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There are tropes for everything, it does not technically make the trope bad. And it's not like the character is overstated, since she is intended to be one of the most powerful of her Age. 




After all, these books are quite old, and lay the groundwork for Fantasy after Tolkien. By the same measure, wouldn't Gandulf (or the other Wizards) be the same thing? Trope's are tropes, but they come from somewhere and a powerful display of power is likely going to be little different to ...



Her OP battle with Moggie (who i never spell right) and winning.


On 11/27/2021 at 1:21 PM, Megatron said:

So far my only real gripe is that they have forced in diversity for the cast, and so most of the people dont really look like how I imagined in the books.

I can see where you're coming from. The way I think of it is that during the Breaking, people were scattered all over the place. I read the diversity in every town to be a result of that. I think it's mentioned in the books as well. Though I will say that some place as separated from the rest of the world as the Two Rivers would probably have a more homogenous population over the years, but I digress. 


I'm loving the show so far! (Especially after episode 4)

3 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

In the books to.


Rand heals Bela while Egwene's riding her at a distance, fleeing Trollocs.


Someone quoted.... Somewhere that Nynaeve healed someone, and cuts on nearby people were healed. (Maybe she has a talent?)

He washes the fatigue from Bela not heals.

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

In the books to.


Rand heals Bela while Egwene's riding her at a distance, fleeing Trollocs.


Someone quoted.... Somewhere that Nynaeve healed someone, and cuts on nearby people were healed. (Maybe she has a talent?)

He washes the fatigue from Bela not heals.


I cant remember the exact book part the second part happens but i think it was someone was touching the person being healed and thats how the healing spread.


Nynaeve does study Logain before healing him at range but thats more delving than actual healing and she is in contact when she heals.

Edited by Mailman
On 11/29/2021 at 7:06 AM, CaddySedai said:


It reminds me of GoT season one. Lots of rose colored glasses for that season from fans lol.


Also the problem is they need to spend bigger amounts on CGI right off the bat. GoT avoided large scale battles and the white walker army through two whole seasons. And they didn't have magic then or even really any dragon setpieces.


Right off the bat WoT needed hordes of monsters and tons and tons of magic.


I suspect of the TWO points you made that is where you see the most improvement over time.


the thing that really perplexes me is how GOT is held up as some kind of beacon to try to emulate. 'its not GOT' is a pretty common catchphrase...and thank the light for that i say....


i swear i must have watched the last three seasons of a different show to everyone else....especially by the last season GOT was an embarrassment. 


to be honest, WOT isnt GOT and im so thankful of that, GOT was a quality production for seasons 2-5, but even then, it was too rapey and violent....i mean, when you rewatch a few of even prime GOT episodes they actually border on pathetic soft core porn and violence for no real plot advancement.


GOT definately held a captive audience while it ran, no doubt there, myself included, but i fail to see how people can ignore the slow start and pathetic finish to the series and pretend it is the crown jewell of high fantasy TV


im hoping WOT can stay on course, i understand the lore issues its having, but if it can  keep its head held high and push out eight plus seasons of consistant TV , without having to visit the gutter to please the masses, i would say it would be judged favorably against GOT over time.


for my personel experience the first 150 odd pages of WOT i struggled to really get involved, it was almost childlike in how easy it was to predict the character interactions.......if episode 4 is anything to go by....just like in the books, shit just got real (i hope)

3 hours ago, Mailman said:

Nynaeve does study Logain before healing him at range but thats more delving than actual healing and she is in contact when she heals.


Sometimes healers use touch, sometimes they don't. When Flinn heals Rand in ACoS he touches the wound for delving, but not when actually healing.



"I hope nobody minds if I talk," he said, beginning to move callused hands above Rand's side. "Talking seems to help a mite." He squinted, focusing on the injuries, and his fingers writhed slowly.


-- Blades, A Crown of Swords, pg. 573

2 hours ago, dwn said:


Sometimes healers use touch, sometimes they don't. When Flinn heals Rand in ACoS he touches the wound for delving, but not when actually healing.


I'm not 100% sure what Flinn did would count as healing. Remember Rand had already been healed at least twice before at this point after Fains dagger attack. What Flinn did was seal the 2 wounds off rather than heal him.

  • Community Administrator
7 hours ago, Mailman said:

He washes the fatigue from Bela not heals.


I cant remember the exact book part the second part happens but i think it was someone was touching the person being healed and thats how the healing spread.


Nynaeve does study Logain before healing him at range but thats more delving than actual healing and she is in contact when she heals.

"Washing fatigue" is still a form healing.


All they needed to fix the EPISODE 1

  1. Add 6 minutes extra to the run time

  2. Change the Opening to be Gitara Foretelling with the backdrop of the Blood snow.

  3. Put a New Spring Flashback in the middle of the Episode, involving Morainne at White Tower gathering the names of potential Dragon candidates

  4. Change the ending to be less rushed.:Have the entire Villlage ask Morainner notice the 2nd wave of Trollocs coming.Morainne lets the Entire village know they are after the kids, so she needs to take them. Parents protest but Tam calmly points out Aes sedai cannot Lie. Parents grudgingly and emotionally accept and let their kids go.

