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Slinky-slank mafia


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2 minutes ago, Zander? said:


Honestly imma see how rest of day goes,  see EOD and Wagons and if im still here flesh out my read...like I said it was a bit suss to me but not enough to make me think you're def a Wolf.


Sure, cool


This is kind of awkward now


I like ur reads btw

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7 minutes ago, Clovdyx said:



@VooDooNut Not sure if you're still around, but if possible, can you help me reconcile these?  Hopefully colors make sense, but basically I'm not sure what made you get to Leelou/Hallia that wasn't already out there when you answered the groupings, plus the big reversal from eliminating Dice to essentially echoing his thoughts on the game.


Hopefully you see this tonight, but if not, please answer it tomorrow even though i won't be around.  

Yeah, a re-read really helped me remember more of what was said. So my stance is my second post. I was taking more blind swipes with my first post. I still feel like there's a lot of gaps and a lot of suspects, but I won't know more until we hear from hallia and leelou. But I wasn't considering 3 wolves before. I thought it was two.

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55 minutes ago, Zander? said:


I havw thoughts on this and you asking this but I'll let it play out 1st. 


It played out.  I didn't find the answer he gave particularly meaningful but reasonable enough, and he didn't give me the answer I was ACTUALLY hoping for.  What were your thoughts?


33 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:




I have conflicting feelings about AJ


lilo and stitch GIF


27 minutes ago, Zander? said:



You see my question to you about tripped??


Just want you to briefly lay out her Town v Scum game for me please.


Town: Read posts, ask a lot of questions, try to figure things out.

Mafia: Read posts, ask a lot of questions, look like figuring things out.


I realize that sounds really damn obvious, but IDK what else to tell you.  She works through the game how you'd expect from strong, experienced villagers that use thought processes the way she does, and she's aware of her method, so she does that as scum.  Spotting the difference comes down to making the distinction between her asking questions and sharing thoughts because she wants to know/they're her thoughts versus she needs to portray that she wants to know/she has thoughts.


She does tend to have better reads as town overall. 


surprised season 6 GIF by One Chicago

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1 hour ago, Clovdyx said:

@VooDooNut You said you have no pulse on Verb/Cory/me but all three of us were "probably" town.  Can you elaborate on each of us, especially Cory?


Well what pulse could anyone really have on Verb atp?  Lol


I thought your question felt what's the best way to say it leading kinda... Which pinged but seeing your last spell not as bothered.


What intrigued me was your choice of Cory as well cause I'm not real sure what you were expecting and hoping to achieve from his answer.

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1 minute ago, Clovdyx said:


It played out.  I didn't find the answer he gave particularly meaningful but reasonable enough, and he didn't give me the answer I was ACTUALLY hoping for.  What were your thoughts?



lilo and stitch GIF



Town: Read posts, ask a lot of questions, try to figure things out.

Mafia: Read posts, ask a lot of questions, look like figuring things out.


I realize that sounds really damn obvious, but IDK what else to tell you.  She works through the game how you'd expect from strong, experienced villagers that use thought processes the way she does, and she's aware of her method, so she does that as scum.  Spotting the difference comes down to making the distinction between her asking questions and sharing thoughts because she wants to know/they're her thoughts versus she needs to portray that she wants to know/she has thoughts.


She does tend to have better reads as town overall. 


surprised season 6 GIF by One Chicago


Tyvm what's your read on tripped atp?



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Just now, Zander? said:


Well what pulse could anyone really have on Verb atp?  Lol


I thought your question felt what's the best way to say it leading kinda... Which pinged but seeing your last spell not as bothered.


What intrigued me was your choice of Cory as well cause I'm not real sure what you were expecting and hoping to achieve from his answer.


None.  That's why I wanted his thoughts on Verbal - because outside of literal mathematical probabilities, there's really no rational argument for Verb to probably be town.  Statistically speaking, of course he's probably town - everybody is, but we know some people aren't, and given the number of people he said felt townie, you'd think the inactives would be LESS likely to be town.  So I was debating if that was new!mafia not wanting to throw an inactive!butexperienced!teammate under the bus.


