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@Starrik !! @Zander? !! @The Bard Babe !!


all of you making me grin and filling my ❤️ ❤️ ?


So good to see you aaaaaallll 


I love it how we oldies always seem to pop in for visits in little droves ...


Starrik, I was super stoked to see you too! Actually smashed that message out in a happy rush on the way to a job ...

Awesome for Canada! 


ZZZZZZZZ ! We need a catchup at some point after I've had some sleep lllollllol xo


BB - at least one of is is still in Brisvegas, right?


(We're coming up on 7 years in Snowy Mointains! ? )


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55 minutes ago, Cass said:

@Starrik !! @Zander? !! @The Bard Babe !!


all of you making me grin and filling my ❤️ ❤️ ?


So good to see you aaaaaallll 


I love it how we oldies always seem to pop in for visits in little droves ...


Starrik, I was super stoked to see you too! Actually smashed that message out in a happy rush on the way to a job ...

Awesome for Canada! 


ZZZZZZZZ ! We need a catchup at some point after I've had some sleep lllollllol xo


BB - at least one of is is still in Brisvegas, right?


(We're coming up on 7 years in Snowy Mointains! ? )



Missed u too!!!!!!  The only human with more WIM then me... Lololololol 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eeeee!! So you're ER based, Shiny Knight??


Work here is myehhhh thanks to Delta strain busting our otherwise relatively low Covid existence... things don't seem to have quietened much though like they normally do in 'disasters'... the full PPE on jobs is / interesting/ though. 


Other than that, life is good! Have given away study for the time being and am just enjoying the fam and gradually-warmer outdoors whenever we can instead!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, sorry if this is a bit random. Is this the right place to introduce myself? I used to be on this forum before and think I even joined the Band years ago but stuff happened and I kinda forgot about this place. Anyway I was doing a re-read of WoT during lockdown and that inspired me to start making my own ashandarei so I've been learning how to do that for a little while now. Then I looked at one of my old email addresses and realised I was still getting emails from Dragonmount and remembered this place, so I thought I'd say hi, and I guess now I've just done that.  

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8 hours ago, Cass said:

Welcome back!


This is as fine a place to post as any - just saw your ashanderei on the intro thread and ?


Wow!! It looks amazing! Hope long have you been working on it?

Hi thanks ?


I've been working on it for about 18 months, but that's mainly because I've never made a prop before and so I was basically learning how to do a lot of stuff as I went. I originally tried to make it out of foam because I saw a vid on Youtube where someone did that but unfortunately I'm not skillful enough for that so I decided to 3d print it, but then I had to learn how to do 3d printing. Engraving the old tongue text on the shaft was the hardest part so far. My hand was numb for about a week afterwards from the vibrations of the dremel ? Still not completely finished yet but I have the end in sight. I'm already thinking about what I might make next

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On 9/30/2021 at 3:56 PM, SingleMort said:

Hi there, sorry if this is a bit random. Is this the right place to introduce myself? I used to be on this forum before and think I even joined the Band years ago but stuff happened and I kinda forgot about this place. Anyway I was doing a re-read of WoT during lockdown and that inspired me to start making my own ashandarei so I've been learning how to do that for a little while now. Then I looked at one of my old email addresses and realised I was still getting emails from Dragonmount and remembered this place, so I thought I'd say hi, and I guess now I've just done that.  


Welcome back.... I want a real ashandarei...... But pretty sure I'd hurt myself or someone else... Lolololol 

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13 hours ago, Zander? said:


Welcome back.... I want a real ashandarei...... But pretty sure I'd hurt myself or someone else... Lolololol 

Lol might be a bit tough to make a real one unless you know how to work metal or were willing to pay silly money for someone who knows smithing to make one. Even then you probably wouldn't be able to take it anywhere that has security for obvious reasons. Still would be cool to hold one I imagine...?

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  • 4 weeks later...
17 hours ago, Talya said:

Ehmm…hello, not sure if anyone around I know but Hi


Greetings, I'm afraid I don't know you, but if you are worried about strangers fear not! I promise I have had all my vaccinations and been properly de-wormed and neutered, also it's been years since I bit my last postman ?

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42 minutes ago, Talya said:

Glad to see they won’t people now a days…it’s been a while since I popped by the this place…is the Infantry still going? 

Heya stranger!!!!- How ya been?!?!!?


Everywhere here is pretty much dead....lolololol


Nice to see another Inf member tho!!!!!

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