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Episode 7 Predictions

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Guest Wolfbrother31
1 minute ago, Jaysen Gore said:

Padan Fain is Liandrin's man in north harbour, a channeler, and can open waygates, allowing him to follow the group to Fal Dara and steal the horn.


Yes and ... How Liandrin knows so much about Moiraine and the EF5 ... because he's been following them. 

Wouldnt be surprised if he even follows them into the Ways with Trollocs! [But I don't like the change to make him a channeler)

Guest Wolfbrother31
2 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

Theory: Ba’alzamon reveals Rand’s heritage via flashback.  


You think it'll be Ba'alzamon? Hm...

I do think we'll get Blood Snow this next episode and the Dragon Reveal. I guess it makes sense ... Only other person it probably could come from is Tam. 

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2 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:


You think it'll be Ba'alzamon? Hm...

I do think we'll get Blood Snow this next episode and the Dragon Reveal. I guess it makes sense ... Only other person it probably could come from is Tam. 

Or Ishy. They may skip the incarnations. But I definitely think we are getting a fully voiced dream sequence. What if they did the prologue NOW and had LTT’s conscience “catch up” with Rand? Via flashback. 

I’m probably not explaining well…

Guest Wolfbrother31
Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

What if they did the prologue NOW and had LTT’s conscience “catch up” with Rand? Via flashback. 


I don't think that's "the amazing reveal" of the Dragon they're aiming for ... and a Blood Snow flashback would give it away wouldn't it? It would be super anti climatic after all these changes & diversions. Right?


Edited by Wolfbrother31

I predict blood snow will set up that a baby was born who is the dragon reborn but we can't necessarily tell who (although enthusiastic watchers will remember Loial's comment about Rand looking like an Aielman) and later in the episode we'll get Rand's flashback with Tam on the quarry road and confirm that it's him. And then he'll do a big channel.

Just now, ForsakenPotato said:

I predict blood snow will set up that a baby was born who is the dragon reborn but we can't necessarily tell who (although enthusiastic watchers will remember Loial's comment about Rand looking like an Aielman) and later in the episode we'll get Rand's flashback with Tam on the quarry road and confirm that it's him. And then he'll do a big channel.

My exact thoughts as well

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Wolfbrother31 said:


You think it'll be Ba'alzamon? Hm...

I do think we'll get Blood Snow this next episode and the Dragon Reveal. I guess it makes sense ... Only other person it probably could come from is Tam. 

Except the Nynaeve also knows that Rand was not born in the Two Rivers and was brought back with Tam and Kari from the war unless that has changed in the show. Moiraine could open up and tell them about Gitara's vision during the Aiel War and the child being born in the cold/snow, and we could see Nynaeve then get uncomfortable or look at Rand oddly as she knows that other 3 EF kids were actually born in their homes in EF.  

Edited by jh557
2 hours ago, WheelofJuke said:

I would love to see Mat eating tray after tray of food in recovering from the dagger separation. A true highlight from the books. 


I kinda hoped they'd do a real cheesy actor swap at the point of healing, like, Barney Harris is sick...they heal him...and that's the new actor's reveal. That would've won me over a little bit. 


Perhaps Mat becomes entangled with Liandrin's mystery man?

Yeah, he could have regenerated like Doctor Who.


Let's see here. Working assumption is this is Lan's episode, so:


Cold Open is the fall of Malkier, and the protectors with the baby

Some time in the Ways, but not a lot. Enough to highlight that they've caught each other up on what happened, and that they've been travelling for a couple of days. Maybe whistling, maybe not. Sad Loial

Machin Shin chase and race for the exit. MS may equal Mashadar

Intro of Fal Dara, Agelmar is travelling, and should be back soon. Lots of Dai Shan and golden crane talk.

Loial tells Nynaeve of Lan and Malker. Fingers crossed we get the Malkier oath somewhere

Enter Elmindreda; secretive convo's with Moiraine, but no POV, so no visions from her. Maybe some sheepherder teasing

Out from Fal Dara, through the blight to the Eye. Chased by Wyrms or Fades, or something. 

