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18 minutes ago, ArrylT said:

In case you were not already aware - the map & timeline have been updated to include up to end of Episode 5.  

Interesting that the Whitecloak camp seems much farther away from TV than I originally thought.  I suppose the WT would dominate the horizon but they certainly seemed closer.

13 minutes ago, Skipp said:

Interesting that the Whitecloak camp seems much farther away from TV than I originally thought.  I suppose the WT would dominate the horizon but they certainly seemed closer.

I'm not sure what the scale is on the map. It's almost on the other side of Dragonmount so at least several dozen miles? I guess it makes sense the WC don't camp right next to TV.

7 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

I'm not sure what the scale is on the map. It's almost on the other side of Dragonmount so at least several dozen miles? I guess it makes sense the WC don't camp right next to TV.

In the show it certainly seems they are just on the other side of the river from the city.


I only just noticed that according to the map Perrin/Egwene's route intercepts Moiraine/Lans.  This makes total sense as Valda was heading south to follow the Aes Sedai tracking Logain.  He just followed their path all the way to TV and Perrin and Egwene just bumped into them.

14 minutes ago, Skipp said:

In the show it certainly seems they are just on the other side of the river from the city.

Yes, they met the Tinkers next to TV but there's no sign of their camp, right? I might have missed it

3 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

Yes, they met the Tinkers next to TV but there's no sign of their camp, right? I might have missed it

You're right, they accosted the tinkers right next to TV and then brought Perrin and Egwene back to their camp that is some distance away from TV.  That makes the most sense.

8 hours ago, DermidAjala said:

One random thing that hit me today. Have they at all mentioned the longer lifespan of people who can channel? I wonder when that will come up. I suppose they could skip it entirely.

No they haven't iirc.  Neither have they mentioned any of the best (by book canon) benefits to becoming a warder, such as increased quickness, stamina, ability to tolerate pain, etc.  I'm pretty sure (but not 100%) that those are described in the books.

It kind of seems so far that people become warders simply to be a part of the noble "servants".  I certainly hope they rectify this.

19 hours ago, Mailman said:

Does no one find it completely unbelievable that Moiraine who has been looking for the DR for 20 years and finally thinks she has found him among 5 people makes zero effort to locate 4 of them for over a month instead opting for a funeral ride to Tar Valon, Potentially leaving the most important person to be born in 3000 years and the key to the world surviving to be hunted by fades, trollocs and any other dangers.


Add to that the incredible danger of just hoping that the 3 potential male channelers  are not discovered and gentled when they wander into Tar Valon


Its totally unbelievable crap.

Except that it is more or less what she did in the books. She went straight to Caemlyn to find Rand and Mat, and would have gone to TV had they not been there

20 hours ago, Badmaw said:

I’m not a movie producer or a writer.  I’m just a fan.  I posted my criticism.  Whether it’s taken as constructive or not is not up to me.  Put some effort into theWheel of Time world.  For example: the Children of the Light are warriors.  They’re out and about battling the Aes Sedai yet their wearing nothing that indicates they are warriors AND their white clothes are perfectly clean.  Not realistic and it doesn’t portray them as what they actually are.  They look like a group of 70’s disco patrons.  

But in the books they are also described as gleaming white and taking great care over their appearance

9 hours ago, DermidAjala said:

One random thing that hit me today. Have they at all mentioned the longer lifespan of people who can channel? I wonder when that will come up. I suppose they could skip it entirely.


no i dont think they have, however, Moraine aludes to it when she says to Nyn that the women in the tower have spent 'decades' honing their skills....


a little nugget for book readers, show watchers will have to WAFO im guessing

49 minutes ago, 2RiversFan said:

No they haven't iirc.  Neither have they mentioned any of the best (by book canon) benefits to becoming a warder, such as increased quickness, stamina, ability to tolerate pain, etc.  I'm pretty sure (but not 100%) that those are described in the books.

It kind of seems so far that people become warders simply to be a part of the noble "servants".  I certainly hope they rectify this.


Was in the shorts I think

3 hours ago, Ralph said:


Was in the shorts I think

Not in any that I've seen, and I've watched all 5 "Origin stories".  In the Warder one, they only mention Jeorom and Blademasters, no mention of the increased capabilities brought by the bond.


Does no one find it completely unbelievable that Moiraine who has been looking for the DR for 20 years and finally thinks she has found him among 5 people makes zero effort to locate 4 of them for over a month instead opting for a funeral ride to Tar Valon, Potentially leaving the most important person to be born in 3000 years and the key to the world surviving to be hunted by fades, trollocs and any other dangers.

If you are at Disney with your kids and you decide that the entrance to Cinderella's palace is where you will meet if you get separated, would you spend hours looking around the park for them or go directly to the palace entrance if separated?  If you go the entrance and they don't show up in a reasonable amount of time, then you reassess and try something else to locate them.  The show seems to be consistent with the way real people operate.


Since Moiraine trying to keep suspicions down, it would look very odd to Liandrin and the other Reds if she left the procession early to go to the WT which she rarely visits.  It screams "look at me and what I'm doing" and Liandrin is already suspicious.  We can expect Lan, even in the state that he left SL, to notice horse tracks leaving the city.  Since he didn't, the EF4 are likely on foot so the procession will get to TV as fast as they would anyway.  Getting there earlier might be nice, but not critical. 

