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Yet another new one


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Hey all! Finally got around to signing up here. I honestly don't know when I started reading WoT, but as I have vague memories of doing an oral report on what I think was either FoH or LoC in middle school, and I am now 21, it's been years. I will have to avoid the thread on KoD though, I am sorry to say. Between one thing or another, I simply haven't gotten around to reading it yet.


I do intend to get into at least one roleplay around here. I enjoy character-building and writing so much I was quite addicted to text-based roleplay at one point in time. I have since learned moderation, so no worries. ^_^


As for my handle, I'm known as Tiger or a variation thereof on the other forums I visit, while talyn is a bit of a play on words. It can be taken literally, as in tiger's claw, but it's also the name of a pet, a character on a TV show I used to watch, and an old RP character. He went through several incarnations, but he was always cursed and misshapen, reviled despite being a gentle creature.

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Welcome to Dragonmount Tiger. Oh, that sounds almost flirty. I like it.  We are happy to have you join us here.

If you get tired of the RP side of life consider visiting the Aiel Org. We are a small group, but very friendly. Even if you don’t plan on joining at least come by for some oosquai and be treated to Aiel hospitality.

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Thanks for the welcomes, guys. If I can ever figure out how to join anything, I'll be sure to keep your suggestions in mind. Apparently the move to these new boards has caused the usergroup menu to disappear...


Or maybe I'm blind and it's so obvious I overlooked it.

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*shakes tiger's paw fervently*


Welcome, mate/mate (depending on gender)


*hads Tiger a llama and some hard hats*  If you feel brave, drop on down to my place, Fiddlesticks, currently a child board of General Discussions.


*flies off on a red cloud singing "A Teaspoon of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down"*

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Hello and welcome!  If you do decide to check out the Orgs, why not stop by the Ogiers and have a stein of ale with us?  The Wolfkin is pretty good, too, as we've got chilli and tq, and we have a lot of fun! ;D


Always good to see newcomers!



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Welcome, Tiger!!! *hands Tiger a bottle of tequila and a bowl of chilli*  I'll second the Wolfkin, once you get settled in and all. 


You [glow=red,2,300]must[/glow]read KoD... it is such an awesome book!  It will also allow you to have the proper book 12 fever that is going around here.  *feels forehead*  oop.. I'm a bit warm...

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heyloo, and well come , um so while you do be wait'n ..fiddlesticks doesnt need any joining up, so if you get bored just drop in and spam with us, though beware..it will drive you insane..and is very addictive


...oh and left-handed?(from your siggy)


so enjoy yourself what(i see you have already chosen somethings :D )ever you do and have fun

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"It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one."


Ok, I love that line in your sig.  I haven't posted in the New Members since I first joined DM, but that line made me post.  Awesome.


I second the liking of your sense of humor.  8)

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