Spoiler channels to protect Egwene.

Don't know if the episode ends on a cliffhanger as they struggle to reach it, or they reach it, relax in safety and are greeted by a "friend" appearing happy to see them. Could be Green Man played as monster, or a hard freeze exit on Ishy

Nothing outside the Magnificent 6. No TV. No Mat, no Siuan. No PF. No Liandrin. Mat's not there, and the rest of them are episode 8 fodder as set up for next season

1 hour ago, ForsakenPotato said:

I predict blood snow will set up that a baby was born who is the dragon reborn but we can't necessarily tell who (although enthusiastic watchers will remember Loial's comment about Rand looking like an Aielman) and later in the episode we'll get Rand's flashback with Tam on the quarry road and confirm that it's him. And then he'll do a big channel.

I hope we get the flashback. Rafe hinted as much...but given the recent pace, I'm not even sure we'll get that this season.

Posted (edited)

I think if Mat isn't in episode 7 at all, Min will make some comment about, "One of you is missing, there should be another one here!"


She'll be freaking out about it, and she'll make it seem like everything is much more dangerous now because Mat didn't come along.


Maybe she'll even say something about the pattern, and the missing person always being there in other turnings. A nod to book fans.  


Probably goes a little beyond the scope/specificity of things Min can usually say based on her visions, but they're going to have to do some heavy lifting to smooth out the story if they don't have any more Mat scenes this season. 


Also, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Min is pivotal in identifying the dragon. I don't think she'll be the only factor, but something she says will lead to a cascade of  events that ultimately reveals him.


They moved her back this late into the season for practical reasons.  Now it's time to reveal the dragon, and they have access to a powerful seer at just the moment when she's needed for the plot. They're going to take advantage of that.  

Edited by NinjaPowers975
Posted (edited)

I am really curious to see how long they spend in the ways because while it's striking they really don't spend much time there in the books and they can't really do easy justice to the set.


The other thing I'm wondering about is how blighty they make the blight. It's probably a hell of a lot cheaper and more reliable to do a northern desolation where nothing grows than it is to do rotting flora and magically influenced trees/beasts.


I'd expect plenty of Lan time as they hit the borderlands.


Cannot wait for Ishy to be revealed properly so I hope we get him in a dream or something as more than just the burning man this time out.


@NinjaPowers975 - I love that idea about Min making a big deal of Mat not being there. That would be a nice touch.

Edited by DermidAjala

Not saying it won't happen in the show, but if The Father Lies gave you a flashback as to your origin wouldn't you just go, "Nah, you're a confirmed liar with pants of fire!"


Blood Snow, eh? Haven't these titles so far not at all aligned with book titles? 


My guess is they warp to thru the ways into the Tarwin Gap thing, then it'll be a super rushy "They're losing! Quick to the Eye!" sorta dealio. 

10 hours ago, ForsakenPotato said:

I predict blood snow will set up that a baby was born who is the dragon reborn but we can't necessarily tell who (although enthusiastic watchers will remember Loial's comment about Rand looking like an Aielman) and later in the episode we'll get Rand's flashback with Tam on the quarry road and confirm that it's him. And then he'll do a big channel.

These were my thoughts as well - but only at first.  I now have thought it over (too much) and I think / theorize.  (I hope I'm wrong, tbh) I think that:

Book Spoilers:

  1. While travelling through they ways, the conversation will turn to the events of Winternight.
  2. Everyone will be retelling what they went through, but when it gets to Rand's turn...
  3. He tells what Tam had spoken in his Fever Dream
  4. Tam's fever dream turns out to be the Blood Snow scene.
  5. None of them know it yet, but Tam actually was the one who fought and mortally wounded  Tigraine, Rand's mother.


It makes sense considering that we've seen the 9 Bees of Illian on the weapon of the armored soldier she's fighting, and the fact that Tam was Second Captain of the Companions.

I don't like this because it will make Rand have resentment against Tam once he finds out.


