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S1E5: Blood Calls Blood

Message added by SinisterDeath,

For discussing Season 1, Episode 5 titled "Blood Calls Blood".



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1 hour ago, Agitel said:

I gotta say, if all they've given Valda is a ter'angreal like Mat's I'm a bit disappointed. What about his other men? What if the Aes Sedai decides to hurl something at him? Forkroot/drugs would just make much more sense.

I think it was simply a matter of her weave being extremely weak. We’ve seen this sort of contempt from Ashamen when Androl tries to break a rock with a weave of fire. It just dissipates not doing any damage. 

He also seems to get that she’s not a full sister but simply a novice or less. It’s not out of character (from everything I remember) for questioners to be overly confident.

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7 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

You N&Ns never give up. When it's a weak episode you glory in the negative reviews. When it's a strong episode, you divert.

I didint see a strong episode yet... When I see it "By the Light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, I swear to not divert and give the episode its right, or may the Creator's face turn from me forever and darkness consume my soul."

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8 minutes ago, Canukistani said:

i'm sorry my request for clarification was offputting for you.

Not at all. Thought you were dismissive, but mea culpa. I looked back at the scene and could not find the flash-back, so maybe I was hallucinating. Thought I had skipped the recap at the beginning but mebe it was there.


Yes! It was in the recap. Same question, was it the same camera angle? If no one knows, my next task, if I accept it, is to look back at episode 1.

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Guest Wolfbrother31

Ok. Back on topic. 

Just finished a rewatch. 


I only saw 8 Forsaken statues. 


Pretty sure Moiraine's secret window is her spying on Nyn's room. It's a women with her back turned looking out a window in the ... Picture? 


The acting is brilliantly done. 


Still bummed/disappointed that they spent ... Over 10 minutes on Steppin (the actor did well but as a book fan - kind of pissed you cut so much for that). 


Opinion hasn't changed that this episode was a pretty major let down. 


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20 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

Looking at the ebb and flow of series, and I can hardly remember what I had for breakfast, I'm sure there were some slow, exposition-full episodes of GoT that were soon forgiven, when the breakneck speed picked up in episode, the next.

Game of Thrones had 10 episodes per season for most seasons and had a much slower pace for some of the episodes.  Lots of politics and little action in some of them.  A few boobs thrown in to spice it up.


Episode 5 of WoT may have been slower in relation to itself but it still had all the Goldeneyes/Whitcloaks scenes for action.  Other than Stepin, it was building the plot in pretty essential ways.  Plus Stepin is dead now so the breakneck pace will continue.

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some people on reddit think that the 13 Chosen has been trimmed down to 8.   With the plot points of the removed ones merged into the others that stayed.   
I'd be sad if they were but realistically, some of them were only in like 1 scene...

still i always like that the number of the 13 Chosen also matched nicely with how large a Saidar circle can be without a Saidin channeler.

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1 hour ago, Wolfbrother31 said:


I wish I could - cause it feels like losing a loved one to Alseimers (maybe that's a bit over the top) ...



This series means so much to me. I honestly don’t know how many times I’ve read/listened to the books. I like to joke with my wife (who I’ve been with for almost twenty years) that I have a longer relationship with WoT.

So, I get how important this series is to everyone and, therefore, the level of disappointment you can have. With that said, this is one of the most horrific comments I’ve read on this site. The comparison of a book to tv adaption with losing a loved one to Alzheimer’s is beyond repugnant.


Felt the need to say that.

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Personally I rate the episode right in the middle, better than 1 and 2, worse than 3 and 4.  Ultimately I really enjoyed slowing the pace down a bit.  I loved all the nods to the books.


Loial, while not looking anything like I pictured was fantastic.  They have kept him practical but making him look quite different than humans.  The actor portrayed him brilliantly and I loved that he just kept on talking while Nynaeve talks with Rand.  He was so proud of himself for finding Egwene in the Tower gardens where Rand thought she might be.


The Egwene, Perrin and Valda scenes were also top notch.  I'm glad Perrin finally got to confess to someone.  Valda is still chewing the scenery and I love it.  The wolf attack was a little subpar but I understand that it can be difficult to make look better.  It is hard to train dogs to "attack" playfully.


So happy we got a mention of the forsaken finally.  I only spied 8 statues, I posted a Picture of them in the Forsaken thread.  Made my assumptions as to which each represented.


