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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I have Charter internet, phone, and TV.  Not impressed with the TV.  Phone is better than what I had before.  Liking WIFI.


Tomorrow is summer solstice already...won't be long before it snows again!  Michigan is still my home.  Gotta love it.


Bye for now.



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  • 5 months later...

Where did summer go?





If you read a few posts back you'll find that I was not at that time looking forward to a retirement that would involve a daily routine of watching TV while snacking on whatever I could find.  I must have hexed myself.  Other than the occasional "honey do", that is pretty much what I do now.  Grocery shopping and doctor's appointments are special occasions for honey bear and I.  She's retired too so we have LOTS of time to interact...every day all day!  We haven't killed each other yet so we must be doing OK.  Thanks for asking.  ☺️


I like having an emoji button available.  It's so HANDY!  And it has what used to be my favorite in the old days... ?


Well, I guess that I should go do something productive (yeah, right) before I get the urge to put on a First Fool of Fiddlesticks performance.  Buy my book and read it.  Tell your friends how great it is.





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It's only available at Amazon..."A Year Without Soap" by GrandpaG.


Believable fiction.


The world is without electricity.  Survival of the fittest.  Clans form.  People are either part of a clan, slaves for a clan, or dead.  Even the government is a thing of the past.  The Vatican is still in place but reduced.  Even the Amish community is affected.  Ships that enter port are captured.


One accountant doesn't want his family to be slaves but he is not able to hook up with his clan family.  He does what he feels he has to and takes his family into the wilderness and forces them to split up to avoid capture.  None of them are outdoors type people.  They have a survival book and a backpack full of odds and ends that dad packed for them.  They are to meet up after one year.  During that year they will have no soap.


There are main characters from many different POVs,.  Ship's captain.  Soldier leader.  Slaves.  Clan leaders.  Homeless man.  Head of Logistics and Supply for the Vatican.  Austrian Amish family.  Slave chaser/catcher.  The accountant and his family.  President of the United States.  Chicago gang leader.  Mongolian horde leader.  Just to name a few.  Some colorful minor characters, too.


The book has a rhyme and reason that I save for the end so you can read that first if you want.  I've sold about 80 copies to friends and family.  Those who have made it all of the way through have told me that they enjoyed reading it.  A few have read it more than once.  I have read it several times and will read it again.


Thanks for asking.




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Nearly 500 pages.  I could do a separate book for each character no problem but won't.  I thought about writing "The Year Before The Year Without Soap" which would explain how the whole thing happened but I don't plan to as of today.


I'm not a writer.  This book wormed it's way into my brain and would not leave me alone until I wrote it.  I couldn't do it again if I had to.  Many people who know me well were surprised that I was capable of writing it.  Ancient Alien theorists believe that it was planted in my brain by beings from beyond this world as a warning to all of what could possibly happen if we are not careful.


Thanks for showing interest.




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thank you for informing me.  I am really interested in reading it. Just on a tight budget right now: I live in a nursing home so only get 72.80 a month out of my check for living expenses.  I am slated to go to group home where I will get more.  So, maybe when that comes around: may or june, I could buy your book?  

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It is cheaper on Kindle if you have that available.  $4.44 I think.  Perhaps you could ask the nursing home staff to purchase a copy that could be shared by all of the residents?  After tax a paperback copy lands right around $15.  I don't get anything until there have been enough sold for Amazon to send me a $100 check...so far I have gotten one check total.  In the back of my mind I had hopes of getting filthy rich off from the book sales while I was writing it.  I am now pleased that I didn't bank on it for my retirement income!  ?




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I hope you enjoy reading it.  Everyone who I have talked to who were able to make it all of the way through have told me that it is very good.  Several have read it more than once.  I have "honey do" projects keeping me from another re-read right now but I hope to read it again in the near future.  Each time that I read it is better than the time before.  Sometimes I still can't believe that I wrote it even though I know I did. ?




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  • 3 weeks later...

There is some classic GrandpaG stuff over in the evolution one roll play area...FREE!!!


I'm into my fourth re-read of my book.  Hard to put it down even though I know approximately what's coming next.  Hope you get a chance to read it.




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So er I don't know if it's accurate but I feel like this place is sorta... the kinda not on the topic of books

and stuff but just where people chat well honestly I think that's fine.


I guess the only concern I have is it really this thread? Like there's quite a few sections here and people seem active on a number of them my guess is it might be best to present to people who might come here that this is an

ok place to just talk and discuss whatever might come to mind.


But like this thread precisely or this forum in general or multple forums in general just some consideration.

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