7 hours ago, Ralph said:

Except that it is more or less what she did in the books. She went straight to Caemlyn to find Rand and Mat, and would have gone to TV had they not been there

No she did not. Just 100% not true.


After being separated she initially travels downriver to Whitebridge hoping to catch the 2 she suspected where on the river. After arriving in Whitebridge and questioning the townsfolk and establishing that Mat and Rand fled the town in the direction of Camelyn she thinks and decides to reacquire Perrin who is travelling in the wilds and then they head for Camelyn.



4 minutes ago, expat said:

If you are at Disney with your kids and you decide that the entrance to Cinderella's palace is where you will meet if you get separated, would you spend hours looking around the park for them or go directly to the palace entrance if separated?  If you go the entrance and they don't show up in a reasonable amount of time, then you reassess and try something else to locate them.  The show seems to be consistent with the way real people operate.


Since Moiraine trying to keep suspicions down, it would look very odd to Liandrin and the other Reds if she left the procession early to go to the WT which she rarely visits.  It screams "look at me and what I'm doing" and Liandrin is already suspicious.  We can expect Lan, even in the state that he left SL, to notice horse tracks leaving the city.  Since he didn't, the EF4 are likely on foot so the procession will get to TV as fast as they would anyway.  Getting there earlier might be nice, but not critical. 

That is just a ridiculous argument to make.


If you where at Disney with your kids and you new that someone was hunting them would you just go to Cinderella's Palace and wait.


As you said they where on foot she could have checked a number of things and still arrived at TV at the same time as the groups she lost.


It the same as saying you know your kids could not reach Cinderellas palace for 4 hours while you can get there in 2 hours and instead of using the 2 hours spare to try and find them you just go straight to the end anyway.


8 hours ago, Ralph said:

Except that it is more or less what she did in the books. She went straight to Caemlyn to find Rand and Mat, and would have gone to TV had they not been there

But she actually went looking for Egwene and Perin first and didn't sort of go ohh they will get to Caemlyn sooner or later..  I have commented how little she seems to care a month has passed and all or some of the people she has been searching 20 years for could be lost or dead out in the wilderness.

2 hours ago, Harad the White said:

Watched eps 1 with a newbie today who is not a fantasy fan.  It got an "I will watch more" review. The thing I noticed this time was that Moiraine being Blue got a reveal. Her clothes until then looked green and black. Suddenly she comes into a lighted scene: Blue. 


Yeah the non book reader I watched with gave the same review. 


They also caught on to a few things pretty quickly - like their clothing specified the Ajah (Red, Blue, Yellow) and that the Winternight fight showed all the different elements that an Aes Sedai could weave with the One Power.   They are currently undecided between Egwene or Rand as the DR. 

3 hours ago, Mailman said:

No she did not. Just 100% not true.


After being separated she initially travels downriver to Whitebridge hoping to catch the 2 she suspected where on the river. After arriving in Whitebridge and questioning the townsfolk and establishing that Mat and Rand fled the town in the direction of Camelyn she thinks and decides to reacquire Perrin who is travelling in the wilds and then they head for Camelyn.



True, but in the show it has been 15 days until she is Healed

1 hour ago, Mailman said:

Ive not seen it said it took 15 days to heal her.


In the time line attached to the show on Prime. Not the Healing itself, but from when they fled Shadar Logoth till Logain was captured


So I have been thinking long and hard about the decisions Rafe has been making and I think I have worked out the way he is approaching part of this. 


Steppin's story is really important in that at the end, when Rand is Fighting Moridin/the Dark Lord the last action that is taken is attempting to kill Alanna hoping the bond will drive Rand crazy and result in him repeating Lewis Therins actions. The audience need to see the result of an aes sedai dying on the warder, not as an aside but as a key story thread and this is a good place to do it, early on, while the audience are learning the rules of the world. 


I think we will find we understand the decisions Rafe is making if we assume he has started with the final battle and listed everything that has to happen in that last great battle, and then plotted how to get the characters there in that same way. He then can sit down and, using the short time he has, plot out how to write the storylines out to make all that happen, but, it also tells him what he can cut. If it isn't directly linked to the last battle then it does not need to be included. This is identical to the approach Peter Jackson took, for him the story of the Lord of the Rings is the journey of the ring from the Shire to Mount Doom, anything not related either directly to that story, or to the story of the rest of the fellowship diverting and distracting Sauron forcing him to look away from Mordor, could be cut or edited/changed. 


I might start a thread where we can list all the things that have to be in place for the last battle and the trace those story threads back directly agreeing or disagreeing what could be cut or kept. 


That's all well and good but they have 7 seasons before that is a factor for Rand, and 2-3 before its a factor for Lan. They could have spent that valuable time on the actual main characters. The way they introduced Loial was extremely rushed, and I doubt a non-book reader knows what an Ogier is, even after seeing him. Rand literally runs out of the room after they talk for 20 seconds. Did this episode really need three funerals?

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