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S1E1: Leavetaking


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I'd place this in second spot of the first 3. 3 being best, 1 next, then 2. 


1 suffers from trying to introduce the world in a hurried manner. But has the battle and the amazing Winespring Shotgun so its still quite good ?

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I've only watched episode one, I will watch the other 2 tomorrow. For a rushed start, and Reds being the first scene... I am underwhelmed. Hopefully it goes up from here.


Episode one spoiler 



What the actual trolloc hairs... Layla really upset me. Along with the depiction of Lan and Moiraine as an item. Arrrgh. 


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9 minutes ago, MashiraSedai said:

I've only watched episode one, I will watch the other 2 tomorrow. For a rushed start, and Reds being the first scene... I am underwhelmed. Hopefully it goes up from here.


Episode one spoiler 


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What the actual trolloc hairs... Layla really upset me. Along with the depiction of Lan and Moiraine as an item. Arrrgh. 


It gets better - and your second bit seems to give way to being deep bond by 3. So far closer to what is expected. 


I maintain the order of “best to worst” is 3,1,2 sofar. 

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Alright! Finally watched the first episode. I'm still processing. As I was watching I couldn't help but compare every detail to the books, and in that context it feels very abbreviated. I think it is growing on me after the fact. I may watch again. I need more time for my impressions to marinate, but I got up with an overall positive impression.


One last comment: Whoever thinks the colors are too bright (on a TV set to a proper color display) are smoking something, I know not what.


Oh, and one negative comment. I didn't really enjoy opening with the red Aes Sedai. But ah well.


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29 minutes ago, Agitel said:


Mat goes from being annoying to being a rogue with a heart of gold. Really it's to give him more of a character arc for the first book.


Correct. It works too. Its a departure but if handled well will make him deeper than ever. 


I say if. We are after all only three in lol. 


And Reds are… Reds. 


I think they want new viewers to distrust aes sedai as much as many ppl in the world. 


You cannot choose a more… unlikable Ajah than Red. They do have an important yet thankless job. 



be forewarned. episode two is the definition of rushed. three slows down alot and really lets characters shine. 


 Note: Im spoiler tagging these so SD doesn't flame me for speaking of future episodes in this thread. There are no actual spoilers but it is somewhat offside. I promise I'll be good SD! I wont post any more than I have ?


Edited by CaddySedai
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I am starting to question the reactions from the fan screenings at the moment, I'm wondering if they took everyone's phone just so they could steal their social media accounts.


Seriously though the editing is next level bad, $100 million and they couldn't afford someone capable? Did Rafe do it all himself?

Edited by AusLeviathan
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19 minutes ago, AusLeviathan said:

I am starting to question the reactions from the fan screenings at the moment, I'm wondering if they took everyone's phone just so they could steal their social media accounts.


Seriously though the editing is next level bad, $100 million and they couldn't afford someone capable? Did Rafe do it all himself?


Haha. Thats funny. 


It seems to improve by episode 3. I keep saying it but there is a reason. Inevitably you'll see.


I hope the curve continues to improve towards the middle and end of season. 


Dialogue and character depth really hit me hard in 3. 2 was...pretty but a disposable memory.


Note: Im spoiler tagging these so SD doesn't flame me for speaking of future episodes in this thread. There are no actual spoilers but it is somewhat offside. I promise I'll be good SD! I wont post any more than I have ?



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I'd be binging the other episodes now if my football team wasn't also playing. 


I suppose the cinematography and editing didn't really leave an impression for me. I may have been focused on other things. I didn't walk away thinking it was terrible, either.


Caddy's comments make me a bit nervous to watch the second one. I do think EotW lacks some of the inter-character drama that GRRM's AGoT had. It's very much in character heads and plot events. I love the books, and the breathing and reflecting space there is, but I do think it's hard to adapt. If it took two episodes to get to Winternight, and four to get to Shadar Logoth, and seven to get to Caemlyn (sticking strictly to the books)...


I mean, I guess it doesn't have to stretch out that much, but pacing seems like a struggle.

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Don't be afraid.... just be aware it probably would have been far better as part of episode 1, or 3.


It stands shakily at best on its own. And I am being kind.


It somehow manages to spend all its time building up towards Shadar Logoth...and then treating said event like a...blip...in time.


But we will talk more about it in the dedicated thread I am sure.


 Note: Im spoiler tagging these so SD doesn't flame me for speaking of future episodes in this thread. There are no actual spoilers but it is somewhat offside. I promise I'll be good SD! I wont post any more than I have ?


Edited by CaddySedai
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Hi everyone! 


I'm new here and don't want to step on anyone's toes, obviously.  I just posted in the "Introduce Yourself" thread so if you want to know my backstory go there.  lol


I just watched the 1st episode.... twice.   I'm kind of split on if I liked it or not.   I'm definitely ecstatic that it is finally here, so I will watch it and continue to watch it.   I agree with one of the other posters about the editing.  It felt to cut-up and not fluid, made it a little dizzying to watch (I'm speaking mostly of the Battle of Bel Tine)  Of course, I may just be an old fart and get dizzy easily.


