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Final Peace


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Ok, I've got this here theory on LTT and Rand and Moridin.

And you'll will most likely disagree with me here.


Lews' Transplant:

In ACoS, we see that Rand and Moridin have connected themsleves to each other with the use of balefire, and in KoD, this is further reinforced with one of Rands POV's. He describes the face he sees in his head; "...the face of the man from Shadar Logoth floated in his head for a moment. He looked furious. And near to sicking up. Without any doubt he was aware of Rand in that moment, and Rand of him. Move a hair in any direction, and they would touch. No more than a hair."


We see here, that Moridin and Rand have some sort of mental link, which when Rand reachs for saidin, Moridin's face pops up. The thing here is, Rand described that if he moved a hair, they would touch. This would imply that their minds would be open to each other. Now, my thoughts are, if their minds were completely open, would Lews Therin be able to transcend himself into Moridins mind? We know already, that Lews knows and acknowledges Moridin in Rands mind.


Now, when their minds are open to each other, Lews Therin is open to Moridin. Would it be possible to transfer Lews Therin to Moridins mind, and release saidin, closing the link. That way Rand can kill Moridin and give Lews Therin his peace. And Rand lives.



I know this theory isn't very concrete. But I do see that it is a plausible way to end the conflict of Lews Therin's death and Rand surviving.


I'm not going to slam your theory because I've thought along similar lines myself, and have seen this talked about before. I definetly think this is a possible outcome and may even resolve some of the prophecies/visions. Whether it happens exactly as you've descibed or there is some other twist we'll have to wait and see.


That would be nuts. Moridin would flip out having LTT in his head. :P


Would be awesome though.


Im forced to drop on this theory. In CoS, Min views that rand and lews therin will meld, and one will be destroyed.


But now that i think about it, it never does say exactly that the second shadowed person is lews therin. ooo.


i take back my slam, though i still think that the theory is inconclusive and circumstantial.


LTT didn't go mad until after the war of the shadow. it's a good idea that LTT and Ishmael were one and the same, but i don't think that it will pan out. Jesus and judas may have been one and the same, but they served the same purpose. anyway in the Age of Legends Ishmael was a philosopher and LTT was the king of the world. Plato wanted philosophers to be kings but they can't.

anyway in the Age of Legends Ishmael was a philosopher and LTT was the king of the world. Plato wanted philosophers to be kings but they can't.


Um... Where is it said that LTT was the king of the world? Of course he was the Dragon, the Prince of Morning. And certainly he was a... leader... in a big way... But the overlord of all?

Well, I can't remember reading anything that contradicts it and I must confess i feel that I can't remember all about it right now, so: what indicates it?


Moric of the Singing Wind sept of the Miagoma Aiel

Guest Majsju

LTT was the leader of the Aes Sedai, which included "summoning the nine Rods of Dominion". The Rods of Dominion where a kind of governors over different parts of the world, so being able to summon them shows that LTT had quite an amount of influence.


Compare it to someone in this world being able to summon Bush, Blair, Mehrkel, Putin, Chirac etc.

Not exactly king of the world, but with a great deal of political influence.


The shadow needs, or wants, Rand alive for some reason. I think they need him (his body maybe) to do somthing for them. I believe that Moridin will try to gain control over Rand and they will end up switching bodies. This explaines the comment about Rand merging with someone else and min not being able to tell who would survive. Because Rand will survive in Moridin's body and LTT and Moridin will die in Rands. This also helps explain a certain Damane helping 'Rand' die.


The how of Rand having to "die to live" is pretty easy to explain. We've already seen it.


Sometime during the final battle, Rand will be killed by one of the Forsaken. Alivia will basically be on the sidelines up until then. Maybe the odd zapping of an enemy formation of two, but not much else. Alivia's job is then to balefire that Forsaken with everything she's got. That will restore Rand.


The most likely opponent to kill Rand will be Moridin. The "merging" of the two has already occured with them seeing each other in their heads. Balefiring Moridin will satisfy the "one will live and one will die" part.


I don't think so. We have already seen that happen to Mat and Avi, so I thinkit would be a bit repeatative for it happen again.