47 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

1. Rip up Rafe's script and lock him out of the writer's room.

2. There are no further steps needed.

Disagree .Script just needed to be fixed

  • Moderator

My understanding is that they were angling for a longer first episode and that Amazon forced a good many cuts in order to bring it in under an hour. 

I’ll wait for the “Judkins cut”. Good thing the last 3 episodes have steadily improved. 

1 minute ago, Elder_Haman said:

My understanding is that they were angling for a longer first episode and that Amazon forced a good many cuts in order to bring it in under an hour. 

I’ll wait for the “Judkins cut”. Good thing the last 3 episodes have steadily improved. 


Rafe has said the "Judkins Cut" never made it past script form. Amazon's length requirements came before any filming was done, so the script was trimmed before filming.


He does say there are deleted scenes he thinks will be added as extras, but that is something different.

12 hours ago, dorotea said:

Well, unfortunately I think this is exactly the way 'its done'. When this particular trope is in action.



Except the trope doesn't apply.  Nynaeve is not perfect, does not succeed at everything she tries.

She performs an amazing feat of healing which is...  Something she does quite frequently in the books.  Over and over again, doing things the AoL couldn't pull off.

Guest Wolfbrother31

I think they're going to get better too.


Hopefully the Ways are done much better than Shadar Logoth - and Tarwin's Gap as well as Blood Snow are super cool!

  • Moderator
7 minutes ago, Agitel said:

Rafe has said the "Judkins Cut" never made it past script form. Amazon's length requirements came before any filming was done, so the script was trimmed before filming.


He does say there are deleted scenes he thinks will be added as extras, but that is something different.

Lol. I missed that. I was being mostly facetious. 

14 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

My understanding is that they were angling for a longer first episode and that Amazon forced a good many cuts in order to bring it in under an hour. 

I’ll wait for the “Judkins cut”. Good thing the last 3 episodes have steadily improved. 

Sometimes the higher ups make unreasonable demands.


If Rafe was working on the understanding of a longer episode 1 and the suits cuts his legs out - then not Rafe's fault.  Everything else would be on him though.

17 hours ago, Elder_Haman said:

I’m beginning to think Min will be the impetus for heading to Fal Dara, not the Eye. 


Not sure how accurate IMDB is, but apparently Min is in Episodes 7 and 8. So unless she travels along the Ways with the party or they return to Tar Valon, she may already be in Fal Dara


Episode 5 teaser:



To me, Lan has only ONE home.

WTF?!?!? I couldn't even pay attention to the rest of the clip.

*This is not the books* *Calm down* *This is not the books* *Calm down*

*Enjoy the show for what it is* *Relax*

I will watch the clip later and continue to enjoy the show. Sometimes the writing clashes with my expectations, though. Huge dissonance that I must navigate.

8 minutes ago, Joe B said:

Episode 5 teaser:

  Hide contents


To me, Lan has only ONE home.

WTF?!?!? I couldn't even pay attention to the rest of the clip.

*This is not the books* *Calm down* *This is not the books* *Calm down*

*Enjoy the show for what it is* *Relax*

I will watch the clip later and continue to enjoy the show. Sometimes the writing clashes with my expectations, though. Huge dissonance that I must navigate.


Before I opened the spoiler tags I thought it'd be something big.

  • Moderator
40 minutes ago, mogi68 said:

Not sure how accurate IMDB is, but apparently Min is in Episodes 7 and 8. So unless she travels along the Ways with the party or they return to Tar Valon, she may already be in Fal Dara

My theory is that Min is already in Fal Dara. I think that Moiraine and Siuan are going to have a scene in E6 where they discuss the Dragon, the EF5, and the "4 ta'veren". Siuan is going to tell Moiraine to go find Min, revealing that she is the source of the "rumors" and that she has the visions. (Or something similar to this - the key being that Moiraine scoops up the kids and heads to Fal Dara so that she can get them to Min - who will presumably be able to confirm which one is the Dragon). [Note: this would be roughly in line with the books, where Moiraine contrived to get them to Baerlon and meet with Min.]


This way, the Eye can be worked into the story in a little smoother fashion than Jordan did in the books. The whole "bad guy taunts you by telegraphing his intentions" thing is one of my least favorite tropes and usually comes across as cheesy. Either Min can set them on the way to the Eye, or they can get lost in the Ways and come across it on the way to Fal Dara. Something other than: the bad guy says he wants the thing so we will try to go get the thing before him.

8 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

My theory is that Min is already in Fal Dara. I think that Moiraine and Siuan are going to have a scene in E6 where they discuss the Dragon, the EF5, and the "4 ta'veren". Siuan is going to tell Moiraine to go find Min, revealing that she is the source of the "rumors" and that she has the visions. (Or something similar to this - the key being that Moiraine scoops up the kids and heads to Fal Dara so that she can get them to Min - who will presumably be able to confirm which one is the Dragon). [Note: this would be roughly in line with the books, where Moiraine contrived to get them to Baerlon and meet with Min.]

I think it's far more logical for them to meet Min coincidentally along the way to dealing with a threat at the Eye then it is for Moiraine to intentionally take them through the Ways and that close to the Blight just to meet Min.

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4 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

I think it's far more logical for them to meet Min coincidentally along the way to dealing with a threat at the Eye then it is for Moiraine to intentionally take them through the Ways and that close to the Blight just to meet Min.

Something else is going to force them into the Ways.

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