Also someone pointed out to me that Padan Fain was in TV for 2 different scenes following Mat and Rand.  9:36/37(on the left in a doorway) and 20:27(sitting in the doorway below the balcony) I think.  Bloody beautiful and I can't believe I didn't spot him myself.

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21 minutes ago, Wolfbrother31 said:


Pretty sure Moiraine's secret window is her spying on Nyn's room. It's a women with her back turned looking out a window in the ... Picture? 

This was a bit odd to me. They played this up in the teaser and it was, from my perspective, pretty indecipherable. 

Part of me wonders if it’s a painting/picture from Siuan. Not sure what to make of it/was disappointed.

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6 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

The answer that I have been waiting for: They did not change the clip of the scene when Perrin ends his marriage. I was just surprised to notice that Laila had her axe raised to strike, and it appears the target was Perrin. Now I have to go back and agree with those who thought she was a DF. 

maybe she's not a Friend of the Dark, but just a regular person with marriage troubles.

my pet theory is she's not in love with Perrin.  She got pregnant by someone else.  Perrin loves her and married her to give her child a family.   She doesnt want to be with Perrin anymore but can't bring herself to break his heart.  Then the Trollocs attacked and once the Trolloc was killed she saw her opportunity to be rid of Perrin and blame it on the Trollocs.   

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11 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

Rafe has already dismissed this idea, he was actually surprised people thought it could be the case.

Don't care what he said. Neither do you, unless it suits your N&N purposes. Look at the scene of her behind Perrin. Let's get a freeze frame. Then I'll believe my lying eyes.


Somebody: Please freeze frame, capture image on computer, and post it. I'm sure you can do it much faster than I can, but....I will.

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So I feel sorry for Stepin - since it is unlikely he will get much love from many of us hardcore books readers.  So if you're bored and on twitter feel free to find my poem I just posted about his death.




Anyways looking forward to re-watching this episode - already from this thread think there will be, like all the previous times, things I'll enjoy picking up a 2nd time around and then a 3rd.


Appreciate all of you who've shared your comments and spotted all the lore & foreshadowing.  

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5 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

Don't care what he said. Neither do you, unless it suits your N&N purposes. Look at the scene of her behind Perrin. Let's get a freeze frame. Then I'll believe my lying eyes.

Oh the scene is definitely set up in such a way that it looks to be the case, it's apparently completely unintentional though.


Based on what Rafe said it appears they were trying to be symbolic by having Perrin cut her with the axe whilst she held the hammer to set up for that character arc of axe vs. hammer. Unfortunately their attempt to put focus on the hammer created the impression that she was trying to kill him and was a Darkfriend.

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3 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

Oh the scene is definitely set up in such a way that it looks to be the case, it's apparently completely unintentional though.


OK! Thanks for that. Then why would he be "surprised" if people thought it was exactually as it looked?


If you what you say is true, then you saved me a lot of investigative work. ?

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9 minutes ago, Harad the White said:

OK! Thanks for that. Then why would he be "surprised" if people thought it was exactually as it looked?


If you what you say is true, then you saved me a lot of investigative work.

I explained that, Rafe wanted you to look at the hammer and the symbolism of Perrin attacking with the axe, it wasn't meant to look like she was attacking him, it's just they cut it together in such a way that it unintentionally appeared she was attacking him.

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3 minutes ago, Canukistani said:

might be because some people are so focused on the trees, they don't see the Stedding

This is a crucial scene for new characters who all viewers are interested in, to the max. They see (as I see) a wife with her axe raised over her husband approaching from his back. That is not at all an appropriate position in that situation- there are no more Trollocs and the only there is already tomorrow's haggis--so what gives? If you want to discuss this more I suggest moving to the DFs thread since this is only related to Episode 5 because of the recap.

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1 minute ago, AusLeviathan said:

I explained that, Rafe wanted you to look at the hammer and the symbolism of Perrin attacking with the axe, it wasn't meant to look like she was attacking him, it's just they cut it together in such a way that it unintentionally appeared she was attacking him.

I get it. Then don't be "surprised" if people see what you "unintentionally" did. Did he put a chiron across the screen saying "UNINTENTIONAL.? Otherwise people will naturally be cornfused. 

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