Lupin...and Hedwig. For some unknown reason, Hedwigs was worst somehow. Poor Hedwig :( Whod have thought a book where the main character spends a good half of his time hiding out in a tent would be so entertaining?


just finished it I cried when Dobby died  :'(


and I would have loved to see Harry as a godfather in the bit after the end would have been more fun then another 9 3/4 event...


well I enjoyed it even so you are right it was a lot of moving a round in a ten.


The bit Kings Cross station reminded me of some stuff form Matrix mix when Neo meets with the Oracle.




I didnt cry but I did think Freds death was quite sad.

Harry should have been feeding the pigeons with Dumbledore, in sunglasses ;D


Fred's death was needed for credibility so I'm not mad, but I still am really sad by it!


AHA! And I was right about Snape! I said he was really good when I read book one, and even up til chapter 33! (or whatever one it was..)


Darn JK and how she led us astray with who would die! LOL that was clever... how she told the truth without really. She would make a darn good Aes Sedai.


I wouldn't call Snape "good" - he was in love maybe even obsessive with Lilly - and that motivated him to protect Harry but I don't think he was 100% on the good side, even so it was interesting how strong he felt when he found out That Dumbledore was planning to sacrifice him.




i think ultimatley he was kinda good, but he fellin with the wrong crowd , but i think a common theme in the end was that those who cared about people, not like bellatrix for voldy cos that was power lust mainly, but like narssisa(sp) for her son and snape for harry, were the ones that saved the day. and even if snape did start of bad his love for lily, and then his caring about harry at the end made him good, and being good really isnst what side your on but the deeds you do really


and how much does mrs weasly rock..wow


I loved this book very much!


i was a bit disappointed that Harry didnt die, but I dont really mind when I think about it. I really liked that Dumbledoor had his scenen in the end when he and Harry talks!


and I cant believe I was wrong about Snape!!! argh! I so wanted him to be evil ><




loved that line


"...'are you intending to let him kill you?'

'Certainly not. You must kill me.'

There was along silence, broken only by an odd clicking noise. Fawkes the phoenix was gnawing a bit of cuttlebone.

'Would you like me to do it now?' asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. 'Or would you like a few moments to compose your epitaph?'..."


and harry did die..kinda. he saw the 'white light'(or charing cross station) but came back. i'd take that as clinically dead atleast.

Guest Egwene

If WoT has as good a final book as the Potter series, I'd be thrilled.


There were so many moments that made me take in a breath... from Hedwig's death to being vindicated in my belief that Snape was on Dumbeldore's side... I loved the book. The last battle (that sounds familiar *g*) was fantastically staged and is going to be amazing when the film version comes out. Talk about fireworks! The way most of the school rallied to Harry's cause in the end, was probably one of the highlights for me.


The book started off at a fast pace and Hedwig's sudden death, totally not anticipated (I blame Nia for it) set the tone that this would not be a camping t... *cough* ahmm...  well... apart from the... camping trip, lol. That bit in the middle could have been shortened a bit, but I guess it allowed my pulse to slow down a little, giving a respite before the next onslaught of action, action, action. The book really fleshed out Dumbledore and Snape, giving us a whole new perspective on their motivations which is going to make a re-read of the series a lot more interesting.


I am thrilled that the three main characters survived in the end allowing for a feel good factor despite the sad loss of Fred, the Lupins and others. I guess the epilogue was a bit like the extra bit you get in the cinema if you  have been patient enough to sit through the credits. It could have been  stronger, but alas, as it was a seperate bit, I am not too worried.


All in all... 10 out of 10 from me  :)




I was ok with those she killed off for the most part. The only deaths that bothered me were Hedwig and Collin Creevy. Both of those were totally out of nowhere and really unnecessary from my perspective.


Still, the book was awesome and I loved it. Sad that it's the end though.


When I read "The Princes Tale" I really felt bad for Snape.  And, oddly enough, Harry's aunt.


I like the whole "power has a price" theme in the book.  And haw because of that Voldy unintentauly gave Harry a "1-up."


I was hoping Neville would kill Bellatrix though.  But I did like how he was kicking @$$ at the battle of Hogwarts.  He is like Harry Potter's Jahar Narshima.


Speaking of Neville's Gram...