I asked about Cory because I figured, in the universe where he and Verbal ARE teamed, a brand new scum player would probably feel more comfortable opening a discussion if I didn't lead with "hey, why are you townreading your completely inactive scummate?"

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Just now, Clovdyx said:


None.  That's why I wanted his thoughts on Verbal - because outside of literal mathematical probabilities, there's really no rational argument for Verb to probably be town.  Statistically speaking, of course he's probably town - everybody is, but we know some people aren't, and given the number of people he said felt townie, you'd think the inactives would be LESS likely to be town.  So I was debating if that was new!mafia not wanting to throw an inactive!butexperienced!teammate under the bus.


I asked about Cory because I figured, in the universe where he and Verbal ARE teamed, a brand new scum player would probably feel more comfortable opening a discussion if I didn't lead with "hey, why are you townreading your completely inactive scummate?"


Thanks makes some sense to me lol

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10 minutes ago, Zander? said:


Tyvm what's your read on tripped atp?




She's still not in my top tier, but definitely a townread and would be opposed to voting her today without someone just making the most absolutely sick case I've ever seen.  The questions she's been asking don't bother me at all (either in content OR presentation), most of the conclusions she's reached feel right, and I don't know how much she cares about appeasing me with reads when she can just shoot me.1


1.  In the context of a mafia game.

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3 minutes ago, Zander? said:

Cory can you help me out pls?


Can you give me your current reads list with some reasoning for each?  


I'll do the first half, no particular order within tiers

I might give some blurbs if ur lucky 😉








v i b e s





... the rest

AJ - my soul believes the "i was baked and being extra charitable with my hallia read" response from earlier so he gets to be on his own null tier for now


Leelou - seemed villagery enough but so has everyone else

Verbal - expecting to have to attempt to read him when he shows up a few hours from EOD, glgl

Dice - the only person on the null tier i really feel like i "could" have a solid read on by now, but nothing so far has felt particularly like dice investigating

VooDoo - second game + playful person makes hard read, but attitude is different from first game (been substantially more serious this game, last game the playful & obtuse attitude persisted all game) - probably not much of a read, could also just be darthe's fault 🙂

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I'm kind of at a loss.  the people i want more from are not here and haven't been here most of the day.  I still feel like voodoo has been pretty natural and I liked his response to Chris's question.  I'd like a bit more from Leelou who has been here on and off, but i feel like their contributions have been dipping a bit.  I realize Dice didn't have a ton of time before heading to work, so I'm hoping he can provide more content before EoD.  I know people said verbal doesn't play on weekends, so I'm hoping they get a chance to post something tomorrow.  Would also like to see more from hallia and AJ.

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3 hours ago, dicetosser1 said:




These feel forced to me

What feels forced were your couple of low content posts friend 


Dang that's a lot of dice votes I was gonna add one but uh, probably should wait


Consider this my intention

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23 minutes ago, Cory Caboose said:

I don't think I'd vote outside of Dice/VooDoo/AJ/Leelou/Verb today and I'd probably need to be talked into Leelou1




1 but could definitely be talked into


Can you walk me through on AJ?  I'm kind of surprised he'd be a candidate because it's freaking AJ, but keeping things within the scope of the game, I thought he's been pretty townie, especially earlier.  I'd have loved to see more of him today, but I feel I've got him anywhere between #3 and #5 on my townreads.  


Would also hard veto VooDoo.  Maybe I'm giving too much credit to his spat with Darthe, but I'm pretty happy with it.

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Just now, Hallia said:

What feels forced were your couple of low content posts friend 


Dang that's a lot of dice votes I was gonna add one but uh, probably should wait


Consider this my intention


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2 minutes ago, TrippedOnReality said:

I'm kind of at a loss.  the people i want more from are not here and haven't been here most of the day.  I still feel like voodoo has been pretty natural and I liked his response to Chris's question.  I'd like a bit more from Leelou who has been here on and off, but i feel like their contributions have been dipping a bit.  I realize Dice didn't have a ton of time before heading to work, so I'm hoping he can provide more content before EoD.  I know people said verbal doesn't play on weekends, so I'm hoping they get a chance to post something tomorrow.  Would also like to see more from hallia and AJ.

More from me?  Like what?  I've been pretty chatty

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