What it means is that Rand will fake his own death, so that he can live in peace.


Thats why when Egwene dreams of Rands funeral, he face breaks away, because it is a mask.


I think something along this line also, only i think that Rand will move into Moridin's body, leaving moridin and LTT in rands rather damaged body, and then Alivia will kill him.

  \ said:
I think something along this line also' date=' only i think that Rand will move into Moridin's body, leaving moridin and LTT in rands rather damaged body, and then Alivia will kill him.[/quote']


thats what I said, this way Rand can fade from the public eye and have a healthy body.


Except that he will have problems with saa in his eyes if he takes Moridin's body.


I also think that Moridin is using the TP exclusively instead of the less-dangerous OP because his link with Rand makes him sick too (Evidence from KoD).

Except that he will have problems with saa in his eyes if he takes Moridin's body.


I also think that Moridin is using the TP exclusively instead of the less-dangerous OP because his link with Rand makes him sick too (Evidence from KoD).


The Saa are only present when he is channeling the TP. Rand will not be doing that, so no problem. Even if there were Saa, they do not affect his vision. I would rather other people see black flecks in my eyes than have two never healing wounds, a missing hand, and possibly being blind. Also, if Rand’s ‘body’ is dead, the link should be severed.


Majsju talked earlier about the nine rods of dominion.... Could it be assumed that those rods have anything to do with the oath rod in the tower, and the other oath rod the Shadio Wise Ones posses?

Especially since to be sworn to the rodss was a punishment rarely inflicted in the age of legends, and could only be done if the head Aes Sedai said so (ie; what happened to Semirhage) since it decreases an Aes Sedai's life span... :?:

  \ said:
Majsju talked earlier about the nine rods of dominion.... Could it be assumed that those rods have anything to do with the oath rod in the tower' date=' and the other oath rod the Shadio Wise Ones posses?

Especially since to be sworn to the rodss was a punishment rarely inflicted in the age of legends, and could only be done if the head Aes Sedai said so (ie; what happened to Semirhage) since it decreases an Aes Sedai's life span... :?:[/quote']



from RJ's blog


For someone — Marigan, I think, but my notes are a little wonky right about here — the Crystal Throne is not the High seat of the Tamyrlin, none of the Forsaken were among the Nine Rods of Dominion, and the “Rods†were symbols of office.

Guest Majsju

The Oath Rods were called Binders in the AOL.


Its funny that I had that theory shortly before he posted that about the Nine Rods.


I don't know where the Crystal Throne came from though. Any ideas?


As for the Tamyrlin...The First Among Servants in the AoL must be the same thing. The only thing I knew so far is there was a ring called the ring of the Tamyrlin worn by the First. I assumed that the "First Among Servants" had no other name, but now we know the position is called "Tamyrlin." I wonder what the ring does, though. It must've been a ter'angreal or something. I don't think it was an angreal because it wouldn't have been able to channel much power because of the size of the ring. Rand's little fat man angreal is about the size of his fist and it is only enables you to channel a hair more.


It's funny how things have changed between the ages, since the Aes Sedai leader is now called the Amyrlin Seat, which could reference to both this crystal throne ( which I thought was the Emperess' throne) and the Tamyrlin seat. Also, the Aes Sedai all wear great serpent rings, anything like a Tamyrlin ring?


:idea: do you think the Seanchan have any records from the age of legends that differ from the main contenant's, which may be revealed in the final book?


I think one of LTT's most valuable reasons for being in Rand's head is LTT's experience with the Bore. Since the women Aes Sedai in AOL would not go with the men to seal the Bore, it was an incomplete job. LTT probably knows how it could have been done better. He may be the key to not just patching the Bore but rebuilding the prison whole and complete.


Yes I believe the prison will have to be completely fixed up for the next turning of the Wheel.



"Him walking toward a burning mountain, something crunching beneath his boots. She stirred and whimpered; the crunching things were the seals on the Dark One's prison, shattering with his every step. She knew it. She did not need to see them to know."


Could this mean that Rand breaks the seals as he walks toward Shayol Ghul?


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