Was it just me, or did she seem way too interested in knowing where Aberforth was?  Something going on there perhaps?


anyone thinks RJ will come up with something similar for the "to live you have to die" - like Modrin killing Rand but just killing a bit of himself, or the "dark wounds" healing but Rand surviving...I'm not saying RJ will copy JKR but the redemption, resurrection theme will be there somehow and there are only so many ways you can do that.


PS did anyone else think Harry's walk into the forest was a lot like Aslan walking to the sacrifice in Narnia?



I do agree it was similar Anajon, though without the blatent christian symbolism of the act. I think JKR is just trying to convey that there are more powerful things than death- love, self-sacrifice etc. I also think it is interesting that she is writing this, particularly as her mother passed away before the Harry Potter Books published. I think the books can tell us a lot about her as a person- I have a feeling that what she'd see in the Mirror of Erised would be similar to Dumbledore and Harry.


And Egwene, I'm sorry about Hedwig! I stood in the queue and said jokingly "Hedwig's going to die!".I got to chapter 4 and was devestated!


I really did enjoy this book :)


Hedwig, I think he needed to die, because I think having to write him into all the action n'such would have been bothersome and probably would have detracted from the story. Sure, things could have been done differently if they did have Hedwig, but this was 'easier' if nothing else.


I felt the camping went on a bit too long.


I <3: Snapes memories, Mrs. Weasley!, Neville + gran!, Dobby  :'( ... hell, the last 200 pages of the book.


The epilogue...eh, I think I could have done without it. It felt very rushed? a 'must put as many names/characters in as possible!' kinda thing. I liked knowing what happened, but I didn't like the execution, I suppose.


anyone thinks RJ will come up with something similar for the "to live you have to die" - like Modrin killing Rand but just killing a bit of himself, or the "dark wounds" healing but Rand surviving...I'm not saying RJ will copy JKR but the redemption, resurrection theme will be there somehow and there are only so many ways you can do that.


PS did anyone else think Harry's walk into the forest was a lot like Aslan walking to the sacrifice in Narnia?


i was almost in tears for the walk :-[


She killed soooo many people! I was surprised that Hagrid made it in the end after she close called it twice.


I kept wanting to grab the other books to research what I was thinking...


I am I the only one who thought the Diadem might have been the wedding tiara?


Was Aberforth mentioned as the proprietor of the Hog's Head before?


So many people died. So much happened. So close to tears so much of the trip.


But No One has mentioned this. Does anyone else think it was awesome to share the demolishing of the Horcruxes around??


I was very pleased with it.  Hedwig's death took me totally by surprise.  Dobby was very touching as well.  Lupin and Tonks dying is the saddest of all to me, especially Lupin.  Having been a werewolf, he was certain he could never have a normal life, but then he found happiness with Tonks and then *wham*.  


I agree it was pretty necessary for one of the Weaselys to die for credibility.  They were at the center of the whole rebellion, it would have been cheap for them to come out completely "unscathed".


On the matter of Hedwig and Colin...they were a tad random but that's the whole point and it's something I respect about Rowling. She's taken criticism for the darkness of the HP books and has always said that she's just being honest...the evil geniuses of the world don't spare the innocent.  If the casualties were all nameless people it would be hollow IMO.



Was Aberforth mentioned as the proprietor of the Hog's Head before?


It wasn't mentioned in the books though it was hinted at...I think someone notices a smell of goats in the Hogs Head or something like that.  I believe it's been a pretty widely accepted theory in the HP online community that the barman was Aberforth.


One thing that makes me kind of chuckle is the fact that Harry turned out to be a Horcrux because the online community seems to have regarded that as a rather crackpot theory over the last two years with the non-horcrux camp criticising the other for not having any "facts" to back up their theory.  The threads at the forums I visit most are of Who-killed-Asmo proportions and read very much like the circular arguments we have here between the Graendal folks and everyone else. 


Oh and I briefly thought the diadem was the wedding tiara as well. 


oh my its over what will we argue about now  :o


i loved the book i couldnt think of a better ending. We knew she was going to kill people off but it was sad who she killed i would of much rather seen malfoy and the rest of the death eaters die but it fits you cant fight a battle without casulties and there was no doubt thats what the final confrontation was at hogwarts. I really loved how she killed ole voldy though a backfiring curse from his own hand. sry but he deserved it. all in all it was a great book I hate we wont have anymore but thats the way of it. lol at least we still have 2 movies to look foward to though


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