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Movies, movies, movies!


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In the next couple of months there will be quite a few movies coming out that I'm excited about. PotC:3, Shrek 3, and of course the new Harry Potter, just to name a few.


Am I the only one counting down days to things like these, or are there other obsessives out there? And if so, what are YOU looking forward to it the next couple of days/weeks/months?


I'm looking forward to PotC 3 big time. I'm sort of counting down the days, but that's only because I have to have some sort of costume ready for it and I don't know if I'm gonna have time to pull off something fantastic. Ugh! But I'm excited because it's gonna be Fun!!!


I'm not counting down per se, but I am looking forward to PotC 3 a lot- It's coming out on my last day of school.


This may be a good discussion topic for the Seanchan :P

Guest Barmacral

Indeed it would be, did you know that they are planning on a 4th shrek? They are also trying for a 4th spiderman.


Myself, I'm not counting down the days until the new movies... I've got a TV station (I don't recall which one offhand) that is counting down the days til spiderman for me.


The month of three, indeed.


I have a countdown widget on my computer for OotP, other than that I have no clear idea on exactly when the new movies come out.


And Spiderman I never really liked. :P


Shame shame Maria :P

But anywho, *has same list as Vem*

They're also coming out with Rush Hour 3 later this year, for those of you who enjoyed the series (Im one of 'em :P)


oooooh! Jackie Chan!! << is a big fan!


I'm probably going to ask a daft question but what is PotC3??


I want to see the Bourne Ultimatum when it comes out!

I'm probably going to ask a daft question but what is PotC3??


Pirates of the Caribbean 3 ;)


Yes the Simpson Movie!!

The movie theatre trailer is awesome :P

And PotC3=

Pirates of the Carabian(<-spell? it looks wrong) 3

I'm probably going to ask a daft question but what is PotC3??


Pirates of the Caribbean 3 ;)


Duh! *slaps forehead* Thanks Corki! ;) Yeah I want to see that too! :)


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