IMDB shows Barney Harris in episodes 7 and 8.  So should be interesting to see.  Also we have no idea what Moiraine did with the dagger, Fain has no idea of the dagger yet so could be Mat encounters Fain and accidently allows Fain to get the dagger.


They would have to change alot of the original story to make Tam kill Rand's true mother.  Instead of finding her, he would have to stab her then wait for her to give birth.

Guest Wolfbrother31
16 hours ago, Jaysen Gore said:

Working assumption is this is Lan's episode


I do think we'll get more Lan this episode as we get to the Borderlands ... But this episode is going to be the Dragon reveal - so they can't spend too much time on Lan I wouldn't think? But the pacing has struggled all season long so who knows...


16 hours ago, Jaysen Gore said:

Out from Fal Dara, through the blight to the Eye. Chased by Wyrms or Fades, or something. 


Don't think we're going to get to the Blight this episode - a major issue in the show is we need antagonists we recognize - unless they're just aweful writers (which might be the case) ... So I think we'll get at least 5 minutes of Fain in this episode...hopefully more. 


Perhaps the opening is from Fain's POV and everything he was up to this season that people didn't notice! 


16 hours ago, Jaysen Gore said:

Nothing outside the Magnificent 6. No TV. No Mat, no Siuan. No PF. No Liandrin. Mat's not there, and the rest of them are episode 8 fodder as set up for next season


If you check the IMDB casting for the episode - both Matt & Fain show up in this episode - so we probably do get at least 1 TV scene. But you're right - no Liandrin or Siuan. 


But again, in checking the listing that is how I "know" we'll get Min & we'll get Blood Snow (because Tam & Tigraine are listed) ... So I do like the ideas that Min sees it in a Vision or perhaps that Rand tells of Tam's fever dream! 


And I'll also guess from the casting that Agelmar will tell the group Lan's story (after Nyn is shocked at how the Borderlanders all revere him). 


3 hours ago, Sabio said:

IMDB shows Barney Harris in episodes 7 and 8.  So should be interesting to see.  Also we have no idea what Moiraine did with the dagger, Fain has no idea of the dagger yet so could be Mat encounters Fain and accidently allows Fain to get the dagger.


They would have to change alot of the original story to make Tam kill Rand's true mother.  Instead of finding her, he would have to stab her then wait for her to give birth.

 If Fain has been infected by Mashadar as he was in the books, he knows exactly where the dagger is.


I'm doing the episode specific predictions without looking at sources outside the books and the TV Show; even though I know there's more out there, I don't want to be too spoiled.


Having said that, if Mat and PF are actually in the episode, and not just IMDB hiding, I'm guessing PF is already infected by "Mordeth", and knows about the dagger. But that would be interesting, since we know Harris wasn't back for Episode 7 or 8 filming, which means the interaction between Mat and PF would have in theory been filmed before Mat went into the Ways (no Covid), or they always intended for him to stay behind (doubtful). So if they are there, my bet is a very brief scene of Mat walking around TV, and a cameo of PF watching him.


But my bigger prediction - and why I think TV's in the final episode -  is a conversation between PF and Liandrin where either PF orders her to open the Ways to FD, or she orders him, or they are both ordered by someone with burning eyes to get PF to FD. They agree, but before the scene ends, he tells her there's something he needs to get from the Tower, first.  That would enable the show to have Mat (found in TV next season) to be sent by Siuan ("will you be there...") because he has been inured to the dagger ( Funny thing I heard about diseases...). Alternative, Mat needs the dagger and / or more healing from Moiraine or Nynaeve. Or, Siuan could still travel to FD, and Mat could be in her party, giving them a month or so for Rand to train with Lan. Mat would then be full of remorse that gets abused by the portal stone (flicker, flicker, flicker)


They'll be lots of time for season 2 speculation, but from the costume design short they did, we know Falme and Tear are both in. Therefore we know they're not going to conflate the two retrievals. Which means at some point before episode 8, Mat has to catch up with Rand and Perrin. Unless we lose the Horn. At which point, Mat isn't needed next season at all

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