I realize that this is an interpretation of the books, so it won't be what I imagined, but what I don't get (and I may have missed if this has been discussed before) but they missed out on what I thought was a very important character.  In other words, he wasn't there.   I'm sure if you're here, you know who I'm talking about.


One last thing about the episode I did enjoy, the scenery and the One Power effects.  I was wondering how they were going to be bringing it to life, and I thought they did an exceptional job.  Being that it is an Amazon show (I've no idea what sort of budget they had)


Ok, like I said, I'm just really really excited for this series.  And however it turns out in later episodes or whatnot, I'll still love and reread the books.


Please be gentle, I am new here ? lol

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Welcome! Glad to have you. This is what the series does - i hope...bring the community together...new and old.


Keep watching. Also do not forget the Origins shorts (they show up in xray starting in 2 and then 3. Id say wait till 3 since they appear based on episode so 3 contains all prior ones

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9 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

Welcome! Glad to have you. This is what the series does - i hope...bring the community together...new and old.


Keep watching. Also do not forget the Origins shorts (they show up in xray starting in 2 and then 3. Id say wait till 3 since they appear based on episode so 3 contains all prior ones

What’s Origin shorts?

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Things I'd missed or wasn't sure of in my early viewing that I caught this time:

  • The dead sheep in the shape of the Dragon's fang. Awesome
  • I didn't notice there were 2 Trollocs in the scene with Perrin and his wife which makes what happens a bit more understandable in terms of why he swung.
  • Fain just swaggering away with a grin on his face. Perfect.
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@KnightWhoSaysNiSo when you are on episode 3. Open x-ray. You do this by:


On app - tapping the screen.

On PC - mouse over screen

on fire stick and tv app - up button on remote.


Go to bonus content.


There are three animated shorts with more to come as part of Wheel of Time Origins.

Edited by CaddySedai
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16 minutes ago, KnightWhoSaysNi said:

I realize that this is an interpretation of the books, so it won't be what I imagined, but what I don't get (and I may have missed if this has been discussed before) but they missed out on what I thought was a very important character.  In other words, he wasn't there.   I'm sure if you're here, you know who I'm talking about.


Yeah, the ep wasn't as gleeful as it could have been. ? Maybe soon we'll come across some glee, man!



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1 minute ago, KnightWhoSaysNi said:

What’s Origin shorts?


Prime Video has a bonus feature called X-Ray. Press "up" on your remote and you can see it as an option. It allows you to look at the cast, view trivia, select scenes, and more. There are lore-drop shorts in the bonus features here, too. Those are the Origin shorts. The bonus shorts aren't showing on my old television (I'll have to try it on a newer one later), but I found it easily on my phone.

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4 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

@KnightWhoSaysNiSo when you are on episode 3. Open x-ray. You do this by:


On app - tapping the screen.

On PC - mouse over screen

on fire stick and tv app - up button on remote.


Go to bonus content.


There are three animated shorts with more to come as part of Wheel of Time Origins.

Cool!!!   Thanks! I’ll definitely check those out!

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6 minutes ago, themann1086 said:

Things I'd missed or wasn't sure of in my early viewing that I caught this time:

  • The dead sheep in the shape of the Dragon's fang. Awesome
  • I didn't notice there were 2 Trollocs in the scene with Perrin and his wife which makes what happens a bit more understandable in terms of why he swung.
  • Fain just swaggering away with a grin on his face. Perfect.

Agree with everything you said.   I, too, missed the sheep part.  Was like “aaack”.  Had to pause and explain to my g/f what that symbolizes.   And Fain (thought his character was perfect) sauntering off was also just perfect ?? 

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Thoughts in no particular order….


Well the acting is top notch. I like everyone. And Padan Fain is perfect. 


The music is basically just mood stuff but it works. Title sequence? What title sequence?


The writing was very effective. The stuff they added works. The stuff they changed works. Except for “the big change” which I still contend is asinine. 


Yeah the village was a little too clean and bright and fakey in spots. Just a few. Not too bad. 

Winternight looked great. Trollocs mostly kickass and seldom cheesy.

The “Leavetaking” at the end was too rushed and pretty awful. Maybe it was the music. I don’t know. That part was off. Really it was the only part in the whole episode that fell flat. 

I’m on board. 

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The first episode certainly feels rushed.  I would love to see the extended version as I am sure there was a boat load cut. 


All of the actors have been spot on but surprisingly Padan Fain takes the freaking cake.  Absolutely perfect in his short role.


Some of the editing was a bit off, especially during the start of the Winternight attack.  I think they were going for civilian panic as it calmed down once Moiraine and Lan showed up.


Cannot wait to see the rest.

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