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Your first time


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My first time had to have been in about 2000.


In 1999, I was having trouble sleeping (and more) and asked a friend for some advice. In return, I got a series to read by Orson Scott Card. I liked it, and I will have to admit that I did more reading then than I ever had in my life (all of 27 years at that point). Somewhere I lost interest and I really, really wanted something that would grab me and "take me on a journey" the way the first few "Ender" books did.


I love the world I am in when I am reading RJ. There are times that I also wish that I had not read them before so that I could read them again, for the first time.


The only thing that nearly put the series to rest for me was finishing college. I stalled out on Path of Daggers. When I picked it up again three years later, I was saddened by the fact that I couldn't finish what I started. There isn't much worse than waiting for "the rest of the story".

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My first time?


Goodness, id guess around Freshman year thats like 2001? I cant remember. Nonetheless it was the frist book i had read in a series, and the first series i ever completed (as far as it is now). It was so magical and something i really enjoyed. It inspired me to write my first novel, which will never be read becuae of the limited history i had in the genere.

It opened my eyes to reading, and since ive read about 8 series and like 60 or so books (Not counting school books). So thats alot to me.

  • 2 weeks later...

My ex got me into them when we first got together. It was summer after my freshman year of college. I couldn't find a job that summer so I had a lot of time on my hands. I spent the whole summer expanding my mind and reading Wot. :roll:


Then CoT came out just a couple of months after I finished and I found out about the painful wait that longtime fans talk about for KoD. (My ex had been reading them since he was about 12)


At the same time he was getting some of our other friends into the series and it sort of became a race because he only had one copy of each book and none of us wanted to wait in line.


Years ago I tried to read EoftheW... I couldn't pronounce the names, and I kept getting confused about who and what I was reading about... I'm not an idiot, but Eye of the World made me feel like a dumba$$! :?

I played an Aes Sedai in a roleplaying campaign (the real dice rolling kind) with several avid fans... It was much fun, and I really enjoyed the game, the world, and the 'magic'...

I bought the unabridged version of EyeoftheWorld for my husband at christmas this past year, thinking we could listen together... and now we're on to Crown of Swords! I am much better at reading them, now that I understand the world, and the politics, and the pronunciations better! :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

I consider myself extremely lucky to have found this series. Basically... during my Junior year of high school (2002-2003) I was bored in my English class because we had a substitute teacher that day, and I had already finished the work assigned to us. So I walked over to the bookshelf, grabbed Return of the King, and started reading it for the eight thousandth time. My substitute teacher (who happened to be like a 22-23 year old guy, fresh out of college so only like 5 years older than me) was like "oh you like Tolkien? if you really like lord of the rings, you should try out Robert Jordan books, hes my favorite." I was bored, I love to read, so I was like what the hell sure. I hit up the library the next day, and end up reading all the books as fast as possible. I hadn't read them since CoT came out, so when KoD came out I read that, then bought the first 10 books, and reread them. Then reread them again. Thank god my teacher was sick that day.


A little less than two years ago (8th grade), I was going through a phase where I was devouring the science fiction and fantasy section of my library. I found tEotW, and got hooked. Of course, coming to school with the hardbacks, I got quite a few odd looks. "That's as big as a textbook!" Of course, then my English teacher noticed them and said how much her son loved the series. It was pretty amusing, because as I go to a "Christian" school, it seems like the books would be looked down upon, 'cause they don't exactly hold Christian values. *cough* lol.


i started reading in october when i went on holiday.


id never heard of robert jordan or the wheel of time. i hadent even heard of the genre of high fantasy. I hadnt read a book i enjoyed in over a year and i was only taking books to read incase i got bored.


I picked two books one being From the Two Rivers, the first part of the Eye of The World and i got hoocked on it there in the library and by the time id left id orderd the next one. :lol:


it was the shortest time ever id read a book that thick


1996, just after A Crown of Swords came out in hardback. I'd read Lord of the Rings the year before and was looking for another good fantasy series. After ACoS got a good review in SFX Magazine, I picked up the series and got hooked by it. I enjoyed it all the way through to the end of ACoS, picked up the Big White Book when it came out a year later, then picked up Path of Daggers on day of release.


That's where my brief period of thinking WoT was the greatest fantasy series ever came to an end. PoD wasn't very good, Winter's Heart was better but rather oddly-paced and CoT is simply one of the worst novels written in the last decade. I nearly jacked the series in but I gave Knife of Dreams a chance after RJ reported how he'd tried to overcome the problems that had cropped up with CoT, and was pleasently surprised. A much stronger, more enjoyable novel. Hence my return to WoT appreciation. I'm also grateful to RJ for introducing me to writers like George RR Martin and JV Jones by putting reccomendations on their books.

  • 3 weeks later...

I first experienced RJ when I found A New Spring in my local library. I liked the book, and knew there was more to the series, but I couldn't remember the author's last name and couldn't find the books, and so eventually gave up looking. My boyfriend is just as avid a reader as I am, and when I asked him for suggestions he mentioned the Wheel of Time books. I didn't even realize that these were from the series I had been looking for until he started mentioning character names. He was also the one who brought my attention to this website; if he didn't, i would probably never have known that it existed.


well lets see here it was a few years back...i was reading TERRY GOODKIND'S, SWORD OF TRUTH series and i wanted to read another big series a friend recomended reading the series so here i am..it took me several months to read TEOTW because i found it to be cery boring, but i was told the series was very good so continued on and i loved TGH!!! and i am now on book 10..and i liked TGH best followed by LOC!!

  • 1 month later...

Hmm... my daughter was about 6 months old and I was home doing the entire mom/house/wife thing and I was really good at the mom part but house/wife very difficult and I needed to escape... so I picked up EoTW at someone's house. Let's just say I borrowed it and have never returned it, fifteen years and I still have that copy. I so needed that book at that moment. I think after I finished it I packed my baby in the car and at some insane hour we were at a little bookstore that was open late and I piled all the books in the series up to that point in her car seat and rushed home. Okay, I bought those.


I have been reading them every since. Prowling around waiting for the next book to arrive and enjoying them all along. Good series, excellent characters and there is just something about the entire thing that humms and you can't stop reading.


I was 16 .... it was 199(gulp)2. I read up to The Dragon Reborn (which is all there was at the time), and got excited each time a new book came out (which is a lot of excitement let me tell you .... just spread over a long period of time.) I've been reading it intermittently ever since.


I posted in here once that I had probably read the whole series 5 times or so. Upon further reflection, it seems that that number must be a great deal higher .... probably closer to 25. But then, I'm old, my memory is going.

I like all the responses but I'm sure we haven't heard all the stories there is to tell in this subject.


When the thread reaches three point something million and every person who's ever read a WoT novel has given their story' date=' then you can say you have heard everything :wink:


Well, I loved aSoIaF, and as opposed to Luckers, for a 15 year old girl, reading about someone my age, especially with a name so much like mine (Danielle/Danerys) being raped was not cool for me, but I liked the fact that it was a bit darker, and not as 'fair' as other books tend to be.


Erm, Daenerys wasn't raped by the standards of her own civilisation. In medieval times girls got married as young as 10-11, so Dany getting married at 14 was positively enlightened by the standards of her world, plus she did consent. Yeah, if it had happened in New York or in London or something, it would be rape regardless, but it wasn't so